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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 79 Lust And Death (R-18)
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Suddenly, Agda's eyes rolled back in her head, and she collapsed to the ground, the sword clattering from her hand. The Duke and his men rushed forward to check on her, but she appeared to be unconscious.

One of the guards checked her pulse and confirmed that she was still alive. "What happened to her?" the Duke demanded, his voice dripping with a concern like a leaky faucet.

One of the guards responded, "It seems like she pushed herself too hard with her magic. She's completely drained now."

The Duke surveyed the gruesome scene of the fallen guards and thought 'It's a good thing she drained herself. Otherwise, we might have been in trouble.'

'But what if she wakes up and tells the Queen about how I forced the Prince to dine with me and nearly sent him to Ayroth?' the Duke thought to himself.

The Duke's heart raced as he thought about the possible consequences of Agda revealing his actions to the Queen. His hands trembled like a leaf in a storm as he considered the damage that could be done to his reputation and the repercussions it might have for his future ambitions. 'Well, I guess it's all possible if she lets me live,' he thought, chuckling to himself like a villain in a cheesy movie.

As the Duke was lost in his thoughts, one of his guards spoke up, "Your Grace, what should we do with Agda? Should we take her with us or leave her here?"

The Duke's expression turned cold and his voice dripped with malice as he gave his order. "No. Kill her before the Queen arrives and tell her she was dead before we found her."

Unease spread among the guards as they exchanged hesitant glances, knowing that the Duke's order was ruthless and immoral. However, they did not dare to challenge his authority and obediently nodded before carefully picking up Agda's limp form, intending to dispose of it in a concealed spot.

Just as they were about to leave, Agda's body was enveloped in a bright burst of ice and disappeared into thin air. The Duke and his men were dumbfounded, their jaws hitting the floor.

"What the hell just happened?" the Duke exclaimed, his voice quivering with fear and confusion.

A guard spoke up, "I'm not sure, Your Grace. It appeared as though she was teleported away by someone or something."

The Duke gritted his teeth in frustration and anger. "Find out who did this! I want answers and I want them now!" he bellowed, his eyes darting around as he tried to make sense of the situation.

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The guards nodded and quickly dispersed, fanning out to search for any clues or witnesses. The Duke remained behind, his mind racing as he tried to piece together what had just happened. He couldn't afford for anyone to find out what he had done, and the fact that Agda had disappeared only made things more complicated.

'who can use teleport magic? did queen did it... then I am dead.'

"Father....." a sobbing woman's voice called out, and the Duke turned to see his daughter, Cecilia, rushing towards him with tears streaming down her face. Cecilia's face was flushed and her skin appeared rosy-white, as if she had been crying for a while. Her brown hair was disheveled, and tears streaked down her cheeks, smudging her mascara.

The Duke quickly composed himself, trying to hide his unease as his daughter approached. "Cecilia, my dear, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice softening as he put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's.... its....Austin....he.... he.." she replied, her voice choked with emotion.

"yeah what happened to him? Where is he?" the Duke asked, his concern growing.

"He's gone, father." Cecilia sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

"What do you mean, he's gone? He's in the castle, see..." the Duke trailed off as a magical map materialized in front of him, showing that his son, Prince Austin, was actually located in an abandoned section of the castle. "Wait, what is he doing there?"

Cecilia's voice shook with fear as she pleaded with her father. "Please, Father, don't go."

The Duke's heart sank as he looked at the magical map and saw that his son, Prince Austin, was indeed in an abandoned part of the castle. His mind raced with possibilities of what could have happened to him. without saying anything, he run toward his location.

"Father, please don't go. It's too late...Austin... he's... he's dead." Cecilia cried out, her voice breaking with emotion.

Duke trembled at hearing his daughter, but didn't stop. 'no he can't die....he is my son..'

Duke made his way to the abandoned section of the castle, his heart pounded in his chest, fear and sorrow overwhelming him. He couldn't believe that his son was dead.

Duke reached the abandoned section of the castle, a faint light flickered from a room ahead. The silence in the hallway was unnerving, with only the sound of his footsteps echoing through the emptiness. He proceeded with caution, dreading the thought of coming face to face with his son's lifeless body.

he entered the room, the Duke's legs buckled beneath him and he collapsed in a heap, stunned to see that there was not a single corpse present.

"My son, who did this to you?" instead, scattered around the room were gruesome remains and small body parts.

On the backrest of the bed, Austin's small head lay with its eyes plucked out. His hands and feet had been severed from his body and were lying on the bed, soaking the sheets in his blood.

The Duke gasped in horror as he took in the macabre sight of his son's mutilated body. He covered his mouth with one hand, trying to hold back the bile that rose in his throat, while the other hand reached out to touch his son's face, only to recoil in disgust.

Blood was everywhere. His grief turned to anger as he realized that this was not the work of an animal, but of someone with a twisted and sadistic mind.

The Duke's mind raced, trying to comprehend what had happened. Who could have done such a thing? Why would they target his son?

The Duke's heart was heavy with sadness and concern as he contemplated the daunting task of telling his wife the devastating news. "How can I break this to your mother?" he muttered to himself, his voice betraying the weight of his emotions. "To see her beloved son in such a state..."


"ahhh ahh yes like that more....." Middle age woman's had ensnared a man with her slander leg, locking him to her crotch as he struggled to break free. His movement was desperate, continually slapping her crotch with force in the hope of getting free of this pussy trap.

*clap clap* each time he tried to get out, women forced him back to her crotch, creating a clapping sound with their naked bodies.

She tightened her grip, her thighs like a vise around his waist. "ahhh reach where he had never been Zolton..." the women moaned, her face covered in sweat, her hand holding the man's hand, pulling toward her naked body. Her plentiful breast jiggled with the impact of men's body on her soft thighs.

"looks like I have to get serious." Zolton said, his face contorted in struggle as he slapped his body against hers, hoping to make her reach heaven.

"ahhh.... yes..... just little more deep." but alas his hip doesn't have enough power to make that happen. Or his heaven reaching rod was little shorter.

'What the fuck is she?' Zolton didn't stop and grabbed her dangling breast and squeezed them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"squeezed them..... he never touch them...yes squeezed them more....." Rita said, looking at Zolton's struggling face. her dark nipple so hard, looks beautiful on her pinkish skin.

*knock Knock* just as they Zolton was trying hard to control his orgasm by clenching his prostrate, the knock on the door shocked his prostrate, making her penis realised the warm flow in married women's pussy.

"ahhhh... why did you cum?...." Rita said while she closed her eyes, feeling the warm sensation in her pussy.

"Sorry, the sound surprised me." Zolton said while his hips trembled slightly.

"Can you do it one more time?" Rita asked, still locking him on her pussy. Her eyes were full of hunger.

'I am pounding you for an hour women, I can't do it for minute more you slut.'

With confidence in his gaze, Zolton affirmed, "Certainly, but let's listen to what the disturber has to say first."

Upon hearing this, a beam of excitement lit up her countenance. "Excellent, please hold on for just a moment."

"The Duke is requesting your presence." Came the message from the servant, causing Rita to furrow her brows in confusion. She quickly responded, "Please inform him that I will be there shortly."

However, the servant didn't leave and added, "The Duke said it's urgent."

Rita's worry increased at the urgency in the Duke's message, and she turned to Zolton, noticing the fear on his face.

"Rita, do you think the Duke knows about us? What could he possibly want that's so urgent?" he asked with concern.

Rita hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm not sure, but we should proceed with caution. We don't know what his intentions are."

Zolton nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's handle this carefully and find out what he wants. Then continue our little practice."

Both of them glanced at each other with lusty eyes and left the room. First was Rita, then after waiting for some time, Zolton also left the room.

Without knowing, a gruesome scene awaits them.


Announcement :- I need gifts worth 20000 coin within 5 days. If the goal is reached, I will release 15 extra chapters in the first week of April. from 25 March to 30 March