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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 718: The Power and Influence of the First Wife - 2
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"As The King of Hell... I couldn't show weakness. I had to be the Invincible King and Tyrant. Displaying a few emotions was acceptable, but to do so all the time would've been seen as a symbol of weakness... And as I spent most of my time training and not talking to anyone, it just became second nature to me, huh...."

"..." Silence fell between Viviane, Violet, and Hestia.

For a moment, all they could hear were the shouts of the Amazons in training.

Violet's heart ached as she felt Victor's emotions. All she wanted was to get off his shoulders and hug him, but she knew those weren't the necessary actions, and her Husband was not that weak.

'A man who fell into Hell, conquered it, and returned Home, all for his Family...' Hestia crossed her arms and turned her face away while biting her lips. Her body shuddered, and the feeling of longing rose in her heart; she wanted something like that too.

When Victor returned home, she felt the Divine Blessing of 'Home' that she had given his Family grow even stronger than it had been when he had first fallen into Hell, and the 'one-year training' that took place after he returned solidified it even more.

Hestia had never seen her Blessing as strong as it was now. The man she gave that Blessing to embodied everything she stood for.

And to see that man have such a close-knit Family... It filled her with jealousy and possessive desire... It was shameful for a Goddess like her. She shouldn't have these negative feelings. She should be happy, but she just couldn't...

'Especially when I see Aphrodite's bright, smiling face. It was as if the woman lived in a world where everything was springtime, pink and full of rainbows.'

She had never seen Aphrodite so happy before and was envious of her state.

Hestia felt ugly and disgusting inside for having these feelings.

Violet broke the silence, "You're not in Hell right now, Darling. You're with your Family."

"I agree that showing too many emotions can be seen as weakness. From a young age, I was trained in the same mindset. But when you're with your Family, you should express yourself more, especially with Ophis and Nero."

"For you, it may have been over 700 years, but for us, it's only been a few months, and those two little girls miss you. Don't treat them so coldly."

Victor narrowed his eyes, "I will never do that to them; I will always take care of my Family."

"I know." She chuckled softly as she fell forward, and with incredible flexibility, she transitioned from his shoulders, wrapped both legs around his waist, and cupped his face in both hands.

Violet's violet eyes looked into Victor's eyes. Then, she displayed a big smile that showed all her white teeth, a smile that seemed to light up the area like a bright sun:

"And that's one of the parts I love most about you, Darling."


Violet was a woman of action. She said what she should and demonstrated her 'love' through actions. She kissed him, and in that kiss, she transmitted all her overwhelming love that, for a few seconds, wholly overwhelmed Victor's senses.

"Muah." She pulled away abruptly, licked her lips sensually, and declared: "Mm, nothing better than a kiss after a love confession, my vitamin 'V' is loaded."

Victor looked on in disbelief at Violet's statement, then chuckled in amusement.

"I really am lucky to have you, Violet."

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"Umu, it's good that you know." She nodded with a condescending smile. Then she let go of Victor and fell to her feet on the floor, her body stretching a little.

"I'm going to train a little; I feel rusty after being stuck in that office."

"Since you are going to train, try to learn this."

"Oh?" Violet looked at Victor curiously.

"Use Fire as fuel." Victor's body was covered in flames. "Gather that Fire within yourself, and slowly spread it throughout your body until..."


Victor's entire appearance abruptly changed to pure flames.

"You become one with the Fire."

"..." Everyone but Violet backed away from Victor at the intense heat bursting out of his body.

"In this state, you are practically invulnerable to any kind of attack; after all, your body is made of flames, but remember." Victor pointed his finger at his heart and brain.

"Your heart and brain are still inside your body, and opposing attribute users like Ice and Water can also damage you, so don't risk too much."

"... Holy fuck, Victor! You're insane! Do you understand what you are doing? You literally burned your entire physical body... I don't know if I can do that." Violet was honest. This level of Bloodline Control was ridiculous. She couldn't even imagine how much discipline was required to pull off this feat.

"You got it wrong, Honey."

"This is a variation of the Vampire Count Transformation, only instead of using the Power to increase my physical strength and causing the usual physical changes, I used the Power Boost to increase the power of the flames and the shapeshifting function to transition my body into pure flames."

"I am not burning my flesh. When I return to normal, my physical body will return with me... Watch." The flames slowly began to fade, and Victor's skin began to show.

Soon he was back to normal.

Violet touched Victor's body and saw that he really was a body of flesh, not a body of flames.

"This... This is amazing... How did you think of this?"

Victor shrugged: "Being isolated spurs creativity, and I had seen something similar in superhero movies in the past. So, as I had nothing to do, I thought: Why not?"

"And this is the result."

"..." Violet's lips trembled. Only Victor could go to another level with her Bloodline because he was bored.

"Haaah... You are unbelievable." She sighed. She should be used to it when Victor did these surprising things, but he always found a way to impress her all over again.

Turning her gaze to Victor, she smiled with a twinkle in her eyes and thought:

'My Husband is amazing. Die of envy bitches!'

"I will try to do this after I learn a little more. Teach me the first steps."

"Okay..." Victor thought for a while about the right words to explain to Violet, then explained:

"The moment you shift into your Vampire Count Form, take that instinctual impulse that we feel and direct it towards the flames of our Bloodline. As you do this, guide these flames with the Vampire's shapeshifting, and transform these flames into your new 'flesh'. Don't forget to leave your heart and brain out of this change. Even I didn't dare to change these two important body parts."

Noble Vampires died if their hearts and brains were destroyed simultaneously. However, as long as one of these organs were left intact, the body of the Vampire would regenerate.

'I was successful in transforming my entire body except for my brain into Elemental Form, but I noticed a great decrease in the amount of Power when my heart was not present... I don't know why, but apparently, the heart is directly responsible for the most of the energy in the body.'

Victor still didn't have a complete theory on this, but if he had to point something out, it would be that, as it was with Dragons, the Energy Core of 'Mortal'. Supernatural Creatures seemed to be the heart,

While the Power Core of 'Divine' Creatures would be the Soul itself.

This would explain why Dragons had a heart that functioned similarly to a nuclear reactor. It also coincided with what Victor learned about the Gods from his past interactions with Aphrodite and Scathach.

But in the end, this was all just a theory; he needed to 'observe' more to arrive at anything conclusive.

"How the fuck does the heart still work if our body has become entirely made of Fire? The same applies to the brain; it doesn't make any sense." In all of her flame Techniques, even the Vampire Count Transformation, she still had a physical body, and the Fire was just on the surface, but what Victor showed was another level. The body literally became an Element.

"I don't know, but I can think of a theory."

"What's the theory?"

"Hmm... For example, when Werewolves transform into their Bipedal Form, their clothes completely disappear, right?"


"But why is it that their clothes are still present when they change back to normal?"

"... That's a good point... Why does that happen?" Violet questioned, confused. She had never thought of this before; she just looked at it all as if it were normal.

"After thinking about possible theories for a long time and watching Werewolves transform in my memories, the only conclusion I could come to was that when a Werewolf transformed, they stored their 'Human' body in a subspace within their Soul."

"After all, when Werewolves transform, their Soul doesn't change to their Bipedal Form; their Soul remains their 'Human' form."

"... That's a pretty plausible theory." Hestia, who approached with Viviane, spoke.

"The form of the Soul is an exact copy of the flesh. So when a Werewolf transforms, it should change too... But if it doesn't, it's because the Bipedal Werewolf Form is not the Werewolf's True Form." Vivian added.

"Oh? Do you understand the workings of Souls, Viviane?"

"I'm Half Faerie, Half Goddess. I was born able to see The Truth of The World. I may not interact with Souls or see them as deeply as the Gods of Death or the Vampire Progenitors, but I can still see them... And that damn old man knew a lot about Souls. He told me a few things."

"Old man?" Hestia asked.


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"Oh..." Everyone exclaimed.

"Anyway, keep going, Vic." Violet didn't care about the old man one bit.

"Okay..." Victor paused a bit to think of the best words and then continued:

"Unlike Werewolves, the Vampire Count Transformation, as we call it, is nothing more than a Vampire reverting to our roots. We are not 'turning into' anything. In reality, we are 'returning' to the past."

"Because of this, when we access the Vampire Count Form, our Soul begins to change; after all, we are accessing our True Form."

"And just like with Werewolves, our former 'Human' Form is stored within our Souls as data. Because of that, when we 'release' the Vampire Count Form, everything we had before accessing that Form comes back intact."

"It's a similar situation to the Werewolf, but different at the same time."

"While Werewolves keep their 'Human' body in their Soul because their physical body is 'transforming'."

"Noble Vampires keep their 'Human' body in the Soul because the Soul is in the process of returning to its Original State. It is as if it were a natural defense of the Soul itself not to fall apart."

"Hmm~... I get it, and at the same time, I don't~" Smoke started coming out of Violet's head: "Ugh...GAAAH!"

Violet exploded in frustration!

She looked at Victor with a stern look: "You made the explanation way too complicated! Sum it up in 20 words!"

Victor chuckled, "In short, when we change into Vampire Count Form, our current body is stored in a space in our Soul. During this process, we can 'add' traits to the Vampire Count Form, characteristics that will disappear once we return to Normal Form."

"Ohhh... I get it now." She nodded in satisfaction, then added, "You should have said that from the beginning! Why complicate things? You and Ruby always like to do that." She started mumbling, and soon she added:

"I won't use this Technique now; it's too dangerous to do alone. I want to try it when you're around. For now, I just want to train normally."

"Okay~, I will talk to Scathach, Agnes, and Natashia later so we can train together; I have a lot of things to teach you."

"Mm, contact me if you need anything." Violet turned, and for a moment, her eyes and Hestia's met.

Violet smiled slightly and winked at Hestia, leaving the woman speechless.

Hestia unconsciously lowered her head and blushed a little as she realized the 'First Wife's' intentions.

Violet laughed and said, "I'm going to hit some bitches." She punched her right fist into her left hand, causing a small explosion of flames; her smile grew wider as she looked at the amazons.

"W-Wait, Lady Violet." Meya, The Queen of The Amazons, tried to bargain, but Violet had no intention of listening.

"Show me the results of your training, bitches!" She dashed towards the girls.




Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable

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