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Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414: The Jail Demon Flame

The matter with Shen Qingdan was only a minor interlude, a small wave in the life of Tang Jie and Xu Miaoran, quickly vanishing in the ocean of their affection.

Shen Qingdan did not appear again, and Tang Jie and Xu Miaoran continued to happily travel around Celestial River, going in and out together as countless people enviously watched.

There was no mission and no difference of family or sect, only the deep love the two of them shared.

Their love was developing rapidly. What had been an indistinct fondness was now a romance that would last for three lifetimes. As their relationship rapidly warmed, while they had yet to break through that last window, some affectionate actions were now commonplace.

Besides playing around, Tang Jie and Xu Miaoran spent even more time discussing their understanding of cultivation.

While Basking Moon and Horizon Ocean had foundational mantras that could not be passed on, the two still had some others that could be passed on.

For example, Tang Jie had the Ninedark Mantra and the Five Gods Faith’s Celestial Treasure Supreme Heart Mantra. Xu Miaoran had the Sea Anchor Stamp and the Ceaseless Wave Mantra.

The Sea Anchor Stamp was one of Xu Guanghua’s famous spell arts, capable of suppressing all things in the world. The Ceaseless Wave Mantra was a mantra of his own creation. Those who cultivated it would be able to rapidly increase their spiritual energy recovery rate. Xu Guanghua was famous for his combat ability precisely because of the Ceaseless Wave Mantra, but Xu Miaoran had gone and taught it to her boyfriend.

The two of them compared notes and instructed each other, and they also played around together, opening their hearts to each other.

For Tang Jie, this was perhaps the happiest time of his life since he had started cultivating. He had never felt as happy and blessed as this.

Alas, happy times were always so brief.

Today, Xu Miaoran and Tang Jie were once again spending time together.

It was a romantic atmosphere, a warm scent wafting about the meditation chamber.

Xu Miaoran was up against Tang Jie’s chest like a little cat, her fingers drawing spiritual lines on his exposed upper body which were derived from the teachings of the Celestial Treasure Mantra. Tang Jie had closed his eyes and was forming various hand signs. Clumps of spiritual energy appeared and disappeared within his hands as the power of the Sea Anchor Stamp coalesced.

It was already very normal for the two of them to mix study and affection like this.

In the middle of all this warmth, a voice came from outside. “Tang Jie, come out already!”

Stopping what he was doing, Tang Jie opened his eyes and lazily said, “So which young master has come this time to try and steal my girl?”

As the news spread, more and more people came to cause trouble for Tang Jie, but as most of them were weak, they hardly posed a threat to them. Thus, rather than being annoyances in his life, these people served as a source of amusement.

Tang Jie called these self-proclaimed flower guardians “girl stealers” because these people seemingly had never considered Xu Miaoran’s perspective. They only one-sidedly believed that they were protecting Xu Miaoran.

But Xu Miaoran’s hand went stiff. “It’s Senior Brother Lan!”

“Lan Yu?” Tang Jie was startled.

After several years of not seeing him, Tang Jie had gradually forgotten Lan Yu’s voice. It was only when Xu Miaoran said his name that he realized that this really was Lan Yu’s voice.

His voice was once full of mettle, but it was now somewhat worn down and more mature.

Tang Jie emerged from the inn and saw Lan Yu standing in the courtyard, his hands held behind his back. Several young men stood around him, seemingly all disciples from Horizon Ocean Pavilion.

When Lan Yu heard Tang Jie come out, he slowly turned around, revealing his delicate and handsome face.

But this handsome image was ruined by a cross-shaped scar, which added hints of savagery, hardship, and intimidation.

When he saw Tang Jie, Lan Yu cracked a smile.

“Long time no see.”

Tang Jie was taken aback, and then he brought his hands together and bowed. “Greetings, Senior Brother Lan.”

“What? Did you think that I would immediately start fighting you, so you’re not too comfortable with my reaction?” Lan Yu smiled.

Tang Jie shrugged. “In any case, I’m guessing that you wouldn’t regard me as a friend.”

Lan Yu softly chuckled.

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Stroking the cross-shaped scar, Lan Yu began to speak in a ghost-like tone. “Thanks to you, these last few years, I have never forgotten the humiliation I received at the Immortal Fortune Conference. At the start, I truly did hate you so much that I wanted you dead. But after resenting you for so many years, I gradually grew tired. Suddenly, one day, I realized: what was the point in love and hatred? It will all flow away like water in the end. As a cultivator, I seek the Great Dao, so I should cast aside mortal affections as early as possible. Whether it is love or hatred, it is all a burden, and such things are best set down early.”

Lan Yu lowered the hand which stroked the scar, a ghostly blue flame flickering upon it.

“The Jail Demon Flame?” Tang Jie gasped in surprise.

He finally understood why Lan Yu was so composed when facing him. It wasn’t because Lan Yu had let go of his hatred, but because Lan Yu hated him so much that he had turned his anger and hatred into power and refined one of the most difficult of the 19 Demon Flames, the Jail Demon Flame.

Cultivating this Demon Flame was extremely difficult, as one would feel like one’s body was being roasted in flames while cultivating. Though who lacked the persistence would not be able to push through. But once cultivated, it was an extremely powerful flame. Its greatest advantage was that whenever one cast a spell art, it would have the Jail Demon Flame applied to it. The Jail Demon Flame’s lethality was actually average, but it inflicted immense pain and had a sticky attribute. Once attached to someone, it was very difficult to remove.

One could say that those who used the Jail Demon Flame transferred all the pain that they had sustained in the process of cultivating the flame to their opponent.

Even someone with Tang Jie’s composure couldn’t help but grimace when he saw Lan Yu’s Jail Demon Flame.

Lan Yu’s voice remained composed. “Thanks to you, I was able to use hatred as my fuel, cultivating night and day. Whenever the pain from the Jail Demon Flame became unbearable, I thought about you, imagined you enduring all of this. Hatred gave me strength, allowing me to press on and finally endure that hellish pain…”

He raised his head and looked at Tang Jie. “Thanks to you, I was finally able to become the seventh person in Horizon Ocean Pavilion who was able to successfully cultivate the Jail Demon Flame. It really was as my masters said: only by enduring great suffering and great setback can one become a great master of divine ability. This is exactly why, on the day I cultivated the Jail Demon Flame, I suddenly realized that I didn’t really hate you that much. If not for you, I would have gone my entire life without being able to cultivate this powerful art. To show you my gratitude, I will place you in the Jail Demon Flame, burning you away for nine days and nine nights before killing you.”

Lan Yu’s tone was flat and indifferent, devoid of any hatred, but when he spoke of how he would execute Tang Jie in this flat tone, it chilled one to the bone.

“Lan Yu!” Xu Miaoran rushed out and shouted, “I’m here, and I won’t tolerate this behavior!”

Upon seeing Xu Miaoran, Lan Yu smiled and said, “Junior Sister, have you been well?”

Xu Miaoran shouted, “Lan Yu, you’re not in my heart, so even if you kill him…”

Lan Yu cut her off. “This isn’t for you.”

“What?” Xu Miaoran froze.

Lan Yu’s fingertips once more crossed the scar on his face. “The day I received this injury, I ceased loving you.”

Xu Miaoran’s heart went cold.

Lan Yu casually continued, “Because I knew that if I continued to love you, my love for you would become an obstacle on my path of cultivation. Only by putting down my love for you could I achieve great things!”

Lan Yu’s eyes gleamed with a brilliant light.

He glared at Tang Jie, blue flames flickering within his eyes. “Starting from today, Xu Miaoran will have nothing to do with this matter between me and Tang Jie. Junior Sister, please leave at once!”

Xu Miaoran shouted, “Lan Yu, I won’t let you do this. If you dare to injure Tang Jie, I’ll tell my father…”

Lan Yu laughed. “Did you think the True Lord wouldn’t know about what’s happening here?”

“What did you say?” Xu Miaoran froze, her heart dropping to rock bottom.

Lan Yu snorted, “Before coming, I already reported this matter to the respected lord. The lord said that Tang Jie has yet to obtain his approval and cannot be considered his son-in-law. Tang Jie is the barrier in my life. I must pass through him to get to higher floors. And I am also a barrier in his life. If he is not able to get through me, what right does he have to marry a True Lord’s daughter? Thus, if I want to fight him, nobody has the right to stop me.”

“No! I don’t believe it!” Xu Miaoran shouted. “Father wouldn’t treat me like this.”

“Who would dare to forge a True Lord’s order?” Lan Yu proudly replied. “What are you guys standing around for? Take her away!”

As he spoke, the young disciples who had come with him pounced at Xu Miaoran, shouting, “Junior Sister, forgive us!”

They grabbed Xu Miaoran and pulled her to the side.

“Release me… Tang Jie!” Xu Miaoran shouted.

But Tang Jie didn’t intervene. He simply looked at Xu Miaoran and smiled. “Don’t worry.”

These two words and that breezy smile made the panicked Xu Miaoran instantly calm down.

She said, “You’re not afraid of him, right?”

Tang Jie smiled. “Of course. You need to trust me.”

Xu Miaoran exhaled.

Yes, concern had made her lose composure.

How could she have forgotten? This was Tang Jie, the man she loved.

What dangers had he not experienced, and what opponents had he not defeated? In this time with him, she had heard many of his stories.

Even the Celestial Heart True Persons of the Stone Gate Sect had been defeated by him, so why should he be afraid of Lan Yu?

This thought made her smile.

Her mind that was frantic from her father’s order had completely calmed down.

Lan Yu now said to Tang Jie, “This place isn’t suitable for a battle.”

Tang Jie replied, “Then we’ll find a different place.”

The two of them took to the skies.

As the two of them flew away, Xu Miaoran shook off the arms holding her and shouted with all her might, “Tang Jie!”

Tang Jie looked down.

Xu Miaoran pointed at Lan Yu. “Give him a good beating for me!”


Tang Jie flew all the way to Mount Buyao.

In terms of speed, the combination of the Wandering Celestial Peng Art and the Violet Lightning Lunge still couldn’t keep up with the Oceancrosser Step. Horizon Ocean Pavilion was the champion of the six major sects when it came to speed of movement techniques. However, Lan Yu was in no rush to give chase, only following Tang Jie at a steady pace.

On Mount Buyao, the melted snow flowed down the Buyao Aqueduct and descended from that giant overhanging rock, making it appear like a river descending from the heavens, which flashed with a rainbow of colors in the sunlight.

Tang Jie flew up to the Buyao Aqueduct before stopping and turning to Lan Yu. “The scenery here is wonderful, perfect for a battle.”

Lan Yu laughed. “Great! As expected, you chose a fine location. Today, we will battle to our hearts’ content on this celestial river, and this waterfall from the heavens will be your burial site.”

He formed a hand sign and fired a wind bolt at Tang Jie. As the wind bolt appeared, it was covered with a ghostly blue flame.

Tang Jie rapidly fell back as he thrust out two waves of wind, one at Lan Yu and the other at the ghostly blue flame.

Now that he had entered Nine Revolutions, his spiritual energy had begun to substantialize, and every movement he made had a certain amount of force. He no longer needed to specifically use spell arts in combat.

“Useless!” Lan Yu laughed. He thrust out his right palm, and that blue flame blasted through Tang Jie’s wind palm and made straight for his face.

Alarmed, as the blue flame approached, Tang Jie suddenly disappeared using the Chaoswind Step.

Tang Jie appeared behind Lan Yu, and his Heartbreak Saber blazed with flames as he swung it at the back of Lan Yu’s neck.

Lan Yu reacted quickly. With a grunt, he threw an elbow behind him while a suit of armor appeared on his body.

The two parted, and while they were breaking away from each other, Tang Jie thrust a Dragonlike Hand at Lan Yu while Lan Yu unleashed a Thousand Blade Gale. Two attacks collided in an explosion of green light, blasting both of them back.

Cultivation-wise, Tang Jie was only at his second revolution while Lan Yu was at his fifth, in the sequence of heart, head, liver, kidneys, and then the gallbladder (Fire, none, Wood, Water, Fire). In the Five Elements, he specialized in Water, Wood, and Fire, while he lacked in Metal and Earth, so his spell arts were stronger. But in terms of spell arts, the Dragonlike Hand was concentrated while the Thousand Blade Gale was scattered, so the Dragonlike Hand had the advantage.

Thus, the clash was a draw.

But as the Thousand Gale Blade dissipated, another ghostly blue flame shot at Tang Jie. The earlier flame had also not disappeared, continuing to float toward Tang Jie.

While Tang Jie had never experienced the Jail Demon Flame before, he knew how terrifying it was and did not dare to let it touch him. Using the Chaoswind Step, he shifted to another side. Raising his hand, he fired off several Star Fingers at Lan Yu.

Lan Yu rebuffed it, thrusting out his palm again. Star Fingers clashed against the wind palm, neutralizing both.

But in this clash, another ghostly blue flame appeared.

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Tang Jie had only exchanged three rounds with Lan Yu and had not suffered any loss. In this aspect, one could say that Tang Jie had greatly closed the gap in strength between him and the Lan Yu of the past. After all, back then, he and Wei Tianchong working together had only barely managed to beat Lan Yu.

But behind this draw were three blue flames which had put Tang Jie on his guard.

Lan Yu chuckled, not at all unhappy that he didn’t have the upper hand. “In these last six years, while I was cultivating the Jail Demon Flame, my cultivation realm was basically stuck where it was, and despite my aptitude, I only managed to increase my cultivation by two revolutions. But my combat power has risen by leaps and bounds. Tang Jie, once I release my Jail Demon Flames, they won’t disappear so easily. The longer we battle, the harder they become to fend off. Let me see how you manage to dodge them all!”

He thrust his hands forward, and another blue flame flew toward Tang Jie.

Tang Jie knew that he was right. The best way to deal with Lan Yu was to end the battle quickly. Using the Chaoswind Step to dodge again, Tang Jie moved to Lan Yu’s side and thrust his finger at Lan Yu.

The Jade Shattering Finger!

But to his surprise, rather than dodging, Lan Yu laughed and shouted, “You took the bait!”

The Jade Shattering Finger pierced through Lan Yu’s armor like it was made of cloth, striking Lan Yu’s left arm.

Blood splattered, and a blue flame suddenly appeared and landed on Tang Jie’s fingertip.

A moment later, an immense, searing pain swept through Tang Jie’s entire body.

Tang Jie had never felt such immense pain before.

“Agh!” Tang Jie cried out and hastily retreated. Lan Yu laughed as he turned and thrust his palm at Tang Jie’s chest, which exploded into a blaze blue flame. While these flames didn’t burn his clothes, there was the hiss of burning flesh. And as these flames interacted with the flames on Tang Jie’s fingertip, they instantly plunged Tang Jie into hell.

Even with Tang Jie’s composure, he couldn’t help but howl.


Never in his cultivation life had he experienced such terrible pain!

Cultivators bathed their bodies in spiritual energy, which strengthened their bodies and raised their resistance to pain. As they grew stronger, this resistance would also get stronger. It was for this reason that cultivators could ignore most pain while in the middle of battle.

It was what allowed Gu Changqing to dig needles out of his heart, and while Wei Tianchong had initially needed the Fearless spell, he gradually stopped needing to use it.

If they could only endure the levels of pain of ordinary people, few cultivators would be able to keep fighting while their heart was wounded and would collapse long before that.

Today, Tang Jie felt like he had gone back to the body of an ordinary human, authentically experiencing the immense pain that came from having one’s body burned alive.

This flame was so terrifying that it even seemed to burn away his soul.

Under this scorching pain, Tang Jie convulsed. Let alone casting a spell, he could barely stand.

This was exactly what was so terrifying about the Jail Demon Flame. It was like a Mindseizer, instantly depriving the opponent of the ability to fight.

Lan Yu laughed. “Tang Jie, have you experienced the torment I was feeling back then? I suffered this pain for six years! For six years, I spent every day and night tempering my body with this Demon Flame. While everyone else was cultivating in leisure, I was howling in pain in an underground chamber… Today, I’ll let you taste those six years of pain and suffering!”

He unleashed another Demon Flame at Tang Jie.

Tang Jie groaned, almost fainting.

And then he laughed.

He actually laughed.

Looking at Lan Yu, Tang Jie spat out, “Then this deal really wasn’t in your favor. Trading six years for only a single moment from me? The loss is huge. Is this a genius of Horizon Ocean Pavilion? Doesn’t even know basic accounting. Or are you saying that you could find no method of beating me besides this demon art?”

He threw his head back and laughed.

Lan Yu was so angry that he was trembling. “You’re seeking death!”

He raised his hand, a sharp light gathering on his fingertip.

Karmic Cycle Finger!

He thrust this finger imbued with enormous power at Tang Jie.

It seems like Tang Jie’s avatar is no match for Lan Yu.