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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23

“Ms. Fleur! Welcome,” a staff at La Merveille Boutique greeted Madeline with a big smile,

“Ms. Elise has been expecting you. Please follow me.”

The staff led Madeline upstairs to the designer’s studio. Elise Lambert shrieked with

excitement at the sight of Madeline. “Maddie, ma chérie! I miss you so much. You’re finally


Elise gave Madeline a big hug and kissed her on the cheeks. Madeline was not used to the

French greeting and lifted a nervous smile. “Hey, Elise. What’s up?”

“You’ve become distant, Maddie,” Elise looked dejected, “Are we not best friends

anymore?” Madeline let out a sigh and said, “What do you want, Elise?”

“Fine, I know you love me no matter what,” Elise beamed and continued, “I asked you

here because someone wanted to buy Mirabelle. Yes, the wedding dress you designed.

Guess who?”

“I have no idea,” Madeline shrugged. Elise lowered her voice, “Angie Grant! I know you

don’t like her.”

Madeline was startled. She didn’t expect Angie to act so soon on her plan to marry Noah.

“I don’t care. Sell it to her if she wants it.”

“Are you okay, Maddie?” Elise raised an eyebrow, “You designed the dress, and you are

going to let your enemy wear it? If you’re strapped for cash, tell me. You don’t have to sell

it to her.”

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“I mean, sell it to her if she wants it badly enough,” Madeline added, “If she can triple the

selling price and make full cash payment by today, she can have Mirabelle by tomorrow


Madeline got herself and Elise glasses of water and sat down. Elise was impressed by

Madeline’s plan. “Either way, we are making her pay. Maddie, you’re a genius!”

“I’ll leave the negotiation to you,” said Madeline. Elise nodded, “No problem! I like the

plan, but are you sure you want to let Angie wear the wedding dress you designed for

yourself and marry the man you love? I would be heartbroken if I were you, Maddie.”

Elise and Madeline had been best friends since high school; Elise was shattered when she

got to know Madeline passed away. She was shocked when Madeline contacted her three

years ago. Not only was Madeline not dead, but she had also become a famous fashion

designer under the alias Fleur.

Madeline told Elise what happened after she returned, and Elise felt sorry for her best

friend. Although Madeline was different now, Elise was worried because the Madeline she

used to know loved Noah with all her heart and would do anything for him.

“Don’t worry about me,” Madeline said nonchalantly, “I don’t think Angie will have the

chance to wear the wedding dress, and I’m over Noah now.”

Madeline was leaving La Merveille Boutique when Angie entered the shop. Angie seemed

to be in a good mood, and she didn’t even notice Madeline passing by. Madeline got into

the car parked across the street and watched the shop silently.

“Ms. Madeline, what are we looking for?” Albert asked. Madeline smirked, “Wait for it.”

She felt her cell phone buzzing and saw a notification that she had received 900,000

dollars in her bank account. She was amazed at how much Angie was willing to spend on

her wedding with Noah. She didn’t even know the Grant family had so much money to


Madeline thought about her life with the Grant family and her heart sank. She had to work

part-time during college to support herself, while Angie had all her expenses covered by

the family. At the time, Madeline didn’t find it unfair; she was even worried she had

burdened the family. How naive I was!

When Angie got to know Fleur was willing to sell her the wedding dress said to be

designed for the famous fashion designer’s own wedding, she was over the moon. As long

as she could be the prettiest bride worthy of Noah’s love at her dream wedding, Angie

would pay whatever it took.

“Merci, Ms. Angie,” Elise beamed at Angie, “Your wedding dress will be air-flown to you,

and you should expect to receive it tomorrow night. I’ll get someone to send it to your


“Great! Send the dress to the Quincy residence, will you?” Angie smiled. “Here’s the


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“Of course! Mr. Quincy and you are getting married soon after all,” Elise said in a

lighthearted tone, “I’ve never seen a more beautiful couple than you two. You’re a match

made in heaven!”

Angie was overjoyed. She bought a few other pricey items at the boutique before leaving.

She didn’t mind splurging on what made her happy. Now with Colton on her side, she was

confident she would be marrying Noah soon.

She was about to leave the shop, smiling from ear to ear, when Noah entered. Angie was

pleasantly surprised. She immediately walked to him and wanted to hug him, but was

intimidated by his fierce look.

Instead of hugging him, she cautiously tugged at his sleeve and said softly, “Noah, are you

here to fetch me home?” Noah scowled at her. He couldn’t believe Angie was the culprit.

“Why are you here?” Noah asked in a menacing tone. Angie blushed and said, “I’m here to

get a wedding dress for our engagement soon.”

Noah was annoyed. He pressed on, “Have you seen anyone else entering this shop?”

Angie shook her head, “No, I’m a VIP here, so I’m the only customer they serve during my

session. Since you’re here, why don’t you try on the suit I’ve ordered for you?”

Ignoring her suggestion, Noah turned toward Wayne, “Check the CCTV recording.” Wayne

nodded and went to talk with the staff at La Merveille Boutique.

“Is there something wrong?” Angie asked. Noah glared at her and said, “The CCTV at the

cemetery has been restored. Ronald Klish was the man who kidnapped Colt.”