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Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 226 Against The Vampires IV.
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"And here we go, nothing... we should go to the rendezvous point."

Samiel said disappointedly and afterward summoned several tens of his Undead and ordered them to continue digging in the place where the bats were digging. After cleaning the battlefield, taking weapons and armors from the killed, they departed to the meeting point.


Two hours later, the meeting point.

From the connection that he had with Negash and Ashimer, he was very well aware that the other two groups suffered slightly higher casualties, especially the Negash's group because the commander of that outpost decided to play smart and enacted a trap that wiped out more than thousand of Undead...

Naturally, they were already back to the original number because Negash resurrected the killed vampires and orks and used the corpses from his Dimensional Ring to supplement for the missing numbers, so there was essentially no loss, though.

It was Dharzug's group, ironically the one who had the best results from all of them because they managed to ambush the vampires with a trap and wiped them out without any significant losses.

Dharzug perfectly coordinated with Ashimer and the Vampires were no match for the two of them.

"Already three destroyed Divine Altars of one of the Greater Blood Gods..."

[Your Higher Undead, Frost Death Knight Ashimer, has destroyed the Divine Altar of the Monarch-Tier Transcendent of the God Path, Greater God Andruil.]

[Your Higher Undead, Elder Lich Negash, has destroyed the Divine Altar of the Monarch-Tier Transcendent of the God Path, Greater God Andruil.]

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[The Unique Quest: Destruction of the Divine Altars has been updated.

Current progression:

3 Divine Altar Destroyed (Monarch-Tier Transcendent)

2 Divine Altars Destroyed (Ordinary-Tier Transcendent)

1 Divine Altar Destroyed (Demigod)]

[Great God of Blood Andruil is enraged and promises vengeance.]

Samiel chuckled a bit as he read the notification from the Akashic Records because he managed to achieve a feat on its own... pissing off an incredibly mighty Transcendent while being mortal... this was indeed a worthy achievement.

"Did something good happen that you are grinning so much?"

Yvraine asked him as they were waiting for the other two groups already at the meeting place.

"Actually, yes... apparently, with the destruction of three Divine Altars of Andruil, he is promising vengeance on me."

Samiel said happily as Yvraine almost collapsed on the spot from the sheer shock.

"You are actually mad, do you know that?"

She asked him incredulously because only he could be proud about pissing off Greater God, which was Monarch-Tier Transcendent; those were already leaders of their own Transcendental Factiosn, they were God Kings of Pantheons, Masters of Immortal Sects, Head of Daemon or Devil Houses and so on...

And yet this man was actually proud that he managed to enrage such an entity to the point when lofty Transcendent actually promised personal vengeance on mortal... she really didn't know what to say.

"I know, right?"

Samiel asked jokingly, but to Yvraine, it didn't seem even remotely funny, but he didn't care too much about that as he continued waiting for the other two groups that should have already returned by now.

It took another hour till both of the groups consisting of Juulius, Dharzug and Samiel's two Higher Undead Negash and Ashimer arrived at the rendezvous place. It was clear that both groups suffered certain levels of losses from the fight against the bats, but the orks were only eager for more and more.

The battle lust of the orks was something not to be underestimated.

"I will be going to sneak into the fortress of the Vampires and will carry out the ambush on them to break through their traps and defenses; afterwards you can start the invasion."

Samiel said as everyone nodded their heads.

Right now the sole task for Dharzug and Juulius was to reorganize the invasion force for the attack on the military headquarters of the vampires, not to mention Samiel ordered Negash to create Undeads on the Bronze-Tier from the corpses of the Vampires that he obtained because he lost a good number of his personal Undead.

After discussing the plans, Samiel departed toward the main fortress of the Vampires in the Bone Mountains.

Samiel had everything needed to construct the Mana Zone because the main things needed for the thing were actually only Mana Stones and some Ward Stones for that, everything that he already had in his Dimensional Ring.

After one hour of walking through the heat of the Bone Mountains, Samiel arrived at the place from which he had a relatively nice view of the main fortress of the Vampires that were stationed in the Bone Mountains.

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The first thing he did was to scout the area and look for any potential hostiles and seeing that there were none of them, he chose the suitable place which had the best and straight view of the place as he then started laying down the basic wards for the Mana Zone.

"Damm... who would have thought that this would be that hard ward..."

He complained as he was laying down the wardstones and interconnecting them with each other through complex inscriptions. If not for his knowledge of the Warding Magic and his Eidetic Memory, the progress would be several times slower.

'And this here, and this here... with this here.'

Putting down the last Ward Stone and putting the Mana Crystals into the spell-powering formation, he was done with the Mana Zone. Coming up to the Main Ward Stone, he put his right hand on the main Wardstone; Samiel chanted an activation spell as the entire Ward lit up and the Mana Zone was active.

"Hmm... the effects are pretty good, I must say."

Samiel muttered when he felt Mana Zone coming active, feeling that his Mana Regeneration skyrocketed to staggering heights, which should allow him for exponential increasement in combat prowess.

"Now we need to lay down the stealth spell to hide me for as long as possible in case they decide to return the fire."

Afterward, Samiel started laying down the Stealth Ward and connecting it together with the Mana Zone Ward so he could have it extra powered up by the power of the Mana Zone. With his expertise, it took him only a few minutes to lay down the Stealth Ward.

"Now done is done... time for the attack."

The entire Mana Zone activated brightly as Samiel started casting the spells in preparation for the siege of the fortress of the bats.

With the Mana Zone activated Samiel did something that he didn't attempt before, as he more than ten 5th Level Spells at the same time, all of them of the Winter Magic, Clash of Glaciers.

When he conjured all of them, he shot several tens of huge ice glaciers toward the fortress of the vampires carved in the stone.

Instantly as the ice glaciers were approaching the fortress, the automated defenses activated and several of them shot down some of the glaciers, but it was not enough to bring all of them down.

Samiel watched how the ice glaciers fell down onto the defenses of the fortress, breaching the walls and destroying the surroundings.

Countless traps were destroyed by the bombardment of the ice glaciers, while the walls of the fortress and even the entire environment started freezing due to the intense presence of ice and frost.