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Uchiha's God of Muscle

Chapter 116: Konoha chaos
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  Chapter 116 Konoha Chaos

  In the east of Konoha, a few miles away, there is a huge lava lake.

  Under the dark night, the red magma rolled and bubbled in the lake, screaming like boiling molten steel, emitting bursts of heat.

  Such a scene makes people daunting and dare not approach.

  Actually, this place is indeed a forbidden place.


  In the center of the lava lake, there is a steel prison, which is connected to the outside world only by a long suspension bridge.

  Here is Konoha's Anbu Prison.

  Different from the prison of the police department, where ordinary prisoners are held, this place is called the felony ninja prison.

   As the name suggests.

  The offenders are all serious criminals, including murderers, leakers of confidential information, rebels, and spies from other ninja villages.

  Everyone is talented, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp.


  On a hillside outside the prison, three uninvited guests quietly appeared from the darkness.

   are Obito, Scorpion and Jue.

  Jue emerges half of his body from the ground, opens the shape of a flytrap, and tells Obito one by one the information it has collected:

   "This prison was built on top of an iron mine, and the prisoners sent here have to do heavy physical labor mining iron ore every day, working for more than ten hours from morning to night.

  Because of the existence of the lava lake, even ninjas cannot tread water through it, because the temperature of the magma is too high to melt all jailbreakers.

  Even if the prisoners gang up and riot, as long as the prison guards cut off the drawbridge in time, the prison will instantly become an isolated island, reducing the possibility of escape to zero..."

  Thanks to natural dangers and Anbu's guards, no prisoner could escape from here before.


  In the eyes of the Obito trio, the many strict measures in this prison are nothing more than in name only.

"let's start."

   Obito said something lightly, and the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

   Absolutely heard the words, immediately sank into the ground, and quickly approached the prison in the center of the lava lake from a thousand meters deep underground.

   Inside the prison, it was dark and damp, with low cells.

  The prisoner who had been digging the mine for a day was already so tired that he collapsed on the bed, snoring one after another.

   A few sporadic Anbe ninjas patrolled symbolically while yawning.

  A certain cell deep in the prison.

   A pair of twin brothers were imprisoned.

  Different from other prisoners, the two did not seem to be exhausted by the heavy mining work, but were still full of energy, laughing and having fun in the prison.

  These two guys were born with big arms and round waists. They were both over two meters tall and weighed more than three hundred catties. They looked like two mountains of meat.

  Although they look happy, they have two domineering names, namely "Fengshen" and "Thunder God".

   If it breaks here, it will definitely brighten your eyes.

  These two brothers are good seedlings for fitness, with invincible talent.

   In fact, it is true.

  The two brothers of Fengshen and Leishen are born with supernatural powers, and they don't need to rely on Chakra. They can threaten Konoha's Jonin with the strength of their bodies alone.

   But they have a shortcoming, that is, their brains are not very good.

   It's like when playing the reincarnation game, all the points are added to the strength, and the intelligence is completely ignored.

   Almost like an idiot.

   Such as this time.

  The two brothers were discussing some eye-popping issues.

   "Brother, why is the little finger short and weak?" Lei Shen raised his little finger with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Fengshen heard the words, and scolded his younger brother solemnly:

   "Stupid, that's because...if the little finger is long and strong, where is the face of the thumb?"

   "Yuan Yuan Yuan So it is."

  Raytheon suddenly realized, and also imitated the crawling of a lizard, in order to please his brother Fengshen, making the latter laugh out loud.

   Played for a while.

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  Thunder touched his head embarrassingly, and said to Fengshen with a dejected expression: "Brother, I'm hungry."

  Although dinner has already been eaten, the appetite of the two brothers cannot be measured by ordinary people's standards.

  Because they are called the **** brothers.

  They used to be Konoha's ninjas, and when they were performing missions, they killed all their companions just because they had no food to eat.

   At that time.

   It was Tsunade himself who took action, and it took a strange force to subdue the two.

  For the two brothers, if they don't have enough to eat, it will drive them crazy.

at this time.

  A strong smell of food suddenly wafted in from outside the prison, causing the two brothers to raise their noses vigorously.


   Fengshen jumped off the bed directly, walked to the door of the prison, stretched out his hands hard, and bent the iron railing of the cell forcibly, creating a big hole.

   Such a cell cannot trap two people at all.

   They have escaped from the prison more than once, begging for food from the prison guards, and the guards have nothing to do with this pair of live treasures.

   "Eat, eat, eat..."

  The two brothers followed the aroma of the food and ran all the way to a certain corner of the prison.

  Under the curious gazes of the two, wearing a flytrap-shaped body, it slowly emerged from the ground.

   "What is this?" Thor was taken aback.

   "Brother idiot, this is a person."

  Fengshen patted Leishen on the head, and regardless of the origin, he unceremoniously asked for food from the latter, "You bastard, facing us Fengshen Leishen, you probably didn't prepare any offerings."

   "What two rare beasts."

   Jue sighed with emotion, and as if juggling, he took out two plates of steaming steamed buns.


  The rice bucket brother was drooling immediately, and jumped on it like a dog, pouted his buttocks and concentrated on eating.

   Sure enough.

  As long as you lure them with food, the two will become very obedient and quiet.

   Less than a minute.

  The two brothers ate the buns and touched their unsatisfied stomachs, feeling unsatisfied.

   "Do you want to eat something more delicious?" Jue asked.

   "Where is it?" Hearing this, the two hurriedly looked around.

  Je shook his head, and said with regret: "Outside the prison, you can eat delicacies from mountains and seas, but unfortunately I can't bring them in."

Da da da.

   There was a sudden sound of footsteps. It was the prison guard who heard the movement and rushed over.

   "Feng Shen, Lei Shen, why are you running out again?"

   Just as the guard was about to speak to the two brothers, he saw Jue beside him, his expression changed drastically, and he asked sharply, "Who are you?"

   Before waiting for an answer, the rice bucket brother suddenly turned his head with a fierce look in his eyes.

   Outside the prison.

   More than ten minutes passed.

   "It should be almost the same."

   Scorpion just got a little impatient in waiting, when he heard a bang from a distance, accompanied by an explosion, and flames shot up from the prison.


   Obito saw this scene, chuckled, and walked towards the prison gate.

   "Stop! Who are you?"

  The guard spotted the two of them at the first time, and after the warning was ineffective, he shot without hesitation and threw kunai and shuriken at them.

   Whoosh, whoosh.

  Facing oncoming attacks.

  Scorpion had already taken out the three-generation Kazekage's puppet, and just raised his hand, he used magnetic escape to manipulate the kunai and shuriken, and shot back at a faster speed.

   Puff puff.

  The two guards were caught off guard, and were **** like hedgehogs on the spot, and fell to the ground in blood.

  Seeing this scene, the third guard shouted in horror to his companion on the other side of the suspension bridge:

   "Someone is robbing the prison, put away the suspension bridge!"

   The voice just fell.

   Obito appeared in front of the man like a ghost, and stretched out his hand towards the man's neck.


  The guard drew out the ninja sword and slashed at Obito's face, but the ninja sword passed through Obito's body.

   Before the guard could react, there was a click, and Obito had already snapped the opponent's neck.


   There was a loud noise.

   It was the guards on the opposite side of the bridge who saw that the situation was not good, so they immediately took emergency measures and used detonating symbols to blow up the suspension bridge, causing it to fall into the lava lake.

   In this way, it is completely safe.

   Those who rob the prison cannot enter, and the prisoners inside cannot escape.

   Obito didn't think so, just glanced at Xie.

  Scorpion smiled slightly, his fingers were like butterflies wearing flowers, and he manipulated the three generations of Kazekage with the chakra line to make a move, condensing a...

  The dark steel bridge.

   Under the desperate eyes of the guards, the bridge spanned hundreds of meters from this end to the prison in the center of the lake.

   At this time.

  The prisoners in the prison, under Jue's instigation, also successfully defeated all the guards and rushed out.

   They scrambled to get on the bridge and escaped from this nightmarish place.

  There are numbers on the prison uniforms of these prisoners. If you count roughly, there are two or three hundred people.

  After they crossed the bridge, they stopped in surprise when they saw Obito, Scorpion, and Sandai Kazekage wearing masks.

   Obito took a step forward, opened his arms and said to these people:

   "Those who have been oppressed by Konoha for a long time, today is your lucky day. I rescued you. Now, it's time to go to Konoha and start your revenge."

  When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

   Revenge on Konoha?

  They are not fools, just relying on the two or three hundred people on their own side, why should they confront Konoha with nearly ten thousand ninjas head-on?

   Before Konoha discovers the situation here, the best strategy is to run away.


   Even though there were more than a dozen prisoners, they ignored Obito and fled into the distance.

   However, they haven't gotten very far.

  Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Shigure.

  Sandaime Kazekage summoned sand and iron like waves, and countless fine needles formed a torrential rain, catching up with those deserters.

  Amidst a burst of screams, none of the dozen or so people was spared. They were all tied into a hornet's nest and died suddenly.

  The rest of the prisoners turned pale with fright, their legs trembled and they dared not move.

   "This is what happens to those who run away."

   Obito said indifferently.

   "We want to eat!"

  Fengshen Leishen yelled, walked out from the crowd, and protested loudly.

   They don't care about anything but good food.

   "These are those two guys?" Obito looked at the two brothers who were walking towards him carelessly, and asked.

   "That's right. Thanks to them, the guards in the prison can be dealt with smoothly. It is said that the strange strength of these two brothers has reached the level of Sannin." Jue replied.

   Obito heard the words, his eyes flickered, and he opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

  Feng ShenRai ShenJie was shocked, and his eyes quickly turned into the shape of Sharingan, which was manipulated by Obito with illusion.

   As for the remaining prisoners.

  Part of them were parasitized by the spores of the absolute use, and the other part was implanted into the magnetic escape sand iron by the third generation of Kazekage, controlling their lives.


   Driven by the three of them, the two hundred or so prisoners headed towards Konoha under the cover of night.

   Half an hour later.

  The group of prisoners came to the east gate of Konoha.

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  Konoha Village at night.

  Brightly lit and bustling, it is like a bright night pearl on the dark land.

   "Brother, do you like pork chop rice or **** pork?"

"I like all of them!"

  The two brothers Fengshen Leishen, even though they are controlled by Sharingan, their obsession with eating still overwhelms everything else.

  In their eyes, there are endless delicacies in Muye Village in front of them.

  As long as you kill all the people in Konoha, you can enjoy it to your heart's content.


  Led by the two brothers, a group of felons rushed over in a noisy manner, quickly knocked down the guards, and rushed into the village.


   Just relying on these prisoners to mess with Konoha is not enough.

  So, Obito asked again: "Is everything ready?"


   Jue, to be precise, Hei Jue, smiled sinisterly and nodded.

  The last time Uchiha raided the mountain cemetery, he used fire tunnels to burn down the underground Baijue lairs, but there were still many Baijue who escaped through the tunnels.

  Hei Jue summoned these remnants after the incident, and the number is still very impressive, close to a thousand.

  The fighting power of these thousand Baijue exceeds the same number of ninjas, even on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, they can be regarded as a large army.

  After several days of secret marching, these white zealots have reached the periphery of Konoha, and they are now lurking deep underground.

   "Do it." Obito ordered coldly.

   Even the Uchiha clan, in the last battle with the Baijue army, more than half of them were killed or injured.

  Ordinary Konoha ninjas are no match for these Baijue.

  Under their sneak attack, Konoha will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

   With the absolute sank into the ground.

   "I want some private time and free time." Scorpion said suddenly.

   Obito did not refuse, but said lightly:

   "It's up to you. As long as you don't be lazy and work hard."

   "That's natural."

  Scorpion smiled, and jumped onto the back of Sandai Kazekage, followed by the latter spreading a pair of sand and iron wings, rushing into the night sky.

   Go straight in the direction of the Hokage Building.

   Obviously, Scorpion has aimed at his next goal, planning to build a new human puppet.

   "Then, it's time for me to get down to business."

   Obito murmured.

  He made so much noise, but his real purpose was only one, and that was to capture Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto while Konoha was in chaos.

  Jue has spied on him the place where Anbu is hiding Uzumaki Naruto.


  With a whirlpool of space distortion, Obito disappeared from the spot.

  Konoha Village.

  Although it was close to ten o'clock in the evening, the commercial street by the river was still very lively, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians.

   Several drunken ninjas stumbled out of an izakaya.


  They ran to the ditch on the side of the road, leaned on the wall and vomited.


  From the direction of the east gate of the village, there was a sudden violent explosion, mixed with the sound of shouts for killing, and the villagers' cries for help.

what happened?

  These ninjas raised their heads in surprise, and suddenly sobered up a lot.

  They didn't even notice that in the sewer beneath their feet, white zealots emerged quietly and attacked several people.

Puff puff.

  The chests of these Konoha ninjas were pierced by Mutun spikes one after another. With the blood rushing wildly, they fell down with incredible faces.

   Similar scenes are constantly happening in every corner of Muye Village.

  Konoha, who was singing and dancing a moment ago, fell into a huge chaos in the blink of an eye.

  Tonight, disaster strikes.