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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396

Bella’s POV:

Herbert hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile, “It‘s really a man. I don‘t have to lie to you.

He is a friend of mine many years ago.”

“Really? I just heard a piece of very gentle music in the restaurant. It must be a very romantic

restaurant, isn‘t it? Do you two men go to such a romantic place to eat?” I laughed.

Herbert then said, “It‘s said that the dishes here are very delicious, so we came here.”

“Is it a famous restaurant?” I asked tentatively.

I just wanted to ask which restaurant he was eating in so that I could suddenly appear in front of him.

“Oh, Swan Island. It‘s a very famous restaurant in New York.” Herbert smiled and said.

Hearing this, I remembered the name Swan Island in my heart.

Then I said, “All right, I won‘t disturb you anymore. Go and have your dinner.” “Where are you?” At this

time, Herbert suddenly asked. “Oh, I‘m off work and bought something on the way. I‘m almost home.” I

immediately lied. Herbert instructed, “It‘s getting dark. Hurry up and go home to have your dinner. Take

good care of yourself and the children.”

“Got it.” I nodded.

“I‘m hanging up,” Herbert said, and then hung up the phone. Then I reached out and stopped a taxi.

“Miss, where are you heading to?” asked the taxi driver. “Swan Island,” I replied. The taxi driver then

turned around and headed in one direction.

In the car, I lowered my head and chuckled. “How will he react when he sees me later?” I thought. “Will

he be very shocked?”

“Miss, are you going to Swan Island for dinner?” The taxi driver was a chatterbox and he began to chat

with me.

“I‘m going to find my... children‘s father.” I wanted to say “husband“, but after thinking for a moment, i

changed my mind. The taxi driver immediately said, “Miss, your family must be rich. Those who go to

Swan Island to eat are either rich or noble. I heard that ordinary meals cost thousands of dollars.” “You

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must be joking. He‘s just eating with his friend” I said with a smile.

Soon, I arrived at Swan Island restaurant.

As soon as I entered the door, a receptionist came forward and asked, “Miss, have you made a

reservation?” “Oh, I... My children‘s father is eating inside.” Although I knew that what I said was very

vulgar, I was telling the truth.

“Then, is your husband in the hall, the private room, or the revolving restaurant on the top floor?” asked

the receptionist,

Hearing this question, I was stunned.

Swan Island restaurant was in a very big building. How would I know which floor Herbert was eating


“It‘s reserved under Mr. Wharton,” I said.

The receptionist smiled and said, “Please wait a minute.”

A minute later, the receptionist said to me with a smile, “Miss, Mr. Wharton has booked the revolving

restaurant on the top floor tonight.”

“Thank you.” i thanked her and went straight into the elevator.

The promotion poster in the elevator was to introduce this revolving restaurant. An oval–shaped

building on the top of the building was a revolving restaurant, surrounded by transparent glass. It

looked like a bright pearl in the distance.

There were only more than 20 tables in the revolving restaurant. Of course, it was expensive, and the

seats would need to be reserved half a month in advance.

Looking at the poster in the elevator, I frowned and thought, “Didn‘t Herbert just say that this is a good

place, so he came here to have dinner on the spur of the moment? But it needs to be reserved half a

month in advance.” Thinking of this, I thought that I must have gone to the wrong place. He and his

friend must not be eating in the revolving restaurant, but in a private room or in the hall downstairs.

But at this moment, the elevator had reached the top floor. Seeing this, I walked out of the elevator and

thought, “Maybe it was arranged by Herbert‘s friend in advance. Let‘s go in and see if he is there.” –

When I got out of the elevator, there was a place full of sofas. A few people were sitting there, reading

the newspaper or playing with their mobile phones, Looking at their clothing, I thought, “These people

should be the secretaries or drivers of the people who are eating inside. They should be waiting for

their bosses to be done with their dinner here.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a familiar figure in a black suit, sitting on a single–person sofa, reading

a newspaper.

As soon as I saw him, I knew that I was not at a wrong place.

“Connor!” I happily called out to him. When he heard this voice, Connor abruptly raised his head. When

he suddenly saw me standing in front of him, he couldn‘t help but be stunned!

“Is Herbert eating inside?” Seeing that Connor was so stunned when he saw me, I thought Herbert

would probably be even more surprised when he saw me.

The next moment, Connor put down the newspaper in his hand and then walked forward in

bewilderment. “Miss... Miss Stepanek, why are you here?”

“Oh, I came to New York to do something. I just called Herbert. He said he is having dinner here, so I

came to see him.” I smiled and looked into the luxurious revolving restaurant

“Mr. Wharton called you?” There was a look of disbelief in Connor‘s eyes.

At this moment, I noticed the unnatural look on Connor‘s face. Immediately afterward, Connor suddenly

blocked my way, he then reached out his hand to pull me to the elevator entrance.

“Miss Stepanek, Mr. Wharton...this date today is very important. It‘s best if you don‘t disturb him. How

about this, I‘ll send you to the hotel first. After Mr. Wharton finishes his meal, i‘ll send Mr. Wharton to

look for you. What do you think?” When Connor spoke these words, his eyes even glanced towards the

entrance. In addition, his hands were gesturing in the air, looking extremely nervous.

A deep sense of doubt rose from within my heart. Connor was someone who knew his limits. He had

never touched my body, yet this time, he actually reached out to pull my arm. This was impossible in

normal times. Moreover, he was usually very calm and would never panic when faced with trouble. But

today, his expression was very flustered. Even his hands were waving in the air, and his eyes looked at

the entrance of the revolving restaurant from time to time.

This was too strange! I stared at Connor and asked in a serious tone, “Connor, why are you so nervous

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today?” “I‘m nervous? I... I am not.” Connor spread out his hands, looking as if he was pretending to be


I looked in the direction of the entrance and asked, “Connor, tell me the truth. Who did Herbert ask to

have dinner with today?”

I roughly understood. At this moment, the person who was eating with Herbert was definitely not an

ordinary friend. Connor was trying his best to chase me away. “This...“.For a moment, Connor couldn‘t

reply at all. He must have something he didn‘t want me to know, and it was very serious.

The next moment, I stepped forward.

When Connor saw this, he immediately stretched out his hand, wanting to stop me.

I pushed his hand away and stepped into the entrance.

As soon as I entered the entrance, I saw a world like a transparent crystal palace in my eyes. There

were glass and bright lights everywhere. The darkness and the lights outside seemed to be very far

away from here. It was like a palace in the night sky.

Soft music floated in the restaurant, and more than a dozen tables were set up by the window. Some

tables were occupied by two people, and some were occupied by three or four people. Most of them

were couples, who were whispering. Although there were dozens of people eating at the same time, it

was like a quiet palace.

This kind of environment shocked me.

Looking around, I finally found the person I was looking for in the farthest place away from me. When I

saw the person sitting opposite Herbert, I immediately understood! It was a sweet–looking girl who was

about 25 or 26 years old and she was dressed delicately. Her almond–shaped eyes were particularly

eye–catching. She should like the person in front of her very much, because her eyes had been staring

at the

person in front of her, and she was smiling like a flower. From time to time, she would pick up food for

the person in front of her. Seeing the girl in front of me, I clenched my fists and felt a knot in my heart.

It turned out that this was the reason why Herbert often returned to New York.

He even said that his parents did not get along well with each other and that his mother was in poor

health. It turned out that everything was fake!