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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60


Logan watched as Hope slept peacefully beside him, her features softened in slumber. Gently, he brushed the

back of his hand against her cheek, eliciting a stirring from her, and she gradually awakened from her evening


“You're the one who wokeup,” Hope murmured, blinking sleepily.

“I couldn't resist,” Logan admitted with a soft smile.

“I have an interview on Monday,” Hope informed him, sitting up.

“Paul mentioned it. Your application made the cut,” Logan confirmed.

“Why didn’t you tellabout this?” Hope playfully swatted his arm.

“I forgot, Paul mentioned it while we were at work,” Logan explained. Then, with at sudden idea, he suggested,

“Why don’t you becmy personal assistant?”

“We already have your secretary. Plus, | don’t want to rely on favors. You've always encouragedto showcase

my abilities,” Hope asserted confidently.


“Get ready,” Logan told her.

“For?” Hope arched her brow at him.

“To go out,” Logan answered.

“Where are you takingto?” Hope was a bit surprised. He never asked him to go out with him since the day

they were married. It was strange for her sometimes to see Logan's loving side because it would be rare.

“What should | wear?” Hope asked for his recommendations.

“A simple dress,” Logan answered.

“Alright.” Hope got down from the bed and went to the washroom.

Logan put away the duvet and went to the closet to get ready.

After a while, they both cdownstairs, where Logan informed Cecilia they would return late and left for the

place, where Logan wanted to take her to.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Finally, they were at the famous Lake Pavilion, which was a little far from the main city. A pavilion was

constructed at the center of the lake. Since not everyone could visit such a place, Logan already took a special

permission from the owner of this place.


Chapter 60

Walking through the stony bridge that connected the pavilion to the ground, Hope would look into the water and

smile. The lanterns lit on both the sides of the pathway. and the pavilion made it possible to look at one’s

reflection in the water.

Upon reaching the pavilion, Hope's eyes landed on a stone structure inside which water could be seen. “Is it from

the lake?” Hope asked as she was unable to understand how in that dip the water was filled. There she could

even see an ornated plate placed at its


As she lifted her hand to touch it, Logan stopped her by grabbing her hand. “Don’t do that. It’s magical water,”

he advised.

“What?” Hope was astonished to learn it.

“This is a place, where everyone's entry is banned. Because the person knowsclosely, that’s why he allowed

“Why is the entry banned here? What is exactly this place about?” Hope inquired as she wandered her eyes

around. She lifted her head only to find it was open at the center just to make sure the celestial lights fall upon

that stony structure.

“This place is said to link us werewolves and Lycans directly with the Moon Goddess. When the three stars

appear above the sky, this plate inside this magical water gets activated and the door to our Goddess’ realm

opens up. To prevent its misuse, it was given to the most trusted family of that time. And now, it has become

their legacy to protect this place. | just wanted you to learn about it,” Logan explained to her.

Hope hummed, but she was curious if werewolves and Lycans didn’t fight for this place.

“We didn’t. The people who protect this place are magical. We cannot stand before them,” Logan stated.

“What are they?” Hope queried inquisitively.

“Witches,” Logan answered.

“I thought they were know more,” Hope replied.

“They always were present but they never showed themselves,” Logan asserted. “They are kind of away from

our societies, but are a crucial part of it.”

“I thought we were enemies,” Hope mumbled,

“In the past, we were, Logan stated. “That too almost two centuries ago,” he proclaimed. “Now, we live together

in a friendliness zone,” he added.

“I don’t understand it, Logan. Why did you bringhere? Is there something you wantto know?” Hope

asked as she squinted her eyes in suspicion.


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Chapter 60

Logan touched the pendant around her neck. “The stone present on your pendant is of here. | think your mother

was a witch,” he pronounced, revealing something which made Hope's eyes to grow big.

“What? How could she be a witch?” Hope didn’t believe him at first, but seeing the look at his face, she knew he

was not lying either. She keenly observed her stone and then the stony structure. “Is it true? Why Dad lie to me

then? He always said my mother was a werewolf,” she murmured.

“We need to ask him by pressing him. Indeed, Kasper won't say the truth because he must be bound by

something,” Logan stated.

“If my mother was a witch, then why I'm an omega werewolf. Shouldn't | have scapabilities of a witch?”

Hope questioned him.

“That's the biggest mystery forto solve. But you are a werewolf not a witch. | mean, your werewolf traits

dominates, Logan affirmed.

“How can you be sure about it?” Hope queried.

“I got the mate scent from you. So, you are a werewolf, Logan pronounced. “Did you ever get that scent from

me?” he suddenly inquired.

“Yes, the moment | confessed to you. My wolf said you were the one for me,” Hope said with a smile and touched

the pendant on her neck. “Now, I'm curious to know about my mother. | hope Dad tells the truth to us,” she

pronounced. She then wondered about the unknown message, she received the day Natasha attacked her. It was

related to her


“I tried a lot the origin of that message, but failed. If the man truly knows something about your mother, then he

will approach you again. And when that happens, you need to inform me,” Logan asserted.

Hope looked into that magical water once again while thinking about his mother.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ryan arrived at his apartment and, as he removed his jacket, he heard the doorbell ring. “Who could that be at

this hour?” he muttered to himself as he made his way to the door. Opening it, he was taken aback to find

Roaxana standing there.

“Roxy?” he exclaimed in surprise.

“Can | cinside?” Roaxana asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, of course,” Ryan replied, stepping aside to let her in. He closed the door behind them and led her to the

living room, where Roaxana settled herself.

Chapter 60

“What's wrong? You look troubled,” Ryan asked with concern evident in his voice.

She peered at him and felt she should not keep her feelings inside toward Ryan. She made a mistake for never

confessing her feeling toward him and somewhere, it always troubled her. Most importantly, her grandfather had

already searched a man for her, whom she was to get married with. However, Roaxana felt she should try once,

telling Ryan about her feelings.

“You were my crush since we were in the senior high school,” Roaxana revealed to him.

“What?” Ryan exclaimed in shock.

“Yes. But you always sawas your friend. | never dated anyone because | couldn't forget you. | felt I'd

suffocate. The night you kissed me, everything turned upside down. for me. | thought | forgot you completely,

but | was wrong, Roaxana told the entire truth to him. How she felt toward him and what she wanted from him.

Ryan was completely startled by this shocking fact. “Roxy, we are friends,” he said.

“I know, we are. But you crossed it first. Do you even know what you said towhen you kissed me? If not, you

should remember soon. Can we not be more than friends?” She asked and gulped since she knew her friendship

with Ryan might break because of what she said to him.

“Roxy, | never saw you as a woman,” Ryan confessed truthfully. “I am sorry for what | did that day to you. | was

not in my right mind that I did that to you,” he stated. He had no idea if he would able to live well if they dated

and for sreason break-up happened. He couldn't afford to lose a friend.

Roaxana didn’t expect the rejection to cat her this fast. But she understood. Tears engulfed in her eyes and

she stood up to leave. Ryan caught her arm to stop her. “Hey. I'm sorry. We cannot break our friendship. | am

truly sorry, Roxy,” he said with pleading eyes.

“Do you like women like Natasha then? That night you were eager to do it with me. What if | hadn't left and slept

with you? You would not have taken responsibility for that,” Roxana pronounced as tears streamed down her


It was her first rejection and it happened badly. She didn’t know why in her mind Ryan would agree to date her

and know more about her.

She pushed him away and ran away from his apartment in anger.