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Monster Integration (Web Novel)

Chapter 3873: Big Horde I
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I heard another ripping sound aidun ripped apart a group of sharp teeth fishies. They were tiny and cute, but they had extremely sharp teeth.

It had been over eleven hours since we entered the suppressive zone, and everything had been good right now.

We had been attacked by hundreds of groups, shaving over thousands of monsters, but they were no horde. Every attack that cwas dealt with, and it didn't take more than one person to do that.

"It would be great if the rest of the journey went on like this," said Sarena and I turned to her.

"Do you really think that?" I asked, and she shook her head. "No, but I wish it would happen." She said, and I smiled.

I want the piece too, but that is unlikely to happen.

Currently, the sea is calm, and the night is full of stars, but it won't take more seconds for it to rage, and thousands of monsters attack us.

I have seen many monsters coming into my range and leaving. I would have killed them, but there are too many.

Even if I tried, I could kill only a fraction of them.

Though with others, I could kill all, but it would be tiring and there is no way the captain would give permission for something like it. I wouldn't have given it if I had been in his place.

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"You know, I really like the sea. I wish, I could travel without any worry," said Sarena suddenly soft voice.

"You will one day," I said, and a small smile appeared on her face. "I really hope so," she replied with a dreamy look in her eyes.

I could understand what she was feeling. I am feeling the same. For most people, a journey like this is dangerous, but for people like us, it is even more dangerous. Once our secret is out, it will be the end of us.

For a couple of minutes, nobody said anything. We just floated over the ship in comfortable silence.


"Yo" she was saying something, when stopped when my expression changed suddenly.

"What happened?" she asked.

'Attention everybody. I had sensed the horde at the north of the ship, with thousands of numbers, that are increasing every second,' I informed theand sent images of what my soul sense showed me.

Soul sense, not soul waves.

The soul waves had discovered the horde much before, but I didn't want them. I only warned them when they reached my soul sense and even then, I waited a little.

It turned out that I have the highest soul sense range. Higher than captains and other powerhouses.

The questions came, but I didn't reply. I just sent them the data in the form of images, till their own soul sense had discovered the marine monster horde with thousands of monsters.

"Everybody, what we had been fearing had happened. The monster horde had attacked us,"

"It is our responsibility to fight it and protect the ship and everyone on it," said the captain.

The auras started flaring, and the weapons cout. I didn't take out my sword, but two strong hands cout, lolling between two lances. These lances were specially forged to kill the marine monsters.

Sarena and 70% of the people entered inside the water, while I stayed above with the rest.

Seconds passed, and finally, the monsters cat a visual distance. The shield around the ship is strengthened. It will protect, the ship from the monsters, that slip us; it is unlikely to happen, but we are not taking chances.

The monsters reached us and the first people they clashed were inside the water. The monsters attacked and people responded.


A second later, the monster cout of the water. One of them cat me. It is a big grey fish, built like a balloon.


As it appeared in front of me; it released the attack. It was hardened crystalized smoke; at one glance, I could tell it was poison, and dangerous one at that, but I didn't move to defend.

The crystalized smoke crashed against me, and it felt painful, but my armor was able to bear it, before sucking it away.

Though to those looking. It looked like, I was burning the poison.

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When I fight in the presence of Prime, I didn't dare to do such things. They could easily see through the illusions, but now there is less fear; I could take such risks to hide my abilities.

The fish got close, thinking its poison started to affectdespiteburning it.


When it got close enough, the big lance pierced through it, and a moment later. I pulled it into my core, before attacking the two monsters coming at me.

Puch Puch!

They were weaker than the balloon fish. Killed them effortlessly despite them being the Sky Sovereigns.

I would have been able to do the sbefore the breakthrough.

As they entered my core, I moved toward the different monsters. Their number is increasing, and we have to finish them off as they came.

'Finish them as quickly as possible. Don't let them swarm you,' said the captain from above and released arrow after arrow from his bow.

He is an archer, which is rare at this stage. Even those who started as archers changed their weapons to swords, sabers, and others. It is more efficient, but in the sea, the bow is a lot more useful.

Especially when dealing with the massive horde.

The captain is right. We shouldn't let them swarm us. If they did, there would be an enormous price to pay.

This is just the start of the journey, and things will get dangerous. We will need to finish the horde as efficiently as possible. If we were not able to achieve just that, then we might as well return the ship and get out of the suppressive zone.

It would be much better for us to take the long route, and I am not saying it sarcastically.