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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47: Ayla

“Are you sure?” Kingston asked, his hands moving over my face, my hair, my shoulders,

anywhere to reassure him that I was okay.

I closed my eyes to help me focus my thoughts. I tried searching for her in my mind. I still

couldn’t find her, but something felt different.

“It’s like she’s just out of reach,” I said. “Like a whisper just brushing up against my


My breathing was still a little heavy. Kingston wrapped his arms around me until it

returned to normal.

“Do you mind if I try something?” he whispered.

I looked up at him. There was so much hope in them I wanted to give him everything.

“Okay,” I said.

He kissed my forehead and moved to stand up. “Wait here.”

He walked down the dock and ducked into the shadows of the trees. It was completely

dark out now. Only the moon reflecting on the lake offered any light, which I was glad of

since I didn’t have my night vision without Dasha.

I thought I heard Kingston coming back. Instead, I turned to see a large, gray wolf step out

of the forest. He was nearly white along his legs and underbelly, with mottled gray and

black fur covering his back. He even had black coloring lining


Chapter 47 Ayla

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his ears, a trait I hadn’t seen in another wolf other than Dasha.

This must be Lennix.

He was beautiful.

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I moved to stand, but he nudged me back gently. I giggled as I reached for him, pushing

my fingers through his thick fur. I reveled in the sensation of his coarse outer fur mixed

with his soft and fluffy undercoat. I pushed up on my knees as he lowered his head,

nuzzling my chest, neck, and hair, much like Kingston liked to do.

I had never experienced this with another male before. I had never been this close to a

male wolf as myself. I had run with Zeff and a few other friends over the years many

times, but never had I touched one with my human hands. It felt so intimate, and I loved


Lennix flopped down next to me on the dock, nudging me to lay with him.

“Okay,” I chuckled. “But we won’t be comfortable on the rough boards for long. Why don’t

we find someplace softer.”

He pushed up to his belly, giving me a nod. Smiling, I picked up my shirt and went to put it

on, but Lennix tugged at it with a small growl.

“Aren’t you naughty,” I laughed. “Fine, fine.”

We left the dock and found a soft, mossy patch of ground not far off near the waterline.

We curled up together, and I don’t know how long I laid there just stroking his fur. It wasn’t

until sunlight started to filter through my eyelids that I realized we had fallen asleep.


Chaplet 47. Ayta

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I opened my eyes and smiled. Lennix was curled around me, his head resting on my

knees. Remembering what had happened last night, I tried to reach for Dasha again. Tears

started to well when I could feel her presence in the back of my mind. Lennix must have

sensed her as well because his eyes shot open and his head popped up.

A strangled laugh escaped as he stared at me in curiosity. I grabbed his face and kissed

his forehead.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He nuzzled me for a moment before getting up. He stretched with a yawn and trotted off

to where Kingston had shifted the night before. Shaking my head, I pulled my shirt back

on while

waited for them. I closed my eyes and let the warm rays of the morning sun trickle over


A few minutes later, I felt Kingston’s hands trailing lightly down my arms as he sat behind


“Lennix said he sensed Dasha,” he said quietly.

I nodded. “She’s still not ready to come out or to speak to me yet, but she’s there. I can

feel her back with me.”

“That’s the first step, at least,” he said.


He took a deep breath and kissed my shoulder. “You ready to go?”

I laughed. “I guess we should get back.”

“I mean, I would happily stay out here with you all day,” he teased, nipping at my neck

and sending chills down my spine.

Chapter 47: Ayla

“But I don’t think I’d be able to resist the temptations of having you alone.”

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“Yeah,” I agreed as my own desire started to build. “You’re right. We should go.”

He chuckled and helped me stand. I realized I hadn’t bothered to put my boot back on last

night. Kingston insisted that I wait while he went to get it and our shoes.

“You know, my leg really does feel fine. Maybe since I feel Dasha again, I’m all healed.”

“I’d still rather you keep it on for another day or two,” Kingston said as I leaned against a

tree so he could put it on me. “We’ll get you in with the doctor first thing on Monday.”

“Okay,” I said. When he stood, I threw my keys at him. “Wanna drive?”

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He chuckled. “Yeah.”

The ride home was quiet. I spent it kind of talking to Dasha. I knew she wouldn’t respond,

but knowing she was there to hear me felt nice. I kept going back to Kingston and my

conversation the night before. I wondered on more than one occasion why he hadn’t been

my fated mate, but according to his theory, he was.

I smiled at the thought, and there was a weight that lifted. I had been holding back for so

many reasons, but if we were truly meant to be together, I didn’t need to feel guilty.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I made it all the way back to our apartment on

auto–pilot. It wasn’t until Kingston came up behind me that I was pulled back to reality.


Chapter 47 Ayia

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“I’m going to go shower,” he said. “I’ll be out in a few minutes, and we’ll grab something

to eat.”

I watched him head to the bedroom and heard the water cut on soon after. It took me

about five seconds to make the decision, and I started to undo the straps of my boot as I

followed him. I stripped out of my shirt and wriggled out of my jeans. Opening the

bathroom door, Kingston was already down to his boxers as he grabbed a fresh towel.

“You know, it’ll save water if we shower together,” I flirted, making him snap to my


I closed the distance between us, running my hands along the muscles of his stomach and

chest and over his shoulders, pulling him down to me as my mouth met his. His arms

wrapped around me as I pressed my body against his.


Chapter 48: Ayla

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