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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1599
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1599

Luna instantly thought of Joshua upon the doctor’s words. She bit her lip and told herself that it was impossible.

Joshua would never…

First, she trusted that Joshua was not that cruel. Second, Joshua has never seen Rosalyn before, so how could he—

“Luna?” Suddenly, Jim’s voice pulled Luna back to reality. She came to her senses. “What is it?”

Jim sighed. He turned to look at Rosalyn, whose wounds were being cleaned up by the doctor.

“Did anyone come in contact with Mom today?”

He had been in Banyan City all this while. Bonnie had no experience in caring for children. A few days ago, Joshua’s

and Luna’s child ren caught a cold, and the doctors said that there might be a possibility of pneumonia.

Bonnie called Jim in the middle of the night, crying, and confessing her mistakes. She said she was going to get

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soaked under the rain until she caught a cold and got pneumonia, that only then would she feel better. Thus, Jim

had to hop on a private flight to Banyan City to look for Bonnie.

For the past few days, the children’s illness was finally getting better, so Jim flew back in relief.

He never thought that the moment his plane landed, he would receive Gwen’s call saying that something had

happened to Rosalyn.

Luna bit her lip. She was silent for a while before muttering, “This morning, Heather brought her child over. She


that she wanted mom to see Riley. L—Later, I went to the chapel to pray for mom…”

Then, Luna looked at the servants who were still kneeling on the floor. “Did anyone else come in contact with Mrs.

Landry when I was not home?”

The servants looked at each other and shook their heads. Jim clenched his fists tightly. “Heather has crossed the


He immediately picked the phone up angrily and dialed Heather. “Get yourself here to Luna’s right now!”

Heather, on the other end of the line, seemed to be sleeping. When she heard Jim’s angry voice, she replied with a

lazy, nasally voice, “What’s going on?”

“You dare to ask what’s going on?” Jim harrumphed. “This is all your doing! You better get yourself here right now.

Otherwise, I’ll kidnap you from the Quinns!” Then, Jim hung up.

After dialing Heather, Jim was about to call Charles.

Luna furrowed her brows and hesitated for a while before reaching out to stop Jim. “Jim, forget about it.”

Charles’ situation that day was terrible enough. If he were to come and see Rosalyn’s body… Luna was afraid that

he might not be able to take it.

Jim furrowed his brows and looked at Luna confusedIy. Luna told him about the incident at the hospital that day. Jim

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harrumphed and placed his phone down.

“Bloody hell. He’ll listen to whatever they say! He’ll sooner or later be killed by Heather and Malcolm, those sons of

b* tches!”

Luna was silent for a while before sighing. “Don’t simply mention death…”

Whether it was Charles or Rosalyn at the moment, their bodies could not undergo any more stress.

Jim furrowed his brows and looked at Luna. He remained silent in the end.

At the Quinns…

Heather put down her phone with a darkened face. She pushed the door and entered the study with displeasure on

her face.

In the study, Malcolm was leaning on his chair, studying a file of documents, sulking. He was indeed no match for


Without the help of the Landry family for the past six months, the Quinns would have long been toppled by Joshua.

Even with the help of the Landrys, it was still hard for him to defeat Joshua.