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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 203 203 Dance For Me
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Chapter 203 Chapter 203 Dance For Me

"I'm happy to know that you have spent your time well indeed, Lai Peng.

With such women at your side, i doubt that you even had a single day of loneliness pass before you in the last one hundred years."

Clark smiled at his old servant who already had almost 2 dozen wives with him today.

The girls were pretty like all the cultivators in the place and it appeared that Old Peng knew how to take care of his own harem well.

The women were happy and seemed satisfied with their man which settled the worries in our bored gamer's heart also.

If someone deserved to be happy, Old Peng was certainly one of those lucky men in line.

"This is all because of your benevolence, master." Old Peng stood up and bowed and the rest of his women followed their show of gratitude towards the man at the main seat of the table.

This was of course none other than our very own protagonist.

"You earned it, Lai Peng. Come! Let's eat and drink until this day is over!" Clark said and the merriment happened once more amongst friends and families.

It was curious to see that Lin Che and her sisters were nowhere to be seen at the moment.

But with how crude the Primal Wardens words were, there three definitely did not gain any fans amongst our bored gamer select party.

Everyone obliged and they only retired when midnight struck its chimes of cold in time.

"Ahhhh... That was time well spent indeed." Clark muttered in the solace of his chambers. Every moment he got to be with his loved ones was truly priceless for him.

It would be a lie to say that our good gamer considered the party that he had gathered together as mere NPCs at this time. He treated them as family already.

Especially with how everyone's feeling survived even after his 100 years of hiatus inside his room. Time was truly the greatest tell of genuine affection.

"Let me see how my other guests are doing at this point."

Clark decided to peek at the Primal Wardens in a special room of his residence and quickly found out how most of them was coming over and over again on their own bedrooms.

The least affected among the three was perhaps only Lin Che who sat in silence to oversee the condition of her sisters.

"Forget the hate in your hearts, Wan Wan, Qin Tai. Think of nothing and free your thoughts of that man.

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The more you despise him, the more you will have to experience that sinful feeling inside you."

Lin Che gave some precious advice on how to escape the sexual bondage of their bodies but this was easier said than done of course. Primal Wardens were stubborn by nature.

In fact, it took Lin Che about 50 long years before she had come to terms to her the first defeat that she'd known in her long immortal life.

Her sisters would adjust to this new reality soon enough. Just like she did.


"What am i gonna do with these crazy women?" Our bored gamer shook his head but immediately ignored the sentiment thereafter.

Tonight, he would make love until the break of dawn but he needed to do something first before he was going to visit the rooms steamy lust that awaited his entrance.

* * *

"Ning Xi." A soft call resounded outside. Ning Xi was already preparing to sleep because the day has been quite a bore for her if she was to be brutally honest about it.

She did nothing but eat and drink in order to oblige the invitation of our bored gamer.

It was just sad that she never even get to talk with Clark today because the man was always swamped by his other girls.

Her mother was even included in the list already. Surprisingly for Ning Xi, her wish might have been about to come true tonight.

Away from all the prying eyes of everyone else but hers alone.

"Clark?" Ning Xi answered back. Of course she knew that it was our good gamer's voice but her indecision was all about the possibility of what was going to happen between them tonight.

She was not a fool to not connect the dots between the Demonic Sword Sect's hegemony over this entire xianxia world and presence of this mystical man she knew only as Clark Colter.

'Is he going to take me by force tonight?' This question rang in Ning Xi's mind in alarm.

Although she would have liked to believe in romance and love but should our bored gamer insist, there was really nothing she could do about it.

In the end, Ning Xi took a deep breath before she opened the doors to face her fate bravely tonight.

"Can i come in, Ning Xi." Clark asked the moment he saw the beautiful figure of Ning Xi.

The woman did not even get herself to change and she was practically naked if not for the thin veil of lingerie on her body. She was perfect and smelled so delicious to the senses indeed.

"O – of course." Ning Xi stammered and opened the door wider to let our handsome protagonist inside her room.

"Thank you." Clark said and passed her Ning Xi. He could hear the loud active heartbeats of the maiden nearby and this was truly a good sign for our bored gamer.

'Should i go fast or should i take it slow instead? Choices, choices.' Clark thought as he began to inspect the feminine decorations of Ning Xi's room.

He realized that pink was her favorite color with all the designs marked in that dominant hue in every inch of Ning Xi's private chamber.

"You seem to love phoenixes." Clark started to throw any small talk he could in order to break the silence between them.

There were epic paintings of these mythical birds on the walls and it was easy for our bored gamer to notice such things. He did not have to read the mind of Ning Xi to ascertain his guess.

"Yes. I read on a book before that a phoenix represents eternity.

Although i was very young when i read that book but i had thought that it would be so nice to live forever with no fear of perishing at all.

I think that we cultivators have many similarities with a phoenix." Ning Xi said and there was an awkward silence thereafter.

She did not know her words had caused our bored gamer to tackle this topic quite strongly inside him. Clark was pretty much considering what forever meant for him.

'DAMN! I don't even know how old i am anymore after all the years that i spent cutting a piece of my soul so many times over and over again!' In the end, our good gamer could only sigh.

He was suddenly impatient to end this facade once and for all.

With a single thought, he could have glimpsed Ning Xi's ambitions and fears and would cater to whatever it would need for her to fall for him.

This would be anticlimactic and boring but it would do the job just fine indeed. Fortunately for both of them, Ning Xi broke the stalemate for him.

"Clark." She said.

"Yes? What is it, Ning Xi?" Clark looked into her eyes alone and not at her almost naked body. Our bored gamer was a more cultured man than that of course.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my family back in the city of Haran." Ning Xi bowed deeply in order to show her appreciation for what this man had done several decades prior.

During one of her breaks in the tedious ways of cultivation, Ning Xi had went home many times.

She was of course assisted by Blood Twin because the distance halfway round this xianxia world was not one that she could just travel casually.

In her first trip, she learned that the Zhang Family of Canta City tried to attack her father once more.

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They did not even get to approach the gates of the city before the entirety of Zhang Family's forces and about ten thousand cultivators that came with them were burned into cinders in just the span of several breaths.

Ning Xi could only put credit to this deed to the ever mysterious Young Master Clark.

"It was nothing, Ning Xi. Not worth mentioning at all. You are my fiancee after all." Clark smiled before he continued.

"Or did someone better already come along your way while i was gone. Did anything change between us in my absence, Ning Xi?" Clark asked seriously.

"..." Ning Xi could only shake her head in reply. Although many men pursed her in the Demonic Sword Sect but she remained aloof through it all.

Her suitors were like little boys in comparison to the magnificence of our bored gamer. Clark's shine was indeed pretty hard to match after all the things he did in such a short amount of time.

Even his current cultivation of 10th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm did not fully do justice to how high Ning Xi had appraised his real strength and value at this point of time.

This deception could have fooled anybody else but not Ning Xi who was there when our avid gamer first started his journey to the top.

Everything became truly obvious when the Ruler of this World, Gu Wenren, came at the beck and call of our very own protagonist. After that, the rest was simple to fathom.

"Then... you mean to say... that i could..." Clark was surprised.

It was these small things in life that had brought him more pleasure than plainly knowing everything right from the very beginning.

These simple joys of life was absolutely priceless for an op True Immortal like our bored gamer.

"..." Ning Xi nodded once more.

"YES!" Clark yelled and was about to capture Ning Xi in a tight hug.

"Wait! You need to court and flatter me first!" Ning Xi said her voice as she raised her arms in a warding motion.

There was a crimson blush in her face after she revealed what she wanted from the start.

At more than a hundred years old already, Ning Xi wanted to experience how it feels to be in love and not instantly jump right on bed in a wrestle of lips and limbs.

"TAP!" Clark flicked his fingers and in no time, the scenery was changed into something very different.

Gone were the walls and what replaced them was the unscalable domains of the heaven and the earth.

"Done!" Clark uttered with a grin then after a beat, music began to flare in all directions.

A moment more and dancing shadows and bony monsters of doom serenaded the two in their midst. The undead singers and dancers were legion! Ning Xi could only look on this with awe.

A full minute later, she has only these words to say...

"You have a very twisted sense of romance, Clark." The beautiful lady giggled and then the two of them danced along the sweet music of love and so much more.