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Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 278 A Troublesome Woman (Part 2)
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'Why is this troublesome woman is here?' Baphomet shouted inside his mind feeling his head started ache just after seeing her

"Master, is there a problem?" Zaganath asked when he saw Baphomet suddenly looks troubled.

"That maniac woman is here," Baphomet said while rubbing his temples.

He can deal with anyone, but whenever it comes to Eilistraea he is completely helpless.

That woman is just a complete maniac who loves to cause trouble for people. He heard about so many incidents that Eilistraea caused that sometimes he wonder if she is a female devil in disguise of an elf.

Hearing that woman is here, Zaganath instantly understood his master is talking about the elf queen.

"She is in the teleportation room. Go and lead her here" Baphomet said while waving his hands.

Zaganath nodded his head after hearing Baphomet and quickly left the room.

"We are very close to breaking the seal on the shadow realm, why is this troublesome woman is here at this time?" Baphomet muttered and sighed.

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Five minutes later the door of the throne room was blasted open.

"It's been a while little Baphi" Black lines appeared on Baphomet's face after hearing what Eilistraea called him but he held himself back and looked at the beautiful elf who was smiling at him like they are best friends.

Zaganath was walking behind her and for some reason, it was looking like he aged ten years in the five minutes he spent with Eilistraea.

"Why are you here Eilistraea?"

"Ara, I am your guest and you are not even asking for water of life or anything?" Eilistraea said completely ignoring Baphomet's question and sitting down on one of the chairs.

''We don't have water of life, do you want some demonic dew" Baphomet asked not surprised by the bizarre behaviour of Eilistraea.

"Demoic dew? Is it better than mountain dew?" Eilistraea asked with shining eyes.

"It depends on your taste buds"

"Oh, then I don't want it," Eilistraea said while shaking her head, the name demonic dew doesn't sound appealing to her.

After Eilistraea rejected demonic dew the room fell into silence.

Even though they were just looking at each other normally, Zaganath can feel an oppressive aura coming out from both of them.

'I shouldn't have entered the room after bringing this woman here' Zaganath said while crying inwardly.

"So why are you here?" after Eilistraea didn't speak anything Baphomet asked once again.

"If I say I just come here to see you will you believe me," Eilistraea said while smiling a little.

"I don't think we are close enough that you will come to see me for no reason. So just say it already why are you here?" Baphomet said in a slightly colder tone.

"Well, you are right. We are not close enough that I will visit you for no reason. I come here because I want to know something" Eilistraea said while taking out a straw and juice carton.

She poked the straw into the carton and started to drink it, then seemingly remembering about Baphomet she looked at him, and while signalling asked if he also wants one.

Baphomet's eyes were twitching violently and he wanted nothing more than to throw out Eilistraea from his empire, but remembering her personality he took a deep breath and shook his head.

Seeing he doesn't want a juice carton Eilistraea shrugged her shoulders and took a big sip of juice through the straw.

"Are you sending your essence clones into different lower worlds?" suddenly Eilistraea asked in a casual tone while still sipping the juice.

Baphomet raised an eyebrow when he heard Eilistraea. He didn't tell anyone about this matter so he was wondering how did she find out about it.

But it is not something new, and many people try to send their essence clones into lower worlds so Baphomet didn't deny it and nodded his head.

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"Do you have a problem with it?"

"Why would I have a problem with it?" Eilistraea said while resting her head on her palm, "I am just surprised you were able to pass the restrictions of the world"

"You should be the last person to be surprised by this" Baphomet said and a dark red energy gathered at the palm of his hand.

Just as the energy appeared around his palm, the space around it started to shake.

"The concept of my demonic energy is destruction. It is the complete opposite of your natural energy. With the help of it, destroying some of the restrictions is child's play for me" Baphomet said and the energy around his palm disappeared.

After the energy around his palm disappeared Baphomet once again looked at Eilistraea

"I don't know what you are trying to do by asking these questions, but it will be good if you get straight to the point. I don't have time to talk to you for all day"

Eilistraea looked at Baphomet for some time without speaking, after a minute she opened her mouth and asked a simple question

"Why? Why are you sending your essence clones to different worlds?"

In the memories of her essence clone, she saw it fighting against three monsters who were looking like shadow undeads.

Coincidentally Baphomet also sent his essence clone into that world a few years ago. She wanted to confirm if he knew about those monsters or if he is related to them somehow.

Hearing Eilistraea's question Baphomet was confused. Even though she acts like a child he knew she is very smart, and considering her mind he is sure she can already guess why he is sending his essence clones to different worlds.

But looking at her serious face he knew she is not trying to waste his time and really wanted to know the answer of this question.

'If I can send her away just by answering this question, I don't think it is a bad deal' Baphomet thought while looking at Eilistraea

'Besides...I am sure she already knew the reason. But it looks like she wants to confirm something'