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You Hit My Heart by Kylie Stanford

Chapter 1945
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Chapter 1945: Heavy Heart

The next day.

Alisha was exceptionally excited, waking up early and changing into a beautiful dress.

Anderson, on the other hand, got up on tas usual.

Cecelia braided two plaits for Alisha and dressed her up.

Today was the first day that Anderson and Alisha were returning to school together. It was nothing out of the ordinary for Anderson,

but for Alisha, it was her first tstepping into school, and her excitement was palpable.

Breakfast was eaten quickly, and Alisha was already eager to leave.

She checked her backpack over and over again.

"Brother, do you see if there's anything else we need to bring? You brought a laptop, should | bring one too?" Alisha asked.

"You don't need to, just go to school. You need to adapt to the environment first," Anderson said, glancing upstairs, where neither

dad nor mom had gotten up today.

Before leaving, he told Cecelia, "Grandma, wait for me, I'm going to check upstairs."

And with that, he quickly ran off.

"Hey, let them sleep a bit longer," Cecelia said. But Anderson was already gone.

Anderson ran upstairs sneakily, pushed open the door, only to find that neither dad nor mom was in the room.

Perplexed, he wondered why they weren't downstairs if they weren't sleeping in the room.

He looked around and noticed that the study's door was open, so he headed towards the study.

Upon pushing open the study's door, Luther noticed Anderson coming in and immediately made a "shh" gesture.

Anderson halted in his tracks and tiptoed inside.

Approaching, he saw his mom, Joyce, who was sleeping soundly with her head on the desk, surrounded by a pile of documents and

three computers open in front of her.

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Anderson's eyes widened in inquiry.

At that moment, Luther lifted Joyce from the desk, carefully carried her back to the room, and laid her on the big bed.

Joyce was so tired that she didn't notice a thing, sleeping deeply without budging an eyelid.

Luther walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Anderson followed up and asked, "Dad, did mom not sleep last night? What was she busy with? What's so important?"

Luther whispered, "She was busy until midnight last night, and | had to force her to sleep. But | don't know when she got up

sneakily behind my back to continue working. | only found out this morning. Don't disturb her, let her sleep a bit more."

Anderson nodded.

He wanted to ask what mom was up to. Was it more important than getting proper rest with two children in her belly? Glancing at

the documents on the desk, all related to biopharmaceuticals, and the three open laptops, it was clear she was conducting

extensive data analysis. It was a huge project. He couldn't fathom what mom wanted to achieve. Despite his curiosity, he chose

not to ask.

"I'm going to school now. Dad, I'll say goodbye to you upstairs," Anderson waved.

"I'll cdownstairs with you." Luther followed Anderson downstairs.

Alisha was eagerly waiting at the door, "Why isn't brother coming?"

"Here he is!" Luther's voice answered her.

Approaching, he lifted Alisha up, saying, "Alisha, it's your first day at preschool, so be happy. Anderson, take care of your sister."

"Don't worry, you're so wordy," Anderson impatiently said.

Alisha kissed Luther's cheek, "Daddy, we're off, goodbye."

After bidding farewell, Anderson and Alisha left in Aaron's car, heading towards the school.

Alisha happily hummed along the way.

But Anderson had a heavy heart.

Yesterday, he saw dad and mom on the terrace, whispering about who knows what. Curious and cautious due to the many

incidents in the family, he went closer and hid behind the curtain. Though he couldn't hear their conversation, he saw mom crying.

After that, she began working frantically.

What was she doing?

What had happened?

He wanted to help.

Deciding to investigate further that night, he was determined to find out.

Soon, Aaron's car arrived at the school.

Mr. Middleton personally welcomed them, opening the car door and warmly greeting, "Anderson, it's been a while. Is this your little


Alisha emerged from the car, flashing a bright smile, "Hello, teacher, I'm Alisha, Anderson's sister."

Mr. Middleton smiled kindly, "Alisha is so well-behaved."

The principal had already greeted them, understanding the need to take extra care of the princess from the wealthiest family. So,

he was attentive.

Mr. Middleton took Alisha's hand and said, "Today is your first day at school. Letshow you around and introduce you to the new

classmates, okay?"

"Okay!" Alisha nodded excitedly.

Entering the school, Mr. Middleton told Anderson, "Anderson, you go to the classroom first. The other kids are already there. I'll

show Alisha around and join you later."

"Okay." Anderson complied.

Walking through the corridor, Anderson entered the classroom.

Kiki was the first to spot Anderson, not having seen him for several days.

She eagerly approached him, saying, "Anderson, | heard your sister is coming to school today. Where is she? | haven't seen her


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"The teacher took her for a tour. She'll be here soon," Anderson replied.

Other classmates also gathered around, saying, "Anderson, we want to meet your sister too."

"Go back to your seats. The teacher will introduce her." Anderson was surrounded and impatient, so he grabbed his backpack and

threw it onto the last seat, just sitting down.

At that moment, he noticed that Westbrook was there too, quietly reading a book, an unusual sight since he was usually noisy in

the classroom.

Kiki approached Anderson, pulling him aside and whispering, "Anderson, Westbrook seems like a changed person since the last

incident. He's completely different from before."

"Hasn't he regained his memory?" Anderson tilted his head, expressing confusion.

Kiki shook her head.

"But he remembers you, right?" Anderson inquired.

Kiki nodded, "He remembers me, but not what happened between us." And with that, Kiki shivered involuntarily, visibly scared and

pale. If only she could forget too. The experience was too frightening, causing her to have nightmares and wake up in terror


For once, Anderson offered a comforting phrase, "Don't dwell on the past."

"Mm." Kiki vigorously nodded, feeling grateful for Anderson's rare gesture of solace, smiling brightly in response.





