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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 197 43.5 - There are things that one can't control
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Chapter 197 43.5 - There are things that one can't control

"Did you get the same message as me?" Sylvie asked, looking at her watch.


"I feel like something ominous is happening." She mumbled, looking at the sky.

'If it is her intuition, then…'

Knowing Sylvie's role and the power she held, her intuition was something I wouldn't ignore. After all, the player would benefit quite a lot from her in the game, and that was something I also had done.

"Let's hurry."


We didn't talk much and hurried our steps to the city center. It was evening time, and the sky was about to go dark. The chilly wind of the winter covered our skin.

As Sylvie and I reached the city center, the rest of the club members were already gathered. Senior Amelia, the vice leader of the club, stood at the center, her expression a mix of determination and concern.

The others also wore similarly serious expressions, indicating the gravity of the situation.

"Senior Amelia, what happened?" I asked, joining the group with Sylvie at my side. After all, the atmosphere was different than usual.

Amelia turned her attention to us and then looked around.

"Please wait until everyone gathered."

As we waited for the remaining club members to gather, I couldn't help but notice the restlessness in Senior Amelia's demeanor. She was a girl who mostly accompanied Senior Maya, and their relationship was good.

'Huh, Senior Maya?'

Then I realized something. Senior Maya was nowhere to be seen. Adding Amelia's usual composed and confident posture seemed to waver, I realized the two were connected.

'Don't tell me?'

"Mason is also missing."

At that moment, I heard Amelia mumbling. At the mention of the name Mason, Sylvie flinched. She probably remembered what I did to Mason before coming here, but even then, there were things that were more important than that right now.


The word "also" got my attention instantly. Facing Amelia, I immediately voiced my thoughts.

"Did something happen to Senior Maya?"

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Amelia met my gaze, and her eyes reflected a mix of concern and determination. "Yes." She answered.

"What happened?"

At the mention of my question, Amelia released a sigh. "I wish I knew," Amelia confessed, her tone heavy with worry.

"We were strolling through the city, discussing and observing the city. Then, suddenly, her demeanor changed, and without saying anything, she left in a hurry, heading towards a specific location. I tried to follow her, but Maya was surprisingly fast, and I lost sight of her. I've been trying to contact her ever since, but there's been no response."

The moment I heard this, I narrowed my eyes. Something about this….. It made me remember the scene from the game.

'Senior Maya is also sensitive towards the demonic energy.'

She was a named character in the game, so I knew about her quite a lot. There was a possibility of her feeling the demonic energy around the city. After all, the people who are sensitive to demonic energy are rare and sought after a lot.

'If it was about this, it makes sense.'

"When did this happen?"

I immediately asked, seeking confirmation.

"It was around three past noon."

Hearing that, I nodded inwardly. It was also around the time when Sylvie and I clashed with the demonic humans. The information matched my initial assumption and strengthened it.

"Do you know something? If you know, please talk about it. Both Mason and Maya are missing, and it is not right."

Hearing Amelia's question, I contemplated how much information I should share.

'It will be soon revealed anyway.'

Considering the gravity of the situation and the urgency, I decided to reveal some details. After all, the members of the club also deserve to know what kind of person Mason is.

I threw a look at Sylvie and saw her nodding. It seems she also decided not to hide what happened.

"I don't want to say much, but Mason will no longer come here," I began, addressing the group's curiosity. Amelia's expression shifted, and she leaned forward slightly, urging me to continue.

"What happened? Why won't he come here?" she inquired, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Mason was associated with a group of demon followers. He, along with others, tried to kidnap Sylvie. We encountered them earlier today, and in the confrontation that followed, Mason... won't be causing any more trouble."

A hushed silence settled over the group as they absorbed the shocking revelation. Sylvie, standing beside me, clenched her fists, her expression a mixture of relief and lingering fear.

"Are you saying he was a demon follower?" Amelia asked a sense of disbelief in her voice.

"That's right," I said, turning my attention to the girl who always followed Mason before. She was the girl who was enchanted by his Demonic Energy and was under his control.

"You. How is your memory?" My question that came out of nowhere shook her a little, but all of the group's attention was on us.

"You. How is your memory?" I directed my question at the girl who had always followed Mason, her expression now reflecting confusion and anxiety. All eyes in the group were fixed on us.

The girl hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's a bit hazy. I can't remember much for a while."

I pressed further, "Do you remember Mason? Anything about him or what happened earlier?"

Her brows furrowed as she struggled to recall, "Mason... At the start of the semester, he asked me out on a date, and then I can't remember much afterward. Everything is blurry."

As the revelation sunk in, the members of the club exchanged hushed conversations among themselves, processing the unexpected turn of events.

"Mason asked you out on a date? We had no idea. It always seemed like you were the one chasing him…" one member whispered, expressing the collective surprise.

I clarified the situation, "She was under Mason's influence all the time."

Amelia, showing her characteristic composure, nodded in understanding. "So, are you saying the ones that tried to kidnap Sylvie are the ones behind Maya's disappearance?"

I shook my head, "No, that can't be. Because all of them are dead."

Silence settled over the group as they absorbed the weight of my words.

"You… Did you kill all of them?"

Amelia asked, her eyes widening. After all, it wasn't common for a random student to be able to deal with a group of demon followers alone, especially if that said the student was on the lower side of the rankings.

Of course, I intentionally didn't recount everything that happened since it was Sylvie's role as the person who was directly involved from an outside perspective.

"It is not like that. You can ask the details for Sylvie." I said and looked at the sky. "I just wanted to say Senior Maya's disappearance is not related to Mason's."

"I see…." Amelia made an understanding face as she pondered. "It must have been hard for you." And then she said, looking both at me and Sylvie. Even in the absence of Maya and such a situation happening, she was able to think clearly.

This was what made the students from the Academy an important resource. Even after one year of training, they can become this cool-head, and that itself is a huge quality.

Of course, there are also dogs like Trevor Philips, but I will clean those dogs sooner and later anyway, so it doesn't matter.

However, now we had a more serious problem, and it was urgent.

'This is weird.'

It didn't make sense for Senior Maya to disappear randomly. After all, she herself was quite a powerhouse, and I don't think there are many people who can rival her in this city aside from some very high-ranking Hunters. She is quite overpowered.

Even if there were other demon followers or villains, I would know from the game. In the game, nothing happened on this trip since Sylvie wasn't awake. But even if she did, the consequence of that was already solved.

"Anyway, I had already informed Mister Jones, and he said he would contact the officials immediately," Amelia informed the group, her voice holding a tinge of frustration.

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A somber mood settled over the club members as they absorbed the implications. The city of Western Uxbridge, which they were excitedly exploring, now became a place for a different memory.

"We won't be able to go anywhere like this," Amelia sighed, voicing the shared sentiment of concern.

She looked around at the group members and spoke, "I don't want to force anyone to stay. You are free to return to the academy if you feel uncomfortable staying here. We're not obligated to put ourselves in unnecessary danger, but I will stay and find my friend. If anyone wishes to join me, you're welcome, but your safety comes first."

The members exchanged glances, silently deliberating on their next course of action, and I could easily see what they were thinking.

'Most of them will return.'

Right now, they shouldn't have much connection with Senior Maya like I do. After all, they didn't spend the same amount of time as I did. Therefore, none of them would want to stay here and put themselves in danger.

But they are also hesitating since they know getting on the bad side of a Senior like Maya and Amelia will be detrimental to their future.

'They are so easy to read.'

"I won't hold any grudges against those who wish to return. Your safety is a priority, and you shouldn't feel obligated to involve yourselves in this matter," Amelia continued with a tone of compassion and understanding.

She glanced towards the group and noticed their gazes already. It was clear that none of them wanted to risk their lives.

As the hesitant members made their decisions, one by one, they awkwardly expressed their apologies and departed from the city center to the teleportation gate.


"It is fine, I understand."

Amelia nodded in understanding, maintaining her composure despite the dwindling numbers. The decision to prioritize personal safety was a rational one, and she respected their choices.

Sylvie threw a look at me, and after that, she nodded to herself. It seemed she was going to follow my decision.

Soon, only Sylvie and I remained.

"As expected, junior. You didn't go."

Amelia looked at me with a smile, and I didn't back down.

"Of course."

'How can I go?'

Senior Maya is the one who taught me the most fundamental and important things for a Hunter. She may be annoying and overbearing a little, but even then, if not for her, I am sure I would be in a different state than I am right now.

Just like I remember grudges until I die, I also remember graces in the same way, and now that is the time.

Also, this overbearing feeling is in my heart. Something ominous was lurking in the streets of this city, something that was not supposed to be happening.

"Let's sit and talk. I also want to learn what happened with Sylvie and you."

Just like that, we went to a nearby coffee shop and sat down.