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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 521
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Rhino then nodded his head as he said “It seems that Snowfall City have been destroyed considering Miss Shen Niu have evacuated her entire city”.

Hearing this bitterness flashes in the eyes of the people from Snowfall City.

Hilda punched Rhino’s head as she said “You Are still as insensitive as ever”.

Rhino rubs the back of his head as he smiled in a embarrassed manner he then said “Since you are in a mission I’ll volunteer to help you as lord Leo have said”.

“There is strength in numbers and power unity”.

Hilda smiled widely as she was relieved to hear that Rhino was coming with them in their journey.

She knew this senior brother of hers is extremely powerful and his strength would be multiplied if he was fighting in a place filled with ice energy.


The people from Snowfall City also experienced less cold than earlier as most of the cold was absorbed by Rhino.

As they travel Hilda realised that the people of Snowfall City have become exhausted she then said “Okay we are going to camp in here”.

Hearing this everyone heaved a sigh of relief Shen Niu have already owed Hilda and Rhino a lot so she did not order her people to rest unless Hilda gave her permission.

As everyone gathers towards the center of the camp Shen Niu shouted “Men bring all the food”.

The food she meant is all the beasts they have encountered during their journey because of Scarcity of food the Snowfall City do not waste their hunt.

Only when Shadowslash have made an alliance with Snowfall City is when the lives of the people of Snowfall City improved.

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Now that they have lost their home their group feel incredibly downhearted since their lives have just improved for the better.

The person who was most downhearted to this event is Shen Niu she have always strives to make her city prosper as it was her dad that appointed her to be the city lord.

She have always been looking up to her father and now that Snowfall City no longer exist she felt guilty as she thought she had disappointed her father even though he no longer exist in this world.

As they started huddling together Hilda went and sat down next to Shen Niu as she asks “So what is your plan in the future?”.

Before Hilda would have fear and admiration towards city lords but after being under direct order of Shadowslash all this time she have built an immunity.

Especially since the Shadowslash’s city have more than 7 city lords after the rapid rescue and evacuation mission.

With Shadowslash’s prestige and venerable emerald dragon reputation the city lords do not dare to flare up and respect the guards of the territory.

Shen Niu was silent she then spoke in a broken voice “I don’t know”.

Hilda: “Actually lord Leo would asks you the same question as I have ask earlier only those that are with alliance with Shadowslash’s City is asked with this question”.

Shen Niu was surprised she then asks “Wasn’t there only 3 cities that have an alliance with Shadowslash’s City?”.

From her memory other than Waterfall City and Westward City no city are allies with Shadowslash’s City.

White Shoal City is one of the unique cities as they are allies of most cities so it wasn’t a true ally in their alliance.

Hilda nodded she then explained “Other than Westward City the other two cities the White Shoal City and Waterfall City have also been evacuated”.

Shen Niu was shocked she knew the two city lords of these two cities they are quite powerful to think that their cities were also destroyed.

Hilda then continue “There are two choices for you to pick the first one is to rebuild your city but in a much more closer vicinity to Shadowslash’s City and the one who will be picking the location would be lord Leo”.

Shen Niu nodded she then asks “What’s the other option”.

“To be under lord Leo” Hearing this Shen Niu raised her eyebrow she knew for a fact that she owes Shadowslash a lot but being under someone especially to a guy she was feeling conflicted.

If she choose the first option then she would feel rather guilty as she would see herself as an ungrateful person.

Seeing her expression Hilda laughs as she said “Don’t be conflicted lord Leo wouldn’t mind what is your decision as he just wanted to help his allies”.

Hearing this Shen Niu relaxed as she had already made up her mind to pick the first option as being city lord was practically the story of her life.

Ever since she was young her father have already been training her to be the next city lord not to mention she doesn’t want to disappoint her people.

“I think I will choose the first option as I am comfortable being a city lord”.

Hearing her answer Hilda stood up and shouted “Senior brother Rhino come here for a sec”.

With a swoosh Rhino appears besides them Shen Niu was shocked as she realized that she actually did not feel Rhino approaching them.

She realised now that those that are directly under Shadowslash order were powerful or unique individuals.

“Say what junior sis” Rhino looks confused as why he was called since it was his time to patrol the surrounding.

Hilda started explaining “Miss Shen Niu pick the choice to rebuild her city and considering your technique the two of you would be meeting in frequent rate”.

Rhino nodded he then watched as Hilda left leaving him and Shen Niu alone.

He then introduced himself “Hello again Miss Shen Niu”.

Shen Niu nodded “Greetings to you to mister Rhino”.

Rhino rubs his head as he spoke “Let me introduce myself to use once more I am the second brother of the special force I am from the rhino beast clan”.

Shen Niu as she had already guessed this she then asks “I have been meaning to asks why do you have the title second brother?”.

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Rhino: “Actually this is what lord Leo have given us there are nine of us in the special force I am the second fastest of the group to be enlightened”.

Shen Niu: “Enlightened?”

Rhino: “Its a secret to our group so I am sorry but I could not tell you what that means”

Shen Niu have a look of understanding she then asks again “By the way why did Hilda said that we would be frequently seeing each other?”.

Rhino spoke “Because of the ongoing war that might take years to end lord Leo is taking precaution he would station one person from the special force to keep guard and report to him in the said city”.

“Considering our affinity towards ice element lord Leo would definitely give you a location to rebuild your city that is similar to this place so the two of us who could survive and thrive in such a frozen wasteland of course he would put me in charge of guarding your new city”.

Shen Niu nodded she knew she might not able to always report to Shadowslash but someone directly under him would and considering his ability the safety of her city would be much secured.

She then asks “The city lord of White Shoal City and Waterfall City have also rebuilt their city right?”.

She wanted to know where the two cities have been relocated.

Rhino nodded and then shook his head confusing Shen Niu “The city lord of Waterfall City did relocate his city in a location near a lake while the people of White Shoal City have decided to submit under lord Leo”.

Hearing this Shen Niu was shocked she thought the two city lords would choose to relocate she have never thought that the city lord of White Shoal City choose the second option.

While the rest of Snowfall City group was resting back in Shadowslash’s City venerable emerald dragon have returned.

Shadowslash was already waiting for him in the garden around him were food or more accurately it is dinner for venerable emerald dragon.

Shadowslash smiled as he asks “So old man did you encounter a powerful opponent?”.

The old man laughs as he spoke in a rather carefree manner “You bet your money I did I was even force to transform to my emerald dragon form”.

Shadowslash whistles as he gestures the old man to sit down as he opens a wine he personally made and fill the old man’s glass.

The old man grabs the glass and chug the entire wine without hesitation he then said “Man the combination of your technique and the wine that those beasts from Westward City would create such an amazing wine”.

Shadowslash smiled as he also chugs down his wine he was deep in thought he knew for a fact that the opponent that the old man have fought is incredibly powerful since he was forced to use his emerald dragon form.

“By the way the cities of your enemies have all been destroyed are you happy?” The old man teased.