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Chapter 471 The Mischievous Deimon
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The night sky burned brightly above them. There was no moon in sight and the stars twinkled in the night sky. A streetlight lit the alleyway as Lee Seng woke up to blood splattered all around him. The smell of blood and trash made him jump out of his position on the ground and scoot into the alleyway wall.

'What the hell happened?!?' Lee Seng thought. He couldn't remember much of anything. He was in Daros healing someone he barely knew (and they knew about him and Keng) and the next thing he knew he was lying next to a dead corpse. 'What the fuck is happening?' Lee Seng stood up and looked around. Blood was up the alley wall and the body was slumped against the wall. It looked like an older man with graying hair. He reeked of alcohol and wore business attire clothes.

"Oh god." Lee Seng whispered. He checked himself out and noticed blood all over him. "What the fuck happened? Did I… Did I black out? Did–"

Eleven giggled.

"Did I black out? Hahahaha! That's the stupidest shit I've heard!" Eleven chuckled. His laughter died and anger grew from Lee Seng's chest. "That's what you get for trying to cleanse me out!" Eleven grabbed Lee Seng's neck and squeezed it. Lee Seng gasped as he raised his hands up to his neck. His eyes began to blur as he tried to fight Eleven's hold. Nothing was working for Lee Seng. Eleven's hold was stronger. It was way stronger than Lee Seng could ever remember. Eleven released Lee Seng's neck before he passed out and cursed under his breath. Lee Seng let out a fury of coughs, backing into a garbage dump.

"You do some funny shit like that again, I'll really make you mine before that Fox fucker has a chance to save your sorry ass!" Eleven threatened. "Got it?!?"

"Stay quiet!" Lee Seng shouted. His mind erupted into fractals. He screamed in pain as pressure squeezed him into submission.

"Stay quiet?!? Ha, why don't I just take over again?" Eleven easily plunged himself into Lee Seng's head. Dark Matter erupted out of his face, exploding into tendrils as they rose high into the sky. They slashed at the alleyway wall as it slithered its way down onto Lee Seng's body.

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Lee Seng's screams cut off and silence replaced everything. His knees buckled beneath im and landed onto the ground.

"Did you hear that, babe?" A woman asked, looking at the man she was wrapped around.

"I-it might just be some druggy. We should ignore it and go over there." The man told the woman.

"But what if something bad happened?"

"We can just… Let's go over there first, babe." The man pulled the woman away, stepping onto the street and jay walking over to the other side.

Purple veins appeared across Lee Seng's face. Eleven was in control now as an angry smile appeared on his face. His body rocketed onto his feet as he spun around. He saw the couple getting to the other side. His smile turned into a frown.

"All that useless blabber. It's time for me to eat." Eleven blinked forward, appearing in front of the couple. His purple eyes looked straight at the woman. She screamed and pulled her partner closer. The man took a defensive stance. He was definitely scared, too.

"Hmph." Eleven shook his head.

"H-h–hey! Back off, creep!" The man shouted. Eleven kept his eyes on the woman, ignoring him. The man began to pull away as the woman fought for him to stay close to him. "Hey! I'm talking to you, fuck–" Eleven plunged his hand straight into the man's chest, blood splattering as the woman's eyes shook in fear. Before she could even scream, Eleven grabbed her and pulled her in.

"I don't like feasting on women. They don't get me what I want… Men, they act all tough but they're just scared little meat sacs, haha." Eleven spoke before ripping her neck into pieces. Two tendrils flew into the man and woman, sucking their insides as Eleven released the woman's body. It dropped to the floor as blood began to pour out. "I need more." Eleven wiped his face. His purple eyes scanned the area.

"Maybe I should indulge myself, then." Eleven smiled. The tendrils pulled away as Eleven lifted himself up into the air. Cosmic energy wrapped around him as he scattered like stars across the night sky. "I'm free to do what I want. I will kill anyone who gets in my way."

"Anyone?" A female voice asked. Eleven didn't even register the woman. He didn't think anyone was sharp enough to even detect him. "Poor little baby. Thinking your macho?" Flowers appeared, grabbing the cosmic deimon and tossing him backwards in the air.

"Who the fuc–" Eleven began to shout when a pale woman appeared in his face.

"Shhhh. You aren't even fully matured." The woman put a finger over her lips as she looked at Eleven. Before Eleven could even swing, the woman managed to swing something into the side of his body, dropping him straight to the ground with a loud thud. Cars beeped as smoke flew up. The woman, a pale woman with purple eyes and bright red lips, floated straight down to Eleven, clearing the smoke around them while masking herself and the deimon.

The pale woman wore a white sundress with red flower prints all around it. She had blonde hair and a few strands that fell in front of her face. She wore one of those floppy hats that went well with her sundress. Her red heels and flower patterned umbrella finished her look. She lifted the umbrella up onto her shoulder as Eleven flew straight at her.

Eleven threw punches at the pale woman. She easily dodged the punches without much effort. Eleven grunted as he tried to get an attack on her. His tendrils flew out at her and the pale woman simply slashed with her umbrella, severing them.

"Oh, hunny, you're too cute!" She squealed. "But I really need you to stop." She swung the umbrella straight at his side, blowing a huge dent on his side. Eleven screamed in pain, dropping to the ground as the woman set the top of her umbrella onto the floor like it was a cane. Her happy aura dissolved, replaced with disgusted and a pissed off expression. "Listen here, little deimon." She hovered over him.

"I don't think you understand how things work here, but you need to not go on a killing spree. You've been doing whatever you want for the last couple of days and I thought you were fine, but it's getting way out of hand. Did no one teach you manners?" The woman asked.

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"W-who the hell are you?" Eleven asked. The side of his body erupted in tentacles as it quickly began to repair the damage. The pale woman smiled with her pearly white teeth.

"Who am I?" The woman asked. "I'm the Queen of the Deimons. I run this show and as Queen, I need you to go to sleep!" She smacked Eleven on the head and watched his purple eyes instantly fade. His head hit the concrete as she sighed. Two shadows appeared behind her. She didn't even look at them as she addressed them. "Neo. Caesar."

"Yes, your majesty?" Two male voices answered. The Queen pointed at Eleven with her umbrella.

"Inject him and get him back to where he's supposed to be. This deimon isn't meant to roam the streets. He needs to learn how to be proper." The Queen ordered.

"Yes, your highness." Neo and Caesar answered.

"What is Master even doing these days?" The Queen spun around. She watched as Neo and Caesar stepped into view. Neo wore a butler's outfit while Caesar wore a security guard outfit. Caesar had a gun strapped to his side while Neo simply had some expensive handkerchiefs sticking out of his pocket. "I should give him a visit, hm?"

Neo and Caesar saluted the Queen before walking past her and grabbing the unconscious Eleven. They lifted him up and revealed his injury from the Queen was gone. The tendrils of the Dark Matter still wrapped around the boy as the Queen turned to get one good last look at him.

"And to think Master would use someone like this. Already a sight even with this whole… Illusion thing going on." The Queen motioned. "You may take him away now. Remember, don't be seen or heard."

"Yes ma'am!" Neo and Caesar stomped, not emitting a sound before disappearing. The Queen bit her lip and sighed. Her purple eyes looked around, catching sight of humans.

"Oh Master~" The Queen sang in a sing-song voice. "I have many questions for you~" Her entire body exploded into petals, drifting off into the wind, fleeing the scene. A chuckle echoed in the night sky as the smoke cleared. A crater appeared, with cars and street lights sinking into it.