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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 491: Rebellion
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Chapter 491: Rebellion

As the light from the stars covering the sky slowly began revealing themselves, Xuan Hao found a place to sit down as he gazed up at the stars above with a sense of wonder.

The stars were the same as the ones he had seen before transmigrating to this world, yet different at the same time. Faintly, he could feel some sort of power radiating from the stars above, but it was too faint for him to grasp it…

"Hah… No use thinking about it for now…"

Shaking his head a few minutes later, Xuan Hao found a place to sit down in a lotus position to cultivate through the rest of the night.

Focused on cultivating, the night passed by quickly, as the sun soon rose behind the mountains that surrounded the Flying Sword Sect.

Welcoming a new day that consisted of Xuan Hao once again training with Bai Ning. Increasing his proficiency over the Palm Technique. Following which the rest of the day was spent entertaining Song Jia, while she played around with the winged lion.

Oddly enough, the winged lion seemed to not fight back against Song Jia and had instead started to play along…

At one point, Xuan Hao had even watched the winged lion act cute in front of Song Jia… Something that prompted him to immediately check up on the winged lion, just to make sure that it hadn't accidently hit its head during the time that he wasn't watching…

The oddity of the winged lion aside, the next few days passed in similarly peaceful manner, with most of his time being spent either helping Bai Ning practice his Palm Technique and cultivate or play together with Song Jia and the winged lion.

"Thank you for looking after Song Jia during this time, Elder Xuan."

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It was only when Elder Song arrived to pick up Song Jia after learning that she had been staying at his pavilion during the past few days, that Xuan Hao knew that these few peaceful days had come to an end…

"No worries… It was after all my fault that you ended up so busy over the past few days…"

"Wai- It was your fau-"

"See you next time Elder Song, you as well Song Jia!"

Escaping from the scene before Elder Song even had the time to start complaining, Xuan Hao informed Bai Ning that he would not have to come train his palm technique anymore.

However! He didn't have to look so happy running down the mountain towards the Blacksmithing Hall!

Thinking about this to himself as he checked up on Chu Yang and Qing Yi's situation one last time, Xuan Hao once again left the Flying Sword Sect, as he headed towards the Shattered Star Peaks to figure out if the feather imprint between his eyebrows could absorb the massive amount of blue divine energy present on the second peak.

Even if it ended up not working, he could still visit the blue dear on the main peak and explore it further than he had in the past. Now that his cultivation was stronger. Hopefully, he would not end up walking into another trapping formation this time around…


"Looks like master left again, I should also get ready to leave!"

Shortly after Xuan Hao had left the Flying Sword Sect, Chu Yang came out from the pavilion and looked in the direction that his master had left with a determined look on his face.

Over the past few days, he had talked to his master about wanting to go out and explore the world and had ended up getting his approval in going out. The requirements his master set for him going out to explore, was that he couldn't leave the Flying Sword Sect, or the Spring Flower Sect's territory and he would have to always carry a communication talisman on him.

Something Chu Yang had happily agreed with. After all, the sheer size of the Flying Sword and Spring Flower Sects territory combined, was more than enough for someone in the Core Formation Realm to explore for the next hundred years and still only scratch the surface.

Not to mention the size of the two sect's territories, the number of sects, family clans and other powers present inside of them were simply endless in the eyes of a normal mortal.

Soon enough, Chu Yang followed in the footsteps of his master and left the Flying Sword Sect to explore the world by himself. This time around, he wasn't planning to return without properly exploring some of the many famous places spread out across the Flying Sword and Spring Flower Sect's territories!

He had even gone so far, as to take get his hand on a book roughly noting down the different famous places and their rough locations with his master's help!

The famous places he was thinking about, was not places like the Shattered Star Peaks. After all, mysterious places like that were incredibly rare and hard to find. To date, the Shattered Star Peaks could be considered to be one of a kind in terms of both danger and mysteriousness among the many nearby kingdoms…

Instead, the famous places that Chu Yang was thinking about, were the places that those people with a cultivation realm below the Nascent Soul Realm would go to and seek opportunities to breakthrough… Ancient Ruins, Sprit Valley, Large Demon Beast Forests filled with demon beasts at the Core Formation Realm and so on… These were the places that Chu Yang intended to visit during his time traveling around.

Hopefully, when he returned to the Flying Sword Sect in the future, he would have improved even further. Maybe even managing to reach the middle stages of the Core Formation Realm!


Not delaying his leave for any longer, Chu Yang felt extremely excited about his upcoming adventures outside, as he quickly dashed down the mountain before leaving the Flying Sword Sect. Not forgetting to inform Zhi Ruo about him leaving.

Bai Ning and Qing Yi, were not really available… One locked in closed door cultivation, while the other had already left for the Blacksmithing Hall…

Along with Chu Yang leaving the Flying Sword Sect, both the master and the disciple left the Flying Sword Sect on the same day. Leaving behind only three people to watch over the large pavilion.

As for how Chu Yang was even going to find his way back to the sect after leaving... Well, his master didn't really think about that...

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At the same time Xuan Hao and Chu Yang left the Flying Sword Sect, one to explore the world outside the sect, while the other wanted to absorb the blue divine energy on the second star peak, things in the Azure Sky Kingdom next door were starting to change…

"All praise be to the great lord of plagues! He who freed us from the sea of suffering inflicted upon us by the heretics!"

"Rot away the sinner's flesh! Make them suffer for the pain they inflicted upon us!"

"Let the land return to the bearer of plagues, the god who can cure all plagues, the supreme ruler of the great rot!"

The weird wording aside, a change was mildly speaking, as the people all over the Azure Sky Kingdom had started rebelling. All with the simple goal of replacing the current ruling class of the Azure Sky Kingdom, with the great church of the Plague God…

Of course, all of this would be laughable under normal circumstances. After all, what could a normal mortal ever hope to do in front of a cultivator?

However, this was not a normal circumstance, as the church of the plague god had sent a large number of priests/priestesses and high priests/priestesses to support the people rising up against the ruling class of the Azure Sky Kingdom.

With the support of these priests and priestesses, the ruling class of the Azure Sky Kingdom was easily fought back, as church after church was established inside the Azure Sky Kingdom with each city that fell to the growing rebellion!

Even weirder, was the fact that the current king of the Azure Sky Kingdom chose to completely ignore the matter of the church of the plague god beginning to take control of his kingdom.

The entire thing happened so quickly, that the surrounding kingdoms had no time to react before their way into the Azure Sky Kingdom had already been blocked off by the church of the plague god. Preventing them from interfering in the matter.

Not that they would really want to come in between the church of the plague god and the Azure Sky Kingdom in the first place… After all, no matter how weak the church of the plague god was in the eyes of the big churches of the Sky Empire, it was still a powerful force way beyond any of these small kingdoms.

Staying out of the way and informing the three big churches of the Sky Empire about this, was the only thing they could do with their limited power. At the very least, those three had more than enough strength to deal with the church of the plague god newest attempt on snaking their way into the Sky Empire…