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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 208 Chapter 46.2 - Hunting the Hunter
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Chapter 208  Chapter 46.2 - Hunting the Hunter


The triumphant laughter lingered in the air, but it was abruptly cut short by a sudden disturbance.

An arrow materialized in a flash and found its mark on the vampire's shoulder. The atmosphere in the dim chamber shifted from satisfaction to chaos.

"Aghh!" Count Charles howled, his eyes widening with a mix of shock and pain.

The sensation was foreign, a long-forgotten experience for an immortal being. The vampire staggered backward, his hand clutching the arrow embedded in his flesh.

Before Count Charles could fully grasp the situation or recover from the unexpected pain, a second arrow materialized in the shadows. This time, the arrow radiated a faint blue light, contrasting with the darkness that surrounded it.


The arrow struck true, finding its mark with eerie precision. It pierced through the vampire's shoulder, causing him to convulse in pain.


The vampire was surprised; how could his skin be this easily pierced?

The combination of the initial surprise and the sudden attack left Count Charles vulnerable, his immortal facade shattered by the piercing arrows.

However, the surprising things didn't end there, as the arrow on his shoulder suddenly shone blue.


Following that was an explosion whose force sent Count Charles hurtling backward, crashing into the walls that enclosed the dark chamber.

The impact echoed through the space, and for a moment, it seemed as though the ancient vampire had been incapacitated.


However, the resilient nature of vampiric existence manifested itself as Count Charles, despite the explosive force, showed signs of rapid healing.

The wounds caused by the arrows began closing, and the vampire gradually rose from the ground, his crimson eyes ablaze with fury and renewed determination.

Count Charles, having stabilized himself, scanned the dimly lit chamber with his piercing crimson eyes. His vampiric senses heightened as he sought to identify the audacious attacker who had dared to disrupt his triumphant return.

"Who dares to attack me?" he demanded his voice a low, guttural growl that reverberated through the shadows.

The vampire's gaze swept across the chamber, scrutinizing every corner for any trace of the unseen assailant. His predatory instincts were on high alert, but the elusive attacker remained hidden, their presence shrouded in the cloak of darkness.

A sinister smile played on Count Charles's lips as he realized that he was dealing with a foe who excelled in the art of concealment.

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"Heh…Like a little rat, you are…"

As Count Charles continued his vigilant search for the hidden attacker, a faint but unmistakable presence of mana drew his attention.


Before he could react, a small, condensed burst of green energy shot forward from above.

SWOOSH! The vampire, attuned to the swift reflexes ingrained in his undead nature, agilely evaded the projectile. A predatory smile lingered on his lips, a blend of amusement and anticipation as he assessed the situation.

"So, you reveal yourself," Count Charles declared, his voice resonating with a mix of arrogance and curiosity. His crimson eyes glowed with an intensified hunger for the thrill of the unexpected.

SWOOSH! Driven by both curiosity and a primal hunger for the thrill of combat, he swiftly dashed towards the point from which the attack had originated.

As Count Charles dashed toward the source of the attack, the elusive assailant continued their strategy of concealment.

Another arrow, charged with a blue light, materialized in the shadows and shot towards the vampire. However, this time, Count Charles, ever perceptive, anticipated the attack.


With a swift movement, Count Charles sidestepped the incoming arrow, his immortal instincts, and supernatural speed allowing him to evade the projectile.

The arrow whizzed past him, missing its mark. The vampire's eyes narrowed as he locked onto the subtle traces of mana, tracking the movements of the hidden adversary.

"Heh, not bad," Count Charles remarked with a smirk, his voice carrying a hint of approval.

The assailant, despite their attempts at stealth, had now garnered the vampire's attention. The chamber was filled with an air of anticipation as both the undead lord and the unseen attacker prepared for the next exchange.

In response to Count Charles's evasion, a series of projectiles materialized in the shadows—this time, more numerous and faster.

The vampire's keen senses detected the incoming onslaught, and he moved with a calculated grace, effortlessly dodging each projectile.


The arrows flew with deadly accuracy, but Count Charles's immortal reflexes allowed him to dance through the barrage unscathed. As the last arrow missed its mark, the chamber fell silent once more, the tension escalating between the ancient vampire and the concealed assailant.

"Well, well," Count Charles mused, his gaze sweeping the darkened space. "You've got some tricks up your sleeve. Let's see how you handle this!"

Even though the guy was getting on his nerves, he was looking down on it. After all, if he wasn't a rat, wouldn't he confront him like a man?

And just as he thought about that, this time, the unknown assailant revealed himself. This time, it was from his back. There, he sensed the concentrated mana ready to attack.

With a deliberate motion, Count Charles unleashed his vampiric abilities. Shadows coiled around him as he blurred into motion, moving faster than the human eye could perceive.

'You rat.'

The vampire's crimson eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity as he closed the distance between himself and the hidden foe.

SWOOSH! The vampire's movements were a blur, leaving afterimages in the dim chamber. The anticipation of confrontation hung in the air as he neared the source of the hidden threat.

As Count Charles reached the pinpointed location, he struck with lethal precision, his claws aimed to tear through anything in his path. However, to his surprise, his attacks were met with swift and unexpected resistance. Daggers materialized in the shadows, expertly parrying the vampire's assault.


The clash of steel echoed through the chamber as the unseen assailant skillfully defended against Count Charles's frenzied onslaught.

The vampire's eyes widened in acknowledgment of the adversary's agility and proficiency. However, he wasn't deterred by that mastery.

Deciding to escalate the confrontation, with a silent invocation of his ancient blood magic, he channeled the essence within him to create a set of ethereal spears that hovered menacingly above his head.

The shadowy chamber became illuminated by the crimson glow of the blood-infused spears. Count Charles, eyes ablaze with supernatural power directed the ethereal weapons toward the hidden assailant. The spears descended with deadly precision, seeking to pierce through any defenses.

SWOOSH! SWOOSH! SWOOSH! The source of this content is NoᴠelFɪre.net

The spears struck, aiming for the concealed figure who continued to move with uncanny speed.

Yet, to Count Charles's surprise, the daggers intercepted the ethereal onslaught, deflecting the spears with remarkable skill.


The clash reached a new level of intensity as blood magic expertly wielded blades.

However, the vampire's relentless assault began to take its toll on the assailant, forcing them into a defensive stance.

'Heh…In the end, you are also inferior.'

Being the proud creature of the night, he always felt superior to everything around him. This was the same for the bastard before him right now.

Realizing the advantage he had gained, he prepared to unleash a more potent blood magic attack.

The spears, now charged with additional energy, whirled with increasing speed above him. The vampire intended to overwhelm his enemy and bring the conflict to a swift end.

"Now, die."

His cold voice echoed as his spears flew to the assailant, as he himself followed the attack of spears.

But just as the spears were about to hit, the hidden foe, with a sudden and calculated move, dropped a small object to the ground.

PUFF! In an instant, the figure vanished, leaving the ethereal spears striking at empty air.

Perplexed, Count Charles scanned the chamber, trying to discern the whereabouts of his elusive opponent.

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However, his heightened senses were abruptly assaulted by a pungent smell, the smell he hated so much that he could kill anyone, even excluding the slightest bit amount of it.

It was the unmistakable scent of garlic.

Before the vampire could fully comprehend the situation, the object dropped by the assailant released a thick plume of smoke.

The smoke, tainted with the overpowering aroma of garlic, enveloped the chamber, causing Count Charles to recoil.

His immortal senses, normally impervious to such mundane deterrents, suddenly betrayed him.

The world around him seemed to spin, and the overwhelming scent of garlic induced a disorienting effect. The vampire stumbled backward, his focus shattered by the unexpected assault.

And, in the midst of the garlic-infused haze, the hidden assailant seized the opportunity. Swift as a shadow, arrows materialized and shot through the smoke, aiming for the vampire's weakened state.


The arrows found their mark, piercing Count Charles's skin with eerie precision.


The vampire recoiled in pain, his immortal resilience momentarily compromised by the surprise attack. However, the assailant wasn't satisfied with mere penetration; the arrows themselves emanated a faint blue energy.


Explosions erupted on contact, sending shockwaves through the vampire's undead form. Count Charles howled in agony as the blue energy wreaked havoc on his immortal flesh.

The force of the explosions propelled him further into the smoke-filled chamber, disorienting him even more.

"You inferior being…."

Count Charles, his patience worn thin and fueled by an overwhelming anger, could no longer contain the primal rage within him.

The frustration and humiliation inflicted upon him by the unseen assailant kindled the dormant fury that resided in the depths of his immortal being.


As the concealed foe prepared for another strike, Count Charles's form began to change. Shadows coiled around him with an intensity unmatched before, and his silhouette elongated and contorted. His once-human features twisted into a nightmarish visage as the transformation escalated.

In a burst of dark energy, Count Charles shed his human guise, revealing his original demon form. Towering and monstrous, he stood with wings unfurled, horns protruding from his forehead, and eyes gleaming with an unholy radiance.

His fangs now were filled with the enchanted energy of demons, coupled with his crimson eyes.

The chamber trembled as the unleashed power of an ancient vampire lord manifested in its true, terrifying form.

The air crackled with dark energy, and the temperature plummeted as the demonic aura enveloped Count Charles.

"Enough of these games," he roared, the voice now a guttural growl that echoed through the chamber. His crimson eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity, reflecting the depth of his wrath.