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The Last Primal

732 Chapter 732
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For the next few days, Aiden and Vyndridolth spent most of their time within the room of the old husband and wife's shop. Vyndridolth, despite being offered to by her Young Master did not budge, and whilst the other spent most of his time entrenched in his own system as well as meditating, she kept on guarding and protecting him.

At the same time, she also spent a great deal of her time coordinating the efforts of the others that came with them. Being her second in command for many years, Lady Circe had no problems listening to her orders, but for Lady Pyre and Madam Dara, she did hit some slight opposition.

Only when they felt some emotion of displeasure coming towards their way from the Young Lord did they temporarily agree to a truce and agree to her words of advice.

In the span of the next couple of days, the team -thanks to the great management efforts of Vyndridolth- has managed to plant several additional threads of opportunity. Several small groups, cells, and shops were discovered that were just looking for a chance to showcase their resolve.

Despite how it looked at first, there were many of those that just had no venue to display their anger, their hatred, and their wrathtowards all the injustice they themselves or in most cases some of their family members or loved ones have suffered.

It was natural that the purity of one's bloodline would change, alter and mutate every now and again. Slightly altered colored scales were not that rare. For one, the pride of their bloodline the 'Draconic' inheritance that they were gifted from the Ancient One wasn't a great amount to begin with.

If it would have, they weren't just mere skinks, the bottom-rangers of the reptilian hierarchy but would have been much closer to the Draconoids, the humanoid dragonkins.

Still, this small hint of the bloodline was the source of their pride. And as such, anyone with a slightly altered, or modified genome was doomed as filth, a contaminated waste of their precious lineage, and was not worthy of being groomed. These 'disgusting mutants' as they were most commonly labeled were then subjected to no ends of great suffering.

To add to their despair even their family members, their mothers, their fathers, or their brothers and sisters were forced to keep their distance and not help them at all. They were deemed as social outcasts, and in most cases were exiled from the Inner City directly. Only some unique cases, -such as the Scarlet-Scaled Tirax, who showed some unexpectedly great promise and dedication could earn their way back and live together with the rest.

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In any ways, whilst the most that suffered weren't only these outcasts, these 'mutants' but also their families. They too were forced into a corner and could not come to their loved one's aid. No, they could only watch helplessly as they drowned in their own despair and misery.

As such, many families had kept the seed of hatred inside their hearts. Whilst by themselves they were nowhere near strong enough to stand up, many have jumped at the first chance when Aiden's Minions, his Captains have come knocking on their doors and hideouts.

Especially after learning of the news that there was a mysterious new stranger in town that was surprisingly stronger than even a whole group of Elites together with one of the most feared local tyrant, Korgoth.

Once they learned that these strangers that looked for them were indeed the agents, the recruiters of this unknown man, many finally saw that long-awaited ray of hope, that glimmer of light shining at them.

Still, there were many that still did not dare to stand out, and was more afraid of a potential retribution than to stand firm on their beliefs. Even though they learned that there were many others that took this chance, there were those that remained lying in wait and would just hope that others would do the 'deed' for them.

Aiden did not mind them,, and did not do anything to them. They were not to be despised for their lack of backbone. Their resolve may have been ground to dust over the long years… nay, in most cases, decades of oppression. They have long since accepted the sad truth, they were too tired, too exhausted, or too weak now to be of any meaningful help.

For those, Aiden only asked them to provide food and shelter. Even if just as much as a warm welcome, a bright smile that they were able to provide them with, Aiden, or Vyndridolth as his spokesperson was happy to accept.

During the days, Aiden was mostly focused on enhancing his attributes and skills to the best of his abilities. For this long excursion, his escapade with this realm's underworld has already given him countless benefits, as well as a lot of unspent system points.

As such, knowing that there would be a large battle, a large clash inevitably coming his way, he decided to do everything in his power to get ready. Even though he had defeated some of the priests that were sent out to the outer districts before, he had not fought a full-on 'Extermination' group before. He wasn't sure how strong these Bishops or the archbishops could be…

He also didn't just need to simply win. A mere close victory, even though it would be well fought would not be received as positively. He needed to showcase his dominance. He needed to send a message to both the church, to the High Priest, to the Ancient One watching everything in his eternal prison… but most importantly, he needed to send a positive message to the people of Ugburg. To the oppressed as well as those riding the waves and make them wake up to the harsh reality.

To have a chance fulfilling his System-assigned missions and finally put an end to his long tenure in this realm and get back to Eora, he needed to willingly pull all these poor misguided souls to him and away from that dark shadow, that mostly fear-induced faith they had kept inside their small frames and hearts.

Aiden's main attributes displayed on the Status Page, before he began to actively cultivate them as well as invest his current pool of 15000 XP looked the following.

[ *Status* | Lab | Domain |  Activities ]

[—Status Screen — ]

[ *Main* | Skills | Analysis | Inventory ]

[Name: Aiden Vordragon

Race: Primal (Evolver)

Current Form: Draconic Skink (Clean)

Level: 18

Condition: 100%

Resource: Soul Power (Level 2) : 1350 SP / 1350 SP

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System Points: 15000 EXP]

However, what still haunted Aiden, and he could just not overcome this current barrier was his progress he still was stuck at with Soul Power. To this day, he could not find that chance to break through his current block and reach Level 3.

For some reason, the increments and level-ups in the main attributes and his resources were much harder, carrying much more weight than anything else.


>>>Check out my latest : The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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