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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 892
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Bailey sighed to herself.

By assisting Juliana, it's akin to nullifying Zeke and Huntley's plans. But can I truly decline? After

enduring such immense adversity, Juliana's unwavering commitment to safeguarding her family is

undeniable. If the Hoffman family were to crumble, wouldn't all her struggles have been for naught?

Following a brief interlude of silence, Bailey eventually offered a feeble nod. “Very well, I'll help you.

But keep in mind, you mustn't divulge this to anyone else. This knowledge is restricted to us. Is that


“Mm, I'll listen to you, Master.”

After providing a few additional instructions, Bailey ultimately concluded the call.

Standing by the expansive floor-to-ceiling window, her gaze drifting over the garden scenery beyond,

her mind slowly began to wander.

f Juliana indeed succeeds in rescuing the Hoffman family, Zeke's aspiration of capturing Juliana's

heart might remain unfulfilled.

Bailey found herself uncertain about the morality of her actions. Yet, in life, things seldom adhere to

a clear path, often spiraling beyond one's command.

“What are you thinking about? You seemed so engrossed that you didn't notice my entrance, nor did

you respond when I called your name.”

The rich, resonant voice of Artemis reverberated, prompting her to instinctively turn her head toward

the source.

“Julie just reached out to me. She wants me to covertly find out where Tucker has confined Archie. I

couldn't refuse, so I agreed. This action might inadvertently disrupt my brother's plans.”

Artemis approached, his arm enveloping her. His slender lips gently traced a path along her delicate


Bailey couldn't help but shiver, her glare sharpening as she scolded, “Show some restraint! Don't

behave like a ruffian and treat women with disrespect whenever you encounter one.”

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Artemis emitted a soft chuckle. “My wife is simply too irresistible; a single taste leaves me craving more. I can't be

held responsible for that.”

Bailey reached out, clutching his waist with a mixture of annoyance and anger. “I'm trying to have a serious

discussion with you. Can you at least attempt to be serious?”

The domineering man guided her to perch on the windowsill, raising an eyebrow as he remarked, “I bring tidings

that might potentially resolve your current predicament. Would you care to hear them?”

As she observed his enigmatic demeanor, Bailey's curiosity was immediately piqued, and she prodded, “Don't keep

me waiting. Just spill it out; no need for cryptic hints.”

The man responded with a smile, refraining from speaking as he leaned his handsome countenance closer to hers,

his intentions evident even without words.

Unable to resist, Bailey rolled her eyes before dutifully pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

This instance left Artemis utterly captivated; however, witnessing her earnest urgency, he managed to rein in his


“When Sofie got wind that Zoey managed to steal the Encyclopedia of Poison from Kurt, she promptly issued orders

to have Zoey captured. However, you and I are well aware that Kurt isn't an easy catch. Even Cameron's endeavors

to seize him have all proved fruitless. Could someone as shrewd, cautious, and devious as Kurt possibly allow Zoey

to snatch the Encyclopedia of Poison from his grasp without countermeasures? It's plausible that he utilized poison

to exert control over Zoey, subsequently devising an elaborate scheme to ensnare Sofie. Their intention seems to

be coaxing Sofie into their trap and then swiftly reclaiming the classified documents she held. Just recently, I

received a report from the spy I deployed to monitor Sofie's whereabouts. The woman and her lover have

vanished; they haven't surfaced for over twenty hours.”

Bailey's eyes gleamed. “Are you implying that Zoey might have harmed Sofie? Furthermore, it's possible that Zoey

now possesses the confidential documents pertaining to the Hoffman family's survival?”

“Indeed, it's likely that Zoey will acquire it in due course, even if she hasn't already. To ensure her survival, Sofie will

inevitably yield the document to her.”

Bailey's expression registered a degree of bewilderment; she struggled to grasp his underlying message.

But if Zoey gains possession of that document, wouldn't it spell doom for the Hoffman family too? I find it highly

improbable that Zoey would experience a sudden change of heart and willingly hand the document to the


“Mr. Luther, could you clarify things a bit further? I'm admittedly a bit slow to catch on, and I'm struggling to grasp

the full picture.”

Artemis arched an eyebrow and grinned, posing a question, “Who does Zoey despise the most?”

Without a second thought, Bailey blurted out, “Me.”

I do have some self-awareness, after all.

The man nodded, a smile gracing his lips. “Precisely. The person Zoey hates the most is you. Were it not for your

influence, she wouldn't have been expelled from the Shurmer family. She's aware of your mentorship of Juliana and

knows that you would safeguard the Hoffmans on her behalf. Possessing that document grants Zoey the power to

manipulate you.”

With his subtle implication, Bailey fully comprehended the scenario. “So, you want me to confront her, wrest the

document from her grasp, and then what? What do I do next once I secure the document?”

Artemis' gaze grew intricate, lingering over her lower abdomen with a pointed curiosity.

Bailey found herself slightly puzzled. “Why are you staring at me like that? I'm asking you a question; hurry up and

answer it.”

“They say that women become denser during pregnancy. Are you pregnant? Is that why you seem sillier now?”

At the peak of fury, Bailey burst out laughing instead.

So this jerk thinks I've gone stupid!

“You were quite intense last night; my thoughts are all scrambled. Are you going to provide an

explanation or not? If not, then move aside.”

This statement immediately pleased the man, offering him a swift sense of accomplishment.

“Fine, fine, I'll tell you. No need to get so worked up. Once you acquire those confidential documents,

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you can wield them against the senior figures within the Hoffman family. Presently, they back Tucker

due to the advantages he's bestowed upon them. However, if they discern that their allegiance to

Tucker could lead to the downfall of the family, they'll defect more promptly than anyone else. While

Tucker indeed commands the family's might, this authority isn't concentrated solely in his hands;

rather, it's diffused among the elders. If you can employ the documents to turn the elders against

him, ousting Tucker from power becomes plausible. Stepping back, even if this strategy falters, we

can always rely on force to dethrone him. Yet, you must truly brace yourself. As long as the Hoffman

family endures, it's possible your brother won't ever win Juliana's affection.”

Bailey slumped against him, her frustration palpable. “You've circled around, but you haven't resolved

my dilemma. Essentially, if the Hoffman family collapses, Juliana suffers. Yet, if the Hoffman family

remains intact, my brother might lose his chance with his wife.”

The man nodded, amused. “There's rarely a perfect solution in this world. We'll take it step by step.

If all else fails, let Zeke work his charm on the girl, then conceive a child together. What is done

cannot be undone; she'll have no option but to accept it. After all, which woman can resist such


His word rendered Bailey speechless.

But I have to admit it's a decent plan. Previously, it was Juliana who pursued Zeke. Now, the roles

have reversed, and it's Zeke who's pursuing Juliana. I really have no grounds to complain.

Within the infirmary's study, Catherine was on the brink of departing with a stack of assessment

reports when Simon abruptly entered.

“Let's talk.”

Catherine did not halt in her tracks. Just as she was on the verge of colliding with him, she

instinctively sidestepped to the left, intending to walk past him.

Seeing this, Simon hurried over and caught hold of her arm. “Am I some sort of menacing creature?

Ms. Rogers, don't forget that it was you who entered my room and slept with me back then. If

anyone should be evading the other, it should be me sidestepping you.”

Catherine had to come to a standstill, and after a beat of silence, she retrieved a card from her

pocket and handed it to him.