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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 135 Lucky, Unlucky
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"Why? Why?" he whispered hoarsely, his voice choked with pain and disbelief. His hand moved with fervor, his touch rough and desperate, as if he could scrub away the haunting memories etched into his very being. Each stroke, each motion, was an act of desperate denial, an attempt to erase the evidence of the horrors he had unwittingly become entangled in.

His eyes, bloodshot and brimming with unshed tears, resembled a broken dam struggling to contain the emotional flood within. But the tears seemed to blend seamlessly with the water, lost in the swirling currents that carried away the remnants of his guilt and anguish.

As the tears merged with the water, Erwin's cries morphed into silent sobs, his grief flowing freely and unseen. He remained immersed in the pool; the water serving as both sanctuary and purifier, as if by submerging himself, he could wash away not only the physical stains but also the burden of his guilt-ridden soul.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as he knelt there, the water rippling around him, carrying away the remnants of his pain. The silence that enveloped him mirrored the numbness that settled within his core. He had escaped the immediate threat, but the scars left behind were etched deep into his psyche, haunting him with every breath.

His eyes scanned the ground, still moist from the water he had disturbed. Amidst the damp soil and scattered debris, a glimmer caught his attention—a flicker of light dancing upon a small object.

It was Aston's spatial ring, the very same ring Erwin had callously demanded just moments before. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, electrifying his senses. He held the ring in his trembling hand, the metal cool against his skin, while conflicting emotions waged war within him.

Guilt battled with Erwin's rationalizations, each thought fighting for dominance within his troubled mind. The weight of Aston's death bore heavily upon him, but a part of him resisted the remorse, clinging to a justification born from his own wounded pride.

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"Screw him!" Erwin's inner voice lashed out, his anger masking the underlying guilt. "He was a bully, tormenting others without mercy. He deserved to die!" The words reverberated within his conscience, a desperate attempt to justify his actions and quell the rising remorse.

But deep down, Erwin couldn't escape the truth. He knew he had a role to play in Aston's tragic end, whether or not he was directly responsible for his death. The gruesome image of Aston's head exploding before him haunted his thoughts, causing a sickening churn in the pit of his stomach.

"But.....why the fuck his head has to blast at my face?" Erwin muttered to himself, the horror and confusion evident in his trembling voice. The shock of witnessing such a grotesque scene had shaken him to his core, leaving him grappling with the horrifying reality that he had become a witness to Aston's demise.

Turning his attention to the spatial ring, Erwin sought solace in the act of finding new attire. Among the collection of clothes contained within, he discovered a set that appeared less opulent and more worn, befitting his desire to shed the trappings of his former self.

He discarded his damp, blood-stained garments, a tangible reminder of the horror he had witnessed, and hastily donned the tattered ensemble. The fabric clung to his skin, a stark contrast to the luxurious garments he once flaunted. In this modest attire, Erwin hoped to shed the arrogance and entitlement that had led him astray.

Erwin's gaze lingered upon his reflection in the still pool, his once piercing silver eyes now dulled with a hint of melancholy. The vibrant hue of his purple hair had lost its luster, clinging damply to his skin. The flush of redness that had stained his cheeks had faded, leaving behind a pallid complexion.

As Erwin walked away from the jungle, his steps heavy with the weight of his experiences, he couldn't help but question the twisted nature of fate. How had he journeyed from one extreme to another in such a short span of time? The absurdity of it all gnawed at his soul, stirring a cocktail of emotions that mingled within him.

"This world is so damn strange," Erwin muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and bitterness. "One day, I'm fucking a chick's brain out, and the next, some bastard is making me shower in some bastard's blood and brain matter. What the hell is happening to me?"

As Erwin contemplated his tumultuous journey, his gaze shifted from his reflection to the herb pouch he carried. A glimmer of hope ignited within him, tempering the darkness that threatened to consume his spirit. A faint smile curled upon his lips as he surveyed the contents of the pouch.

"There they are," Erwin whispered, his voice laced with a newfound determination. The herb pouch held a precious cache of sixteen Virellanths, a valuable resource capable of producing eight low-level Marrow Cleansing potions. It was a small but significant lifeline in this treacherous world.

With a clear goal in mind, Erwin's thoughts turned to the necessary ingredients required for concocting the potions. He knew he would need to gather additional components, but he also acknowledged the limitations of his current skill level as a mage. He could only utilize two low-level Marrow Cleansing potions at the first circle mage. He can use more but they have to be high or more than that which, at the time, Erwin didn't even want to know the price of.

A plan began to form in Erwin's mind, fueled by both practicality and ambition. "I can share two of the potions with Kael," he mused, which seemed fitting to extend a gesture of goodwill to his ally.

His focus then shifted to the surplus potions. "I can sell the remaining ones," Erwin resolved, recognizing their potential value. The funds acquired from the sales could be utilized to acquire the necessary ingredients and cover the fees required for an alchemist to craft additional potions.

But there was more to Erwin's intentions than mere practicality. He yearned for strength and power in this savage world that had thrust him into a maelstrom of violence and unpredictability. The desire to grow, to surpass his limitations, burned within him like an unquenchable flame.

"To get stronger," Erwin affirmed, his voice resolute. He made a decision, a conscious choice, to seize every opportunity to bolster his own abilities. The surplus fruits he possessed would be sold, not because he couldn't produce more potions from them, but because he was willing to sacrifice immediate gains for the long-term pursuit of strength.

He didn't even consider checking Aston's spatial ring. He didn't want to use anything from there for his own purposes. He couldn't take the risk. What if someone started searching for him and somehow discovered the things Erwin had used?

To banish the memories of the disgusting blood shower mixed with brains he had endured, Erwin forced his mind to focus on the process of making a Marrow Cleansing potion.

He contemplated whom he should contact to make the potions. On one hand, he considered creating them himself, but that would require extensive reading, practice, and time that he couldn't afford. So, he pondered reaching out to someone at the Alchemists Association. There were many skilled alchemists there who could assist him.

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Suddenly, a person's image appeared in his mind—the one who had initially informed him about the Alchemists Association. A smile formed on his lips as he remembered their conversation. "How could I forget about that giant assistant and their rather fat ass?" With this thought, he set off towards Valara's house, his mind now filled with vivid images of Valara's ample rear end.

A fat ass like in Erwin's thought was also present in the jungle. It was not just an ass but a full woman shored in leafs.

The figure with a voluptuous physique moved stealthily, tailing Erwin's every step. She was completely clad in dark green foliage, as if nature itself had adorned her body. The leaves clung to her curves, revealing the contours of her form.

Only her piercing green eyes were visible amidst the foliage, emanating an eerie glow as they fixated on Erwin's silhouette.

"What a pathetic and cowardly child," a cold voice filled with contempt resonated from behind the leafy mask. Her eyes shimmered with disgust as she observed Erwin's cautious movements. "I had hoped for some amusement, seeing him torment that handsome boy. But alas, this child lacks the qualities to be my playmate..."

Raising her slender hand in the air, she pointed it directly at Erwin. Her voice dripped with malice as she continued, "Now, he can't provide any entertainment... so why should he remain alive?" A swirling green circle formed before her hand, gathering a whirlwind of leaves that condensed into a spherical mass. A mischievous gleam danced in her eyes as she uttered, "Let's attempt another headshot."

"Come here, I've found the body!" A sudden shot echoed through the jungle, disrupting her focus. She turned her attention to the source of the interruption, her hands instinctively moving to deflect the incoming attack. As a result, the green ball veered off course, missing its intended target and obliterating a random tree in its wake.

"Shit," the woman cursed, frustration etching her features as her shot missed its mark. She glared back at the moving figures, her anger burning in her eyes. However, her attention quickly shifted when she realized that the child she had targeted was no longer in sight.

Her gaze swept the surroundings, searching for any sign of the elusive silhouette. But to no avail. The child had vanished from her view. With a resigned sigh, she muttered, "Well, that child got lucky. But his friends weren't as fortunate as him."

Her eyes shifted to the two lifeless bodies lying on the ground, incomplete in their demise. There was a touch of grim satisfaction in her voice as she remarked, "I should get out of here or I would be like them to in some time when he gets here."

Decisively, she made her choice. Disappearing seamlessly into the embrace of the natural surroundings, she blended with the foliage, leaving no trace of her presence behind. Meanwhile, a group of men clad in armor emerged near the two deceased bodies, drawn to the scene by the disturbance.