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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

After hearing it, Estrella’s face immediately soured at the mention of a breakup. “Breakup? For heaven's sake, |

haven't been out with another guy, so who's he breaking up with?”

Thomas offered a theory, “Maybe his heartache’s not about you”

Estrella paused, thinking back to how Jason had been coming hevery single night, regardless of the hour. It

seemed he had taken a hit to the ego; someone had given him the cold shoulder. No wonder he had been

moping around with a face like thunder.

With arms crossed tightly over her chest, Estrella glanced down at Jason and, in a swift motion, kicked him.

“Estrella, cut it out!” Thomas intervened hastily “Don’t go breaking Jason. I'll be the one blamed for it, accused

of being the kicker.”

Then he added, “Ella, givea hand, will ya? | can’t lift him by myself.”

Estrella scoffed, “Lift him yourself. It's a miracle | haven't chucked him out already, considering his darling isn’t

even me.”

As Estrella finished speaking, Jason tried to heave himself up from the couch but promptly plopped back down.

Themas let out a sigh. “He's been feeling down for days. My friend said it’s classic heartbreak blues, and | reckon

he’s hit the nail on the head.”

Estrella snorted derisively. Heartbreak? Jason was really moving up in the world. Whether it was Serene or some

old flhe couldn't shake, Estrella didn’t care to ponder anymore. It definitely wasn’t her.

“Where's Serene? Have they been together these past few days?” Estrella inquired.

“Haven't seen her. They probably had a spat, which is why Jason's been down in the dumps. Who knows when

he’ll snap out of it. I've never seen him like this,” Thomas explained.

Listening to Thomas, Estrella withdrew her gaze coldly and pulled out her phone to call Serene. “Serene, get

yourself over to Sandalwood Oasis.” Without waiting for a reply, Estrella hung up.

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Thomas was puzzled. “Ella, why are you dragging Serene over here?” He had brought Jason back to Sandalwood

Oasis to create an opportunity for the two of them, but she seemed oblivious to it.

Estrella tossed her phone aside and spoke with cool detachment, “I can’t sober Jason up, and | sure as heck can’t

untangle his heartaches.”

Thomas pushed further, “Then in this situation, you should be more careful. You really done with Jason?”


Chapter 35

Estrella smirked, “If his heart's not in this house, no safeguarding will help. Besides, adversity breeds romance.

The more | interfere, the deeper they'll fall. And honestly, after all these years, I'm tired of interfering. Let them

sort it out. Jason can make his own choices.”

As Estrella’s words hung in the air, a drunken Jason mumbled something

incomprehensible. Estrella didn’t catch it and turned to look at Thomas. He translated, “Serene, Jason's looking

for Serene.”

Hearing this, Estrella let out a mocking laugh. What devotion! When Jason sobered up tomorrow, he'd surely

have a heartfelt “thank you” for Thomas’ assistance.

Half an hour later, Serene arrived in a flurry, clad in pajamas and slippers, asking anxiously, “Estrella, what's

wrong with Jason?”

Serene’s urgent appearance made Estrella suddenly feel superfluous. Glancing at Jason, she said, “Jason’s had

too much to drink. Thomas thinks it’s because of you. Sort it out.” Serene’s face fell. “Estrella, could there be

smisunderstanding here?”

“I'm heading upstairs. If you need help, call Marie,” Estrella said as she left them to it.

As Estrella ascended the stairs, Thomas couldn't help but admire her. Such magnanimity was something he

couldn't rival even with all his masculinity.

Estrella was such a fine wife, but Jason didn’t know how to cherish her. What more could he want? She deserved

a national award for best spouse.

After Estrella’s departure, Thomas looked back at Jason and caught Serene’s eye.

Serene was at a loss for words, so Thomas offered, “I'll help you get Jason to the


Serene snapped back to reality. “Yes, please.”

At the end of the hallway, Estrella laid awake in the second bedroom. She rarely suffered from insomnia. Life

couldn’t go on like this. She couldn't always watch Jason in a passionate tangle with someone else.

Whether she’d ever beca mother, she had done all she could. If it wasn’t in her cards, she'd have to accept


This was the first tshe had seen him so helplessly drunk. If it wasn’t for an overwhelming love, an inability to

let go, he wouldn't be tormenting himself like this. His devotion exhausted her. She felt utterly powerless.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom, Serene stayed awake all night by Jason's side. Every breath of air, every

object, carried Jason's scent. To Serene, it all felt like a dream. If not for tonight's mishap, she might never have

stepped foot in Sandalwood Oasis, never have watched over Jason like this.



Chapter 35

“Jason,” she whispered tenderly. Her hand was resting lightly on his forehead, and her voice was filled with

gentle satisfaction.

Estrella and Thomas had claimed Jason's drunken state was because of her. She clutched his hand tightly. Her

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eyes shone brightly with hope.

The next day, Jason awoke with a pounding headache and a throat as dry as a bone. He felt terrible all over,

barely remembering being helped into a car by Thomas and having a vague dream about Estrella.

“Jason, you're awake!” Serene rushed to assist him. Her voice tinkled like a bell. “Does your head hurt a lot?”

Jason's expression flickered with annoyance at her voice. Realizing he was in his bedroom and Serene was

holding his hand, he quickly withdrew it. “How did you get in here?”

Serene’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she watched Jason retract his hand. She rubbed her hands

nervously against her jeans and explained,

You had a bit too much to drink last night, and Estrella calledto cover and take care of you.”

Jason's lips drained of color. Was Estrella being too open-minded?

Seeing the change in Jason's expression, Serene asked with concern, “Jason, are your feeling alright?”

“Ill have my driver drive you home,” Jason replied. His voice was deep and chilling, cutting through the silence

like a blade in the night, seizing her breath away.

Serene had stayed up all night to look after him, barely blinking an eye, but now he woke up, and his first move

was to send her away with the driver. How was she supposed to face Estrella after this? Where would she put her


Swallowing hard, Serene managed a forced smile. “I'll go after you've had breakfast.”

Jason ignored her and picked up his phone from the table, dialing the driver's number without giving her another


With her hands clenched into fists, Serene pondered how many more years it would take to get even a step

closer to him, to make him care for her, even just a little. She wanted to ask Jason something - anything - but

the courage failed her. She resigned herself to leave Sandalwood Oasis as he wished.

No sooner had Serene left the master bedroom than Jason strode down the hallway to the room at the end.