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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 544 Speaking the Truth While Drunk
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Chapter 544 Speaking the Truth While Drunk


Heart racing?

Upon hearing Wang Chao's words, Shen Bing felt a surge of joy.

Was he referring to her?

Could it be that Wang Chao had feelings for her since then?

So, she wasn't the only one with unrequited feelings?

The realization filled her with internal delight, but she maintained a calm exterior as she asked, "Since you like her so much, why don't you confess your feelings to her?"

Wang Chao's eyes were unfocused, and his head felt dizzy. Rambling in his sleep, he said, "I want to confess to her and build a new family together, but I can't."

"My identity is too complicated. As a mercenary, I have no control over my actions. I never know when I'll be sent on a mission."

"If we were really together and my master assigned me a mission, wouldn't she be left alone in Canton City?"

"Moreover, my missions are always extremely dangerous. I could lose my life at any moment. If I died while on a mission, she would become a widow."

"She's such a beautiful woman, of course, I like her. I want to marry her, but I have to restrain myself. My identity is special, and I can't..."

As he spoke, he trailed off, his words devolving into snores.

Shen Bing focused on him and couldn't help but freeze.

Wang Chao, in his drunken state, had fallen asleep, and he was sleeping soundly.

"If you can't handle your alcohol, then don't drink so much. It's just a couple of pounds of liquor. Falling down like this is so useless."

Shen Bing muttered under her breath, but inside, she felt sweet and content.

Wang Chao's words had made one thing clear to her.

He had been restraining his inner feelings all along. Despite his strong affection for her, he had been holding back due to his identity. He hadn't shown any signs of pursuing her or harbored any inappropriate intentions.

"So, this is what you've been thinking. I thought you might be homosexual."

Shen Bing smiled, supporting Wang Chao as they slowly made their way into the elevator, heading towards the 13th floor.

Recalling their past interactions, there had been several instances when Wang Chao had seen her undressed.

In theory, being as beautiful as she was, with a great figure, any man who saw her in such a state would be moved and have impure thoughts. They would pursue her without hesitation.

However, despite Wang Chao seeing her in that state multiple times, he still hadn't made any advances.

Because of that, she had doubted her own charm and even suspected that Wang Chao might be homosexual.

Now, hearing Wang Chao's candid words while under the influence, she finally understood everything and felt deeply moved.

Soon, Shen Bing painstakingly helped Wang Chao reach Room 1314. After laying him down on the bed, she was exhausted and collapsed beside him, panting heavily.

Wang Chao weighed at least 140 pounds, and she had been greatly exerted by supporting him.

However, as she gazed at his profile, she became increasingly satisfied, finding him more and more handsome.

This man had saved her multiple times and had supported her throughout her journey to secure the position of CEO. His assistance had been invaluable.

Moreover, his care for her had been meticulous.

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Although they occasionally argued over certain matters, most of the time, she was the one acting unreasonably, and Wang Chao never held a grudge.

"Wang Chao, are you the angel sent by heaven to save me?"

Shen Bing half propped herself up, one hand supporting her head, while the other gently caressed Wang Chao's face. The more she looked at him, the more she liked him.

Since her father went missing, she had been struggling to support the family on her own, swallowing her pain, tears, and fatigue, always enduring everything alone.

She felt like she had no one to rely on, bearing the weight on her own, physically and mentally exhausted. She had never dared to show her vulnerability in front of anyone.

However, since meeting Wang Chao, she had been able to expose all her vulnerabilities and display them before him.

At that moment, she found solace in Wang Chao's presence.

If it was Wang Chao, she was willing.

"You treat me so well, saving me time and time again, rescuing my company from dire straits. Yet, you restrain yourself from making a move on me. What are you aiming for?" she asked softly.

"You've been so kind to me, risking your life to help me. But why do you hold back from pursuing me? I've practically thrown myself at you, and you still won't take advantage of me."

"Is this the nature of someone like you, a mercenary?"

Shen Bing caressed Wang Chao's eyes, eyebrows, nose, and lips. When her fingers brushed against his lips, she noticed the red lip print she had left on him earlier, causing her heart to flutter.

She smiled and thought to herself, "I never expected that you, who usually exude such dominance, could be so adorable when you're asleep."

Since they had met, she had grown accustomed to Wang Chao's overbearing, powerful, and cold demeanor. She had even grown used to his indifference and cruelty towards villains.

Even when Wang Chao held a knife, she found him incredibly attractive.

During their time at the hotel and on the cruise ship, whenever they slept, Wang Chao was always the first to wake up for morning exercise.

Now, it was the first time she had seen Wang Chao in such a deep sleep!

She couldn't deny that Wang Chao looked even more handsome and adorable when he was sound asleep. He appeared much calmer than usual.

The more she looked, the more she found Wang Chao endearing. Unable to resist, she leaned in and kissed his lips once again, saying, "I actually planned to get you drunk and take advantage of you when you were half-conscious. But I never expected you to sleep so deeply."

"Thus, my plan is ruined."

She caressed Wang Chao's face and then lay down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Although they couldn't do anything, just being able to hear Wang Chao's sincere words after he had drunk was enough to satisfy her. Her heart was filled with a sweet sensation.

She fetched a blanket and covered both herself and Wang Chao with it.

In this way, they were sharing the same bed.

"I hope that one day, we can sleep together like this with clear minds," Shen Bing thought to herself.

She took out her phone and took numerous photos of herself and Wang Chao. Some pictures showed their faces pressed together, while others captured the moment she kissed him. There were many, many photos.

At that moment, she received a message from Zhao Liying on WeChat: "Is it done?"

Shen Bing forced a bitter smile, took a short video of herself and Wang Chao, and replied, "The plan was a success. But I didn't expect Wang Chao to have such a low alcohol tolerance. He's so drunk that he's as motionless as a dead pig."

"Wang Chao has a low alcohol tolerance? That's not right. He used to be known for his ability to hold his liquor, drinking a thousand cups without getting drunk. Could he be pretending?" Zhao Liying replied.


Hearing Zhao Liying's words, Shen Bing's face turned scarlet, her heart leaping into her throat, almost jumping out.

If Wang Chao was pretending, then everything she had done just now would be known to him.

Shen Bing's heart raced, her gaze locked on Wang Chao, her face burning hot, and her muscles tense.

She stared fixedly at Wang Chao's face, the longer she looked, the more she felt he was pretending to sleep. Her heart pounded wildly, and she even thought she saw his eyebrows twitching, as if his eyes might open at any moment.

She felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest, feeling incredibly embarrassed!

Shen Bing took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm, and pushed Wang Chao lightly, saying, "Wang Chao, were you pretending to sleep?"

Wang Chao remained deeply asleep, offering no response.

"Wang Chao, stop pretending and wake up," Shen Bing continued.

Wang Chao continued his deep slumber, snoring loudly.

Shen Bing stared at him, a mix of astonishment and a hint of joy in her mood.

She had regained her composure and no longer felt flustered or shy; instead, she felt a genuine sense of joy.

If Wang Chao was indeed pretending and hadn't lost consciousness, it would be for the best. She could proceed with her original plan and completely conquer Wang Chao.

"Fine, if you're going to pretend, then I won't hold back."

Shen Bing, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, saw that Wang Chao was still deeply asleep. She took the initiative, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him passionately.

She even took off all her clothes, passionately and boldly engaging with Wang Chao, as if she wanted to devour him right then and there.

However, no matter what she did, Wang Chao remained in a deep sleep, just like a dead pig. He didn't show any signs of waking up or responding.

After a while, Shen Bing realized that Wang Chao was truly asleep due to his drunkenness. She sighed in resignation and continued to lie beside him.

"I wonder if you were pretending or if you really fell asleep," Shen Bing muttered.

She put her clothes back on, glanced at Wang Chao, snuggling against his shoulder, and absentmindedly played with her phone.

After some thought, she sent a message to Zhao Liying: "He wasn't pretending, he's really asleep."

"Really asleep? How much did he drink?"

"I'm not sure, but it was at least two or three jin. He was drinking glass after glass, quite hastily. He's probably truly drunk."

"Two or three jin? How strong was the alcohol?"

"It was a special high-proof liquor, close to 70% alcohol content."

"Such high proof? Even if it were a deity, they would get drunk. The alcohol you gave him was really intense."


She took a deep breath, looking at Wang Chao beside her, blushing as she lowered her head. In her shyness, she contemplated many things.

In the end, she messed up her hair and clothes, and then hugged Wang Chao tightly before closing her eyes.

Although Wang Chao was deeply asleep, unaware and unable to act, her plan had ultimately failed.

However, that didn't mean she was not successful.

After all, she had managed to coax Wang Chao into bed, which could be considered halfway to success.

She held Wang Chao tightly, a sweet smile on her face.

A silent night passed.

The next morning, at dawn.

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Wang Chao snapped out of his drunken state, feeling an excruciating headache and looking incredibly haggard.

"My head hurts so much!"

Wang Chao shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off the intense headache.

For the first time in many years, Wang Chao had drunk to the point of a hangover, and he even had a slight memory loss.

If he had gotten this drunk on the battlefield, he might have made mistakes due to alcohol impairment.

"What kind of alcohol is this? If I had known, I wouldn't have drunk so much last night. My head hurts so much..."

Wang Chao tried to reach out and touch his head.

However, when he extended his hand, he froze.

Shen Bing was lying next to him, sleeping peacefully and soundly, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"This, this is..."

Wang Chao's mind exploded as he looked at the scene before him.

He had slept with Shen Bing?

He looked around and realized they were on a romantic-sized bed, with broken rose petals scattered all over. Their clothes were also in disarray.

"No way? Could it be that I... did something with her last night?"

As Wang Chao thought about it, his expression changed dramatically, and he quickly used his other hand to lift the blanket for a closer look.

What he saw chilled his heart.

His clothes were all gone!

Even his underwear had been replaced with a brand new pair!

And Shen Bing, she wasn't wearing anything at all.


Wang Chao felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He hastily covered the blanket, his heartbeat accelerating rapidly. He was dumbfounded, his mind completely blank.

He had changed his underwear!

Shen Bing wasn't wearing any clothes!

That was enough to explain everything!

Could it be that they had done something last night?

But why could not he bear in mind anything?

So, this was what it felt like to have amnesia from drunkenness?

He could not recall anything!

He could not even bear in mind if he had done anything with Shen Bing. His mind was a mess, completely devoid of any clues or memories.

Just as he was about to get up, Shen Bing suddenly turned over and tightly embraced him, murmuring, "It's the weekend today, no need to go to work, let's sleep a bit longer."

Wang Chao looked at her and realized that Shen Bing's eyes were closed, still sound asleep. It seemed like she had also had a pleasant dream, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Wang Chao lowered his head, looking at Shen Bing, and then at himself. He immediately noticed numerous lipstick marks on his body.

This sight caused his mind to explode once again.

So many lipstick marks, torn clothes, and the scattered rose petals, bedsheets, and blankets—all of it pointed to one thing!

Last night, when he was drunk, he had clearly made love with Shen Bing!

Otherwise, how could Shen Bing, such a strong-willed person, be lying naked on top of him?