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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 20
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#20 “I Wonder Who His Date Is.”

This year, the esteemed Crystal Chateau Ballroom plays host to the highly anticipated annual charity

gala organized by Emily’s illustrious family. Emily’s mother, Barbara, a respected figure in the banking

world, and her father, Daniel, a distinguished senator, have long been recognized as pillars of

philanthropy in the community.

Their decision to select the Crystal Chateau Ballroom as the venue reflects their tireless commitment to

hosting events of unparalleled grandeur reserved exclusively for the crème de la crème of society. The

ballroom’s reputation as a haven of luxury and refinement aligns seamlessly with the esteemed status

of the distinguished guests in attendance.

As Emily and Alexander make their grand entrance, the sudden hush at various tables rippled across

the room like a gentle wave, drawing everyone’s attention to a couple making their entrance.

“That’s Alexander Stone,” murmured a man in awe, his voice barely audible above the murmur of the


Alexander Stone, a man of undeniable charm and charisma, commanded an air of authority and was

instantly recognized by many, and some stood to greet him. Others acknowledged his prominent status

as the CEO of Stone Enterprises, their reverence evident in their hushed tones.

However, it was the woman gracefully adorning Alexander’s arm who captured the imagination of the

onlookers, drawing curious gazes and stirring whispers of curiosity.

“Who is that with him?” questioned several women, their voices tinged with a hint of envy, their eyes

intently fixed on the mysterious lady.

“I wonder who his date is,” pondered others, their intrigue palpable. “She must be someone important,”

speculated one of them. “Perhaps a business associate or a socialite,” chimed in another.

Emily basks in the intoxicating awareness that every eye in the room is fixated upon her. The whispers

of intrigue and curiosity that envelop her and Alexander serve as sweet melodies to her ears, fueling

her sense of superiority.

“All eyes are on me,” Emily thinks. With a self-assured smirk, she lifts her gaze, locking eyes with

Alexander, his striking green eyes meeting hers. In that decisive moment, a torrent of unwavering

confidence surges through her veins; Emily knows it is just a matter of time before Alexander Stone will

be hers!

Emily gracefully links her arm with Alexander’s, guiding him towards her family’s table, strategically

positioned at the heart of the ballroom. Draped in her exquisite E.STOTT Silk Sadie Gown, she revels

in the admiring gazes and whispered conversations that swirl around them as they travel the room.

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“Emily,” Barbara warmly greets the couple as they take their seats at the lavishly adorned table, “and

Alexander. We are absolutely ecstatic that you could join us tonight.”

“Emily, I was just telling Margary here, “Barbara says, her eyes sparkling with excitement, “that we are

in for an extraordinary treat tonight. The last composition of the European music maestro, Marcus

Paus, will be performed for us for the first time by one of his most talented students, specially flown in

from London!”

Emily’s face lights up; her pride is evident as she acknowledges her mother’s words. “How splendid,

Mom! It promises to be a truly unforgettable evening.”

“Emily, there are several people I need to introduce you to before the performance begins,” Barbara

says, leading Emily away from the table.

“Mother, I would really much rather sit and chat with Alexander,” Emily replies.

“Of course, you would,” Barabra answers, looking back at Alexander. He has made his way to the bar

and appears to be in a serious conversation with another businessman.

Scrutinizing at her daughter clicks her tongue, “However, one would have thought that you would have

chosen a more appropriate dress for this evening.

“What are you talking about, Mother?” Emily asks, horrified. “This is an E.STOTT!”

Barbara pulls Emily closer, “I don’t care if it is a hand-stiched Brunello Cucinelli. This dress does

nothing for your figure. We discussed this. How can you hook Alexander with this appearance?”

With her natural charisma, Barbara effortlessly guides her daughter through the crowd. As they

approach a table, Emily’s irritation with her mother rises. “This is my daughter, Emily,” Barbara

introduces to a table. “She is escorted tonight by Mr. Alexander Stone.”

“Mr. Stone?” an older woman, dripping in diamonds, replies from the table. I met him at a gala a few

months ago. Simply charming man!”

Daniel appears behind the woman and gently clears his throat. Emily feels a moment of reprieve,

hoping her father will take her back to their table and Alexander.

Instead, Daniel says to the overly- jeweled woman, “We have a real treat tonight. In addition to some

fantastic performances, Emily will also perform a violin solo before the finale.”

Emily smiles, acknowledging her father’s compliment. Barbara turns and smiles at Emily. Quietly she

whispers to her daughter, “Don’t you dare mess it up!”

Unbeknownst to Emily, whispers float through the air, carried by the questioning guests. “She only got

the opportunity to perform because of her parents’

influence,” murmured one guest, while another commented, “It must be nice to have everything handed

to you.”

However, amidst the mixed opinions, a sudden hush fell over the ballroom, drawing everyone’s

attention to the entrance. All eyes turned toward the couple who had just arrived, their presence

commanding the spotlight.

The man exudes timeless charm and undeniable magnetism, dressed in a meticulously tailored Kiton

tuxedo. His captivating brown eyes hold a magnetic allure, perfectly complementing his impeccable

style and poised demeanor. Yet, the woman by his side truly enchanted the room.

Radiating ethereal beauty, her blue eyes shimmered like the clearest sapphire, emanating an air of

mystery. Luxurious waves of blonde hair cascaded around her face, lending an otherworldly glow to her

features. Each strand carries a touch of sunlight, infusing her with warmth and vitality. The sleek

elegance of her Dolce& Gabbana Crystal Mesh Slip gown accentuated her every curve, embracing her

with subtle elegance. A delicate Cartier necklace adorned with shimmering diamonds graced her

collarbone, catching the light and reflecting her inner luminosity radiantly.

“Why does she always show up and steal my spotlight?” Internally, Emily couldn’t help but feel a pang

of frustration. She thought, grappling with a sense of inferiority.

As Benjamin and Sophia approached where the Williams’ are gathered, Barbara greets them with an

air of flattering enthusiasm, her words dripping with an artificial warmth.

“Ah, Benjamin Thompson, it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you finally,” she exclaimed, her tone loaded

with approval. “I’ve heard of your remarkable entrepreneurial prowess that has taken Europe by storm.”

“Well, thank you, Mrs. Williams, ” Benjamin replies. He can sense Sophia’s uncomfortableness and

tries to move past the family.

Turning her attention to Sophia, Barbara maintains her outwardly warm demeanor, yet her eyes are

hard. “And you, my dear Sophia Johnson,” she persists, “Emily has spoken quite highly of you.”

A momentary smile plays on Barbara’s lips, concealing her underlying unease. She knows that Sophia

is one of the primary obstacles standing between Emily and Alexander’s relationship.

“We’re seated at table 8,” Sophia announced with a gentle smile, nudging Benjamin playfully away from

the Williams.

Barbra’s eyes light up with delight upon hearing the news. “Wonderful! We’re at the same table. Follow

us,” she exclaimed, leading the way through the lavishly decorated ballroom.

As they reach the table, Benjamin and Sophia take their seats first, positioning themselves next to each


While catching a glimpse of Alexander, Emily hastily moves to secure the seat on the other side of

Sophia. However, her attempt proves futile as Alexander swiftly strides over and settles down next to

Sophia, his presence eliciting a noticeable tension.

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Sensing Alexander’s arrival, Sophia turns her body slightly, positioning herself with her back turned to

him. Her dislike for him was undisguised and hung palpably in the air.

Alexander, clearly bothered by Sophia’s open animosity, let out a frustrated sigh, unable to ignore the

subtle snub. He glares at Benjamin over Sophia’s shoulder and places his hand on hers.

“Ms. Johnson, we keep running into each other,” Alexander croons. As Sophia continues to ignore him,

Alexander’s voice grows in intensity. “I was hoping I would run into you here tonight.”

Sophia turns to Alexander, her eyes filled with impatience. She quickly removes his hand from the top

of hers and whispers something in Benjamin’s ear in a low voice, prompting them to switch seats. Now

situated next to Alexander, Benjamin couldn’t help but inject a touch of amusement into the situation.

“My, my, my, we do seem to keep ending up in the same place, Mr. Stone, “he greets with a sly grin.

Clearly irritated by the seat change, Alexander grumbles in response, “Yes, we do, Mr. Thompson. I

was hoping to sit next to Ms. Johnson.” Alexander leans back in his chair, allowing his size and

presence to fill the space around him.

After reveling in the opportunity to provoke Alexander, Benjamin retorts, Ah, yes, I’m sure you were.

But when a lady requests a change of seats, one must oblige, don’t you think?”

Alexander’s gaze shifts past Benjamin to Sophia, who holds her head high, radiating timeless beauty

as she engages in an effortless conversation with the woman beside her. Her sapphire-blue eyes

shimmer like stars in the night sky, and her golden locks exude a glowing luminosity, making her a

vision of captivating elegance.

“A vision that this man does not deserve on his arm,” Alexander thinks, his jealousy simmering beneath

the surface.

Benjamin leans slightly forward, observing Alexander’s lingering gaze on Sophia, purposefully

obstructing his view. This man had caused Sophia so much pain with their divorce, and Benjamin was

determined not to let history repeat itself.

“Emily certainly looks lovely this evening,” Benjamin breaks the silence, attempting to divert

Alexander’s attention. Alexander’s response is curt but filled with a hint of agreement, “Yes, she does.”

Benjamin, aware that Alexander’s focus is still on Sophia, makes a final declaration, “I suggest you

keep your eyes and your thoughts on the woman you came here with, Mr. Stone. I would hate for

people to discover your real truth.” Benjamin turns to Sophia, caressing the nape of her neck, and

begins conversing with others.

Alexander was infuriated by this apparent provocation. Driven by anger, he clenched his jaw and stared

at the man in front of him who was deliberately provoking him.