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All Too Late

Chapter 407
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Chapter 407

Tentative Still, there was reaction from Samuel. Kathleen sighed and poked his face with her finger.

“You’ve fallen into a coma because you thought I was dead, right? But now, I’m right in front of you.

Why won’t you open your eyes and look at me?” He’s such a headache!

She lost her patience soon.

“I’m ignoring you! I have a lot of things to do, and I don’t have time to keep you company.

If you don’t wake up soon, I’ll leave you here, and you’ll be all alone!”

After a few moments, she still received no response.

“Samuel, please wake up.

Let’s fall into a deep slumber together after we die, but not now.

You have to wake up, okay?” Kathleen took his hand and pressed it against her face, her voice


What should I do if you stay in a coma forever?

Samuel remained motionless.

The only noise that echoed in the room was his breathing.

She blinked her moist eyes and fumed, “D*mn you, Samuel.

I’m going to leave you here!” Upon finishing her sentence, she turned to leave and went to her


Her things had just been moved into the room. She took two of her medical books before going to look

for Zion, who had just returned from his walk around the manor. “Kathleen, this manor is huge.

I’ve been walking forever, yet I haven’t even toured half of it.” He wiped the sweat on his forehead. “You

should take care of your health.

Don’t think you’re fine now and tire yourself out.” Kathleen handed him the medical books and

continued, “Read these two books and memorize the contents.

I’ll give you a spot test a few days later.

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If you fail to memorize the points, I won’t accept you as my apprentice.”

Zion held the books in his arms like they were the most precious treasure in the world.

“Don’t worry.

I have a sharp memory.

Just give me a week, and I’ll memorize everything like the back of my hand.” Kathleen chuckled.

“Stop bluffing.

A week? These two books may not look thick, but I bet you’d at least need a month.” “I’ll prove it to you

then!” Zion was determined. “Fine,” she replied indifferently. “Where are you going?” he asked

curiously. “I’m going to check on Yareli.” “I’ll go with you!” He caught up with her. “Why are you tagging

along?” She looked at him in surprise. “I want to watch how you treat patients.” “I’m just like any other


The only thing different about me is that I excel at both traditional and modern medicine.

I’m not that impressive,” she said wryly. Does he think I have a special way to treat my patients? As

they talked, they reached Yareli’s ward.

It was one of the rooms that was situated on the first floor. Florinia Manor was huge, with around a

dozen rooms on the first floor. Thus, Kathleen transformed some of the rooms on the first floor into her

office and wards. Yareli lay motionless on her sickbed. Kathleen checked her pulse with a solemn

expression before examining her eyes and body. Zion imitated her and felt Yareli’s pulse, too. Kathleen

lifted her eyebrow.

“Well? What do you think?” “Her pulse is weak.

I can’t feel anything at times,” he uttered with a frown, unsure whether his observation was accurate or

not. “That’s a sign of poisoning.” As she spoke, she took a scroll out and spread it open, revealing a

row of silver needles. She took one of the silver needles and jabbed it in between the thumb and

forefinger of Yareli’s right hand. Moments later, a bulge appeared on Yareli’s abdomen which began

moving. When Zion saw that, he felt goosebumps all over his skin.

“What is that?” “That’s just a parasite.

Don’t make a huge fuss.” She glanced at him. “Oh.” He tried his best to stay calm. Although he knew

about parasites, that was the first time he ever saw one in real life. After Kathleen removed the silver

needle, the bulge in Yareli’s abdomen disappeared. Zion queried in shock, “Kathleen, is this the reason

she remains unconscious?” “Yes.

I have to find a way to get rid of the parasitic worm.” She nodded. He asked curiously, “Is it

challenging?” “I don’t know much about parasites.

I only learned some from Theodore when I was with him,” she replied. “Should we call Grandpa and

ask him?” Kathleen handed Zion her phone.

“You could try and see if the call goes through.” He took the phone and dialed Theodore’s number, only

to find out that the number no longer existed. Ashe listened to the robotic voice on the other end of the

line stating that it was an invalid number, he was dumbfounded.

“What’s going on?” Kathleen took the phone from him.

“He disappeared, of course.

You didn’t know, right? The entire Axe worth Corporation now belongs to Lauren.” “Will Grandpa be

fine?” He was worried. She responded apathetically, “He’s assly as a fox.

Why wouldn’t he be fine? No news is good news.

Don’t worry.” “You don’t seem to care about him at all,” Zion said with a faint voice. “Why should I care?

Not only did he try to save you in exchange for my daughter’s life, but he also tried to kill me.” She

arched an eyebrow. A sheepish look appeared on Zion’s face as he decided that he should just shut

up. Kathleen took her phone and dialed another number. After two rings, an alluring voice sounded on

the other end. “I didn’t expect you to call me again.” Lauren’s tone brought with it a hint of amusement.

“I’m calling to congratulate you.

You’ve finally gotten what you wanted.” Kathleen spoke coldly. “Hmph! Save all the hypocrisy.” Lauren

snorted. “I’m curious, Lauren.

Why didn’t you announce to the world after you’ve gotten Axe worth Corporation all to yourself?”

Kathleen asked while wearing a half-smile. “That’s none of your business!” Lauren replied furiously.

“Let me guess.

All you got is an empty shell, right?” asked Kathleen tentatively. Lauren merely snorted in response. As

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she did not deny it, Kathleen knew that her guess was right. “Were you the one who saved Nicolette?

Did you give her the parasitic worm?” Kathleen went back to the main topic. Lauren was silent.

“Lauren, you might not know much, but you excel in the field of parasitic worms.

On the other hand, Nicolette knows nothing about parasitic worms.

You were the one who gave her the parasitic worm so she could implant it in Yareli’s body, right?”

Lauren let out an evil chuckle.

“So what if I did? I’m in the business.

If you want to save Yareli, that’s fine.

Give me money or something else I want, and I will give you the antidote.”

“Did you forget about something, Lauren? A person can only be implanted with one kind of parasite in

their body.

Nicolette implanted a parasitic worm in Yareli’s body.

So, what about the female lovebug that was previously in her body? What is it really?” asked Kathleen

with an unfathomable tone.

Lauren fell silent again. Kathleen continued, “The male and female lovebug are the most powerful


The other parasites are no match for them.

However, the parasite you gave Nicolette was able to overtake the female lovebug in Yareli’s body.

Does that mean the female lovebug in Yareli’s body was a fake?”


Beep. Kathleen was speechless when she realized Lauren had hung up. Zion overheard the whole


“Is she embarrassed because you exposed her?” Kathleen put her phone away.

“Yeah.” “I didn’t expect the main reason you called her was to ask her about the female lovebug.

She thought you called her because you want to save Yareli,” he uttered.

Initially, he believed that was the case. Kathleen glanced at Yareli.