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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 43: late
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   "Come early?" Albert looked around the auditorium, but did not find the three Georges. He reached into his pocket, took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Time: 4:10.

   just right, very punctual.

   "But, that's right."

   Albert suddenly thought of something, and he could not help but sigh. The three Georges are just eleven-year-old children and do not expect them to have much time concept.

   What's more, the three of them don't have pocket watches!

   "I hope I don't wait too long." He murmured.

   Having nothing to do, Albert took out his magic wand and wiped the fingerprints on it with his handkerchief, while recalling the related knowledge of summoning in the deformation theory.

   "The chrysanthemum is in full bloom." He whispered.

   Well, nothing happened.

   Albert immediately checked his skill list and suddenly found someone sitting next to him.

   is not twins, it should be said. If there were three of them, it would not be so quiet.

   Albert glanced at the skill, but couldn't find the summoning spell, so he still had to borrow this fifth grade book to look through.

   "Something?" Albert looked at Shanna and asked.

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   "That...can..." Shanna hesitated, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

   "Albert, here..." The twins were waving at him at the entrance of the auditorium.

   "I have to go." Albert looked at Shanna and asked, "What did you just want to say?"

   "Nothing." Shanna looked a little lost.

"If you want me to teach you Transfiguration, I'm afraid it won't work now. I have an appointment later." Albert recalled a few problems he encountered in learning magic at the beginning, and comforted, "Don't be too rushed. Getting started is the best It's difficult, I also spent a long time learning Transfiguration."

   "Oh, thank you." Shanna thought for a while, "night, can you take time..."

   "If you have time, it's not impossible... then... see you tonight!" Albert walked quickly out of the auditorium.

   "See you tonight." Shanna looked at Albert's leaving back, and whispered, "Why is the gap so big?"

   "What were you talking about just now?" Fred asked curiously.

   "Talking about where you are going?" Albert said grimly, "The time you agreed with Charlie is approaching."

   "You know, we don't have pocket watches." The three of them had a little embarrassment on their faces, and naturally they knew that they had just been late.

   "Don't blame you, I knew you would be late." Albert raised his head and looked at the sky. The weather in the afternoon was still a bit sultry.

   "By the way, does your brother really let us ride his broomstick for a test flight?" Li Qiaodan stiffly changed the subject.

   Speaking of flying on a broomstick, Li Qiaodan was still a little nervous. After all, he hadn't really tried the flying broom. Although the family bought him a toy broom, the toy didn't fly high or fast, and it couldn't fly in front of Muggles.

"Yes, if he is a qualified captain, he wouldn't mind taking the time to see if there are any good newcomers among the freshmen. Even if he can't join the team in the first year, he can still wait for the next semester as a reserve player." Albert Comforted casually.

   "Albert is right." George stretched out his hand and patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder, scared. "I think the most important thing you need to worry about is not to fall off the broom."

   "You will fall down in mid-air." Lee Jordan gave George an angry look.

   "Albert, have you played with broomsticks before?" Fred suddenly asked.

   "I was born in a Muggle family, what do you think?" Albert rolled his eyes at Fred, bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground.

   "What did you do with that broken rock?" George was puzzled.

   "You'll know later." Albert threw the small stone in his hand and did not answer George's question directly

   The four came to the Quidditch Stadium in a playful manner. Charlie hadn't arrived yet, and their agreed time was 4:30 in the afternoon.

   "I guess your brother might show up later." Albert came to the entrance of the Quebec Stadium, the door was locked. However, this can't stop them. Albert used the Arachou Cave spell to open the iron gate easily.

   The Quidditch field is underneath a soft lawn, and the middle part is sand, which can reduce the injuries caused by players falling from above during the game.

There are hundreds of chairs on the surrounding stands. There are three poles at each end of the court, each of which is fifty feet high, with a large ring on the top. The shape is a bit like small plastic sticks used by children to blow soap bubbles. .

   "Charlie must be late." Fred was a little depressed.

   "What should I do now, I would have come later if I knew it." George also regretted that he came early, and they didn't have their own broomsticks, which is undoubtedly a very bad thing.

   "You can practice the magic spell." Albert sat in the shadow of the lawn and kindly reminded the three of them: "Practicing the glowing spell, anyway, it's free to idle. Find something for yourself."

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"Well, you are right." The three of them were a little depressed, but had to admit that Albert was right, and there was nothing to do anyway. It's better to find something for yourself, so the time will pass faster. .

  Albert also drew out his wand~www.mtl.com~ and started practicing the phantom spell with the stone he just picked up.

   "Now, I know why you can learn spells so quickly." Lee Jordan stared at his twinkling wand, a little depressed.

   Let anyone practice so hard, unless they are really stupid, there is no reason why they can’t learn it!

   Of course, if they knew Albert had a plug-in, they might not think so.

   About five o'clock, Charlie Weasley hurried over and brought his broom...sweeping five stars.

   Of course, this was specially introduced to Albert by the twins. He only knew the name of this thing. I heard it was an older broomstick.

   "How did you get in, I remember there should be a lock here." Charlie looked at the four people walking towards him in confusion.

   "Of course it is to use the unlocking spell." The twins said naturally.

   "Ahem, don't use that tone, it sounds like you can use the lock opening spell." Lee Jordan couldn't help but vomit.

   "It wasn't you who drove it anyway." George gave Lee Jordan a blank look, and said angrily.

   "Well, the test later is very simple, you just need to ride my broomstick around the Quidditch stadium!" Charlie looked at Albert and Li Jordan and asked, "Have you ever rode a flying broomstick?"

   "No." Albert replied simply.

   "I have only ridden a toy broom." Lee Jordan mumbled quietly.

"After the two of them fly, try it too!" Charlie would not reject the friends brought by the twins. He turned to look at the twin brothers fighting for the broom and warned: "You two, just go around Fly around the Quidditch field, if I find out what tricks you guys are doing...huh!"