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The Legacy System

Chapter 439 - 439: Enemy Strikes
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Sometimes the more prohibited something is, the more enchanting and sensual it looks!

While the new lady was having a look at what she thought to be an adulterous and horrible couple, quite some disturbing things were happening through Longgang City.

'Boooomm…, Clannkkk…, Clannkkkk…'

In the office of the Public Security Bureau, Huo Tie was looking through some reports that his teams of intelligence had brought in when suddenly someone broke through the door.

As an ex-soldier who had been through his fair share of situations, and experiences he immediately stood up and was ready to fight, only to see more than 20 guns directed at him surroundings him.

That wasn't even the worst part, as each and every one of the intruders was wearing the special forces suits and were at least on his level or above.

This was the first time that something like this ever happened to him, as no matter what he was an honored ex-commander, and also the director of the Public Security Bureau.

Seeing that the intruders weren't the enemies he had thought them to be, he immediately stopped in his tracks as he said in an out-loud voice,

"What is the meaning of this? What is going on here?"

"Mister Huo, I am the Mayor of the black ops third division, ordered to apprehend and investigate over your possible treason to the country.

Since you are an esteemed military figure, and also a powerful political and public figure, the Secret Intelligence decided to send me and my team to have a thorough investigation.

I hope that you will cooperate with our investigation, and not hide anything from us!"

That short slide of information was enough for someone like Master Huo Tie to understand what was going on and who was behind all this.

No matter where one was, water and fire would fight against each other. Even in a big and powerful country like theirs, there were a lot of different and opposing factions.

These guys had made their way through society and politics as well, as each of them tried to force their ideals and interests upon the others.

It was impossible for someone to be able to survive by himself in the political arena. In fact, if someone even tried to be independent then he was going to be attacked by everyone else.

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This was the sad truth of politics, as people didn't care for friends, comrades, or even people that had saved their lives.

They only cared about their interests and benefits. Even someone like Huo Tie was unable to survive alone on the political stage, so he decided to join the faction that seemed closer to his ideals.

That meant that even he had quite a few enemies out there that were working against him and trying to bring him down.

But most of the attempts until now had been either from people inside the City or from those of the province, he had never been targeted from the Capital like this.

It wasn't that he didn't understand why, as the news of the deal between him, the other people of importance in the city, and the Cui siblings had made its rounds everywhere.

When he had participated in the deal he had been backed up by his own faction, and the military as they had seen the importance of this deal.

While that was a breakthrough to his political faction, and made them quite popular with the government, and raised their importance and power in there.

At the same time made the other faction displeased and angry as they lost quite a bit of their influence.

It would have been weird to think that they would actually make a move in the meantime, but since this deal was so important they shouldn't have dared to do something like this.

But at the same time, Master Huo Tie was able to remember the weird movements of that trashy businessman Gao Jixie in the recent times.

Still, Master Huo Tie thought that Gao Jixie would only act against the Cui siblings, he would have never thought that he would use this opportunity to deal with him as well.

Most probably the Mayor and the Director of Police were in the same situation as well. Doubted for treason!

What a joke!

He was a soldier that had given all his life to his country and its protection, and now a damn milk-lipped bastard comes and charges him for treason!

That was right, the mayor of this third black ops division seemed to be nothing more than a young man with an arrogant face and look.

Not only that, but he seemed even too soft. There was the aura of a psychotic, and crazy bastard from him, but he missed the blood part.

Normally the guy to represent such a unit, or division would be someone who had gone through numerous battles and had the experience of blood.

Yet this greenhorn in front of him didn't seem like he had ever killed someone strong. Surely he must have killed a lot of weak people or prisoners, but no one that would make him awaken his bloodlust.

So, most probably he had parachuted himself to that position, and he came from some powerful family in the capital.

As if to prove Master Huo Tie's doubts, the Mayor removed the mask from his face and continued,

"Let me introduce myself properly, I am Cui Lao, Mayor Cui Lao!"

"You are Cui…"

But Master Huo Tie was unable to continue as the man seemed to grow a bit angry as he cut him short,

"No, I refuse to be acknowledged in the same sentence as that bastard! That trash doesn't belong to our Cui family, he is someone that the Cui family doesn't recognize!"

"Hhahaha~! You say that Mayor, but I haven't even mentioned his name and you already grew so angry!

Not to mention, that you claim to not recognize him as a Cui family member, but still left the warm Capital to come so far for him!

Isn't that a bit contradicting?"

The comments of Master Huo Tie seemed to have enraged Mayor Cui, who was unable to control his emotions, and landed a punch on Master Huo Tie's stomach as he said,

"Don't surpass the boundaries Huo Tie, you are already doubted for treason, do you want me to confirm those accuses!?"

He had thought that he would scare the old man, but the next moment he understood just how wrong he was.

Master Huo Tie blocked Mayor Cui's hand, while his aura changed becoming similar to a demon, and he said in a scary tone,

"Mayor Cui I would suggest you to go back and drink your mother's milk, you are far from being able to scare me!"

"You dare…"

Mayor Cui wanted to lash onto him, but the next moment he felt all the hair in his body rise in attention, as even his voice disappeared.

It was only when the demon-like aura of Master Huo Tie disappeared, that he once again regained clarity and self-control and ordered his underlings,

"What the hell are you looking for? Apprehend him, and sent him to our temporary prison, I will personally interrogate him later!"

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Even though he seemed extremely angry and enraged, there were still traces of fear in his voice, as the underlings started to take Master Huo Tie who didn't resist down.

Quite a few injuries appeared on his body during the time, but he didn't release even the tiniest voice of pain or displeasure.

Only when he was leaving his office, did he turn around and said,

"Mayor Cui, treat my office with care as I will surely return here once again, and if I see even the tiniest piece missing, then you will understand what is true pain and fear!"

For a moment there, Mayor Cui felt his heart stop beating and shiver, but he didn't give himself out, as he screamed to the remaining guys,

"Immediately start looking all over the place, we need to find those documents and proofs we don't have much time!"

As Mayor Cui was dealing with Master Huo Tie, there were other people spread through the city to deal with the Mayor and the Director of Police as well.

But most important there was someone sent to the Cui siblings as well! This guy seemed to be much cruel than his cousin, as he didn't even question or say anything to the guards.

His build was quite good, as he seemed like a strong youth, but no one could see his face or his head because it was covered in a mask and a robe. He looked like some kind of mad cultist guy.

He just killed the guards painfully one by one! He looked like some real-life asura, as he finally reached the room of the injured Cui Xie and the sleepy Cui La.

To his surprise, there was no sign of Cui Xie or Cui La in their hospital bedroom. There wasn't even a sign of Cui Xie's four generals, or Old man Ma.

As the head of the city's personal underworld, it would be quite a shame for Cui Xie to not know when he was being targeted.




"That bastard isn't here!"

"I swear that I will make him regret ever being born to this world! I Will!"

The moment that he understood that his target was nowhere to be found the guy seemed to lose his mind, as he started screaming and shouting like a madman.

If one were to hear his voice, one would think that Cui Xie was his worst enemy and not his half-brother by blood…