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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 845
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Chapter 845

In the end, Melanie went to the hospital anyway.

Thanks to the wound on his back, Eugene could not lie down. He sat on the sofa in the ward and

attended a video conference.

When he saw Melanie, he gestured to her. His posture was perfectly natural, as if he was not in the

ward but in his office.

Feeling self-conscious about disturbing him, Melanie sat down beside him until the nurse cin to

change his dressing.

Melanie stood up. “I'll head out first.”

As Eugene arranged his documents, he said, “And why would you do that?”

“You need to change your dressing, don’t you?”

Eugene’s expression was calm. He looked at the computer he had placed beside him and said, “It’s

not like you haven’t seen my body before.”

His nonchalance made Melanie feel even more awkward. She paused for a moment only to hear the

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nurse say, “Miss, don’t go out yet. There are quite a few patients undergoing surgeries today, so we

don’t have enough hands on deck. Please helpget the bandages.


Eugene’s wound was not serious, but now that Melanie still frowned when she saw it with her own


Eugene had a habit of working out. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist. After he took off his

clothes with his back facing Melanie, his excellent figure was obvious to see.

Melanie, however, was only looking at the injured spot.

The wound was below his shoulder blade. Although it was not deep, it was very long and covered in


Eugene’s skin was fair, so the scar on his body stood out unpleasantly. Timothy had clearly intended

to kill him.

It did not take long for the nurse to change his dressing. After she left, she closed the door of the ward

behind her.

Eugene slowly put on the hospital gown again. His slender fingers moved lightly between the buttons of the

gown, from bottom to top, as if he was acting in slow motion.

Melanie glanced at him. “What will you do with Timothy?”

Eugene's injury had made the entire incident an extremely big deal, so the Scotts were left to decide Timothy's

fate. After seeing the madness that man was capable of, Melanie wanted nothing more to do with him. She did

not dare to provoke him again.

Chapter 845


Besides, his family was extremely powerful. They would get Timothy out of jail eventually. She could

not afford to cross them.

Eugene said, “His big brother cover from Nava to bail him out yesterday. The Harmons spared

no expense to save him.”

Melanie had expected as much. Timothy’s crimes in Nava alone showed the lengths his family would

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go to to protect him.

After all, the Harmons had a reputation to uphold. It would be embarrassing if they could not even

protect Timothy.

However, even though she knew this outcwas inevitable, she still did not like it. After all, his

actions had put Merry in danger and caused her significant distress.

To put it bluntly, Melanie was simply too insignificant to deter Timothy.

She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips tightly.

Eugene took in Melanie’s expression and paused before saying, “1 won’t let him get away with it.

That bastard is used to getting his way, but Jepton is not his backyard.”

Melanie raised her eyes and looked at Eugene with a complicated gaze. She caught the raging anger

and hostility in his eyes.

Eugene meant what he said. He pulled strings everywhere to keep Timothy from escaping. No

matter what the Harmons did, they could not get Timothy out of jail.

Cedric was furious. After all, LeapCo’s HQ had been working with the Harmons for a long time.

Yvonne told Melanie, “I heard that Eugene’s father was biased towards William Thames from the

start. Now, he’s not even pretending anymore. He clearly wants William to be his successor. | don’t

know what he’s thinking. Eugene is his biological son, after all. How did things end up like this?”

Melanie had heard the nWilliam Thames before. He was Cedric’s illegitimate son.