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I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 162 - Comprehending The Profound Meaning Of Guardianship
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Chapter 162: Comprehending The Profound Meaning Of Guardianship

“You should have a solution.”

“Of course, leave this to me. You can prepare for the battle with peace of mind. The matter will be settled tomorrow without affecting your reputation.”

Lin Yao’s tension eased when he saw the calm expression on Qin Ya’s face. After several days of working with her, he trusted Qin Ya’s abilities. Since she had said so, Lin Yao chose to believe her.

Of course, this was also because although the incident was widely spread, there was no real danger to him.

Even if there was irrefutable evidence, it would not cause any harm to Lin Yao.

After all, passionate love between men and women was very normal. Anyway, Lin Yao had not had a girlfriend before that, so this could not even be considered cheating.

He would let Qin Ya settle the matter. Lin Yao sat on his seat and looked through the information. There was a bitter look on his face, especially when he saw the second half of the information, which was filled with photos of different girls.

“Your sarcastic way of handling this is quite cruel. Don’t worry, I won’t be impulsive in the future.”

“I’m not being sarcastic. Those are really assistants for you.”

“Ha ha.”

Seeing the look of disbelief on Lin Yao’s face, Qin Ya helplessly explained this to him. “The high-level officials would not see this incident as a problem. This is especially true for celebrities. People who have no gossip are considered rare creatures. What you did wrong this time is that you did not take any preventative measures.

“I have checked these girls. You don’t have to worry about choosing them as your lovers. They won’t cause you any trouble. They all know the rules.”

Qin Ya wanted to put Lin Yao at ease and, in fact, these were his benefits. Although Lin Yao had thought of having business dealings with vain girls by using power and wealth, for some reason, he felt upset that Qin Ya had taken the initiative to arrange them for him.

“I have already said that I’m not like that… That incident was just an accident. I don’t need an assistant.”

Lin Yao had made his stance known with this remark, but Qin Ya actually objected.

“If you are ready to accept Tianhai City’s investment, I suggest you choose a few girls from these photos.”

“What does it matter?”

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“This will reassure them. Don’t you think that Tianhai City has given you too many benefits?”

Lin Yao had the same sentiment. Businessmen were not stingy. There were many far-sighted businessmen who invested in martial artists and did not mind the amount of money they invested in them. However, while doing so, they also signed contracts with the talented martial artists. This was similar to companies signing contracts with celebrities that they thought highly of.

However, it was different this time. The businessmen were investing in him without asking for anything back. According to what they said, it was considered investing in a friend. This was obviously not in the interest of businessmen.

After Lin Yao came to understand the implications, Qin Ya also explained the reasons to him. “The people who came here yesterday should be middlemen that launder dirty money by using a seemingly legitimate front. Those who really think highly of you are the high-level officials of Tianhai City. If you were not a diamond genius, they would have discussed your transfer to their city with you.

“Although they have not done so yet, they also want to establish a good relationship with you. It’s just that money is not the most important thing to the city’s high-level officials. What they need is military support, but this cannot be explicitly written down. At the same time, they are mindful of the high-level officials of Ninghai City. After all, they are close neighbors… Since they are investing in you and it is impossible to list the details, they can only use some beautiful girls to get closer to you.”

Qin Ya was right, but Lin Yao’s focus right now was on two other areas. “There are too many girls. Besides, you are a woman as well. Aren’t you angry that women are treated as objects for the sake of uniting two families through marriage?”


She obviously had not expected Lin Yao to ask this question, and she was stunned for a moment. However, she soon said indifferently, “What do you think is the reason there are so many girls?”

“The upper social class leads a messy private life and has many illegitimate daughters?”

“This is one of the reasons, but you are the main reason.”


“Yes, it’s you.”

Given Lin Yao’s tall and perfect body, as well as his handsome and sunny smile, Qin Ya knew that many girls must have been willing to be his assistant even before the photos had been sent to them. After all, although some girls hated being given away like items, this also depended on who the other party was. Naturally, very few people would be willing to do this if the other party was a middle-aged man or an elderly person. However, if the man was extremely handsome and talented, it was a different case.

Upon seeing that Lin Yao had not realized this, Qin Ya did not continue to explain. She instead changed the topic to answer Lin Yao’s second question.

“Why would they be angry? It’s their own choice.”

Upon speaking of this, Qin Ya also sneered. “This is an orderly society. If those girls were determined not to be sacrificed by their families, they could ignore the orders of the patriarchs of their established families. They can’t possibly force the girls or tie them up.”

“Don’t they need to pay a price for defying their wishes?”

“Yes, stricter families will reduce the allowance of girls who are unfavored and disobedient. At the most, they will cut off all their sources of income. They can’t do anything else. China is very big.

“This is vanity. Since ancient times, it’s been easy for the frugal to become extravagant but very difficult to reverse the process. It seems that very few people are willing to give up their family’s background.

“However, that’s their own business, and they don’t need us to pity them. They can choose to depend on themselves if they don’t want to sacrifice their happiness. Even if they are estranged from their family, they could at most start from scratch. With the knowledge they have gained over the past 10 years and their strong foundation, they are already far better than one billion of ordinary people in China.”

Upon hearing those comments, Lin Yao realized that he indeed did not have the right to pity these girls. Compared to other socialites and children of wealthy families, they might not be as lucky. However, they were in a much better position compared to ordinary people. In fact, if they had a habit of saving their pocket money, they might already have tens or millions of funds.

These girls had agreed to come here because they wanted to have a better life. They had not been forced to compromise due to financial difficulties. They had to pay the price for what they wanted. Since they had chosen to exchange beauty for money, there was no need for Lin Yao to save them.

Although he no longer felt sorry for them. he still did not wish to pick any girls.

Qin Ya frowned slightly, as she could guess what was on Lin Yao’s mind. “You are indeed stupid. They are truly assistants who can do anything, but they are your assistants. What’s there to worry about as long as you control yourself?”


Qin Ya grabbed the information from Lin Yao. She quickly scanned through it, pulling out several photos from the stack of papers.

“I have read through these documents. They are not purely pretty faces. You can get them to assist you when I’m not by your side.”

Qin Ya was busy explaining things to Lin Yao, but he was stunned by her words. action

Right now, he’d finally understood why he was reluctant to choose an assistant. He also understood why he felt angry about this situation.

‘The resilience of thousands of cliffs comes from the absence of desire. Since she took the initiative to find an assistant for me, this means that she doesn’t have any feelings for me.

‘This is her attitude. What about me?’

Lin Yao was lost deep in his thoughts. However, he eventually calmed down. Right now, he was still very weak. No matter what, he was not qualified to think about this.

“You can make the decision.”

After giving Qin Ya a reply, Lin Yao closed his eyes and remained seated. He then outlined the guardian holy seal repeatedly in his Sea of Consciousness.

Right now, thanks to the advancement of the Celestial Tree, Lin Yao’s light attribute ability was once again stronger than his thunder ability. Therefore, Lin Yao comprehended the light and the guardianship to increase his strength in the fastest way possible.

‘The most important aspect of the cultivation of the guardian holy seal is the meaning of the guardianship. The Paladin Body Strengthening Technique seems to have a cultivation method that helps one understand this.’

The entire Paladin Body Strengthening Technique had been engraved into Lin Yao’s mind, and he soon found a way to cultivate this holy seal based on it.

‘There are two ways to cultivate the guardian holy seal. One of them is to recall one’s family, friends, and neighbors, think about good memories with them, and visualize them being killed by the enemy at their happiest moments. This will evoke feelings of grief and anger, sparking one’s will to protect one’s family.

‘The second method is to watch videos of natural and man-made disasters and watch as human beings encounter misfortune, when times are challenging and tough for everyone. This will spark one’s will to protect this hard-won peace and other human beings.’

After reading the description of the Paladin Body Strengthening Technique about the profound meaning of the guardian holy seal, Lin Yao activated his accelerated thinking to quickly read through it and understand it properly.

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‘General guardianship is too ethereal. The cultivation method of the Paladin Body Strengthening Technique is all about me finding a beautiful goal, marking it, and pledging my life to protect this mark in order to stimulate the profound meaning.’

Lin Yao was able to process his thoughts very quickly, as his brain was connected to electricity. After understanding the principle of the acquisition of the profound meaning of the guardian holy seal, Lin Yao began to wonder about the difference between the two marks. He even thought of the knights he had heard of in the past, such as royal knights, knights templar, knights that were loyal to one individual, etc.

‘The former is a small family. If one lives with their family for a long time, as long as the family lives in harmony, the probability of understanding the meaning of guardianship is high.

‘The latter is a big family. One not only has to guard and protect the people close to them, but one also has to protect the lonely elderly, young children, women, companions, Chinese people, and everything else that should be guarded.

‘As for the royal knights and the knight templars, they will have to replace the mark that they need to guard the royal family and the templar.’

While thinking of the difference between the various guardian knights, Lin Yao felt that there were strengths and weaknesses to all of them. Undoubtedly, the second method of the Paladin Body Strengthening Technique that condensed the guardian holy seal was stronger, but correspondingly, it would be more difficult to understand the meaning behind protecting all human beings.

Lin Yao, who knew that he did not have a good comprehension ability, naturally chose the small family as his first goal.

He relaxed his body and mind and recalled his family, visualizing that they were in danger.

Then… Lin Yao had a mental breakdown.

Phew. Phew. Phew.

Covering his face with one hand, he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He was visibly upset due to the tumultuous emotions he was feeling.

“Are you alright?”

“No… Let me rest for a while.”

Lin Yao seemed to have thought of something, but he did not feel like sharing. However, Qin Ya still noticed that there was something wrong with him.

Although Lin Yao was wearing clothes, one would not put on many layers of clothes in the summer. Right now, the guardian holy seal was still blooming with brilliance due to Lin Yao’s practice, and Qin Ya was able to see its changes.

As Lin Yao’s manager, Qin Ya naturally knew the techniques he was practicing and understood what he was good at. She connected the dots and understood right away why Lin Yao looked upset.

“You are sad about what happened to your family. You don’t have to be like that. This is all your own fantasy… If you are really uncomfortable, you can call your family to ensure that they are safe.”

While speaking, Qin Ya handed the cell phone to Lin Yao.

However, he did not take it.

“My family can’t be reached.”

Nothing was easy about cultivation, even if the practice involved one’s will and mind.

To comprehend the profound meaning of guardianship, Lin Yao had to first recall the good memories he had with his family and destroy them in the most decisive way. This process was very painful. Even though they knew that it was fake, many people would still feel heartache during their cultivation. Some people did not even want to think about it.

However, this was necessary. There had to be feelings of love and sorrow in order to reflect the happy times one had spent with their family members. Thus, one could have the will to protect and defend the peace and happiness of their family.

Many classic clips depicted scenes of family members going through sufferings, while the protagonist unleashed their potential and power. The cultivation method of the profound meaning of guardianship of the Paladin Body Strengthening Technique was inspired and simulated this way.