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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 496 What Brings You Out Here
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Chapter 496 What Brings You Out Here

Gianna chuckled, arching an eyebrow. "Is that so? The mighty hero with looks that could rival the gods?"

Archer grinned, adopting a mockingly severe expression. "Absolutely. When the leaders saw this face, they realized there was no need for conflict. How could anyone wage war when faced with such dashing good looks?"

She burst into laughter, shaking her head before she spoke. "Well, I suppose you've single-handedly discovered the key to world peace – a winning smile and a dash of charisma."

As the laughter subsided, he adopted a more serious tone. "In all honesty, I don't see myself as a hero. I'm more like a handsome bandit, navigating through the chaos with a bit of charm and a lot of luck."

The jaguar woman raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A handsome bandit, you say? Elaborate, Archer."

He grinned, "Well, heroes have destinies and prophecies. Me? I stumble into situations, relying on my wits and maybe a captivating smile. It's less about saving the day and more about what I can get from it."

Gianna smirked, "So, you're the charming rogue who just happens to find himself in the right place at the right time?"

He nodded, "Exactly. Besides, a dashing bandit sounds more mysterious, don't you think?"

The two stopped outside the classroom. She couldn't help but ask one last question that had been on her mind since they started chatting.

"Archer," she began, her tone curious yet respectful, "aren't you concerned about what people think? Your reluctance to be the hero they expect, the accusations of greed."

Facing her, Archer's eyes revealed a mosaic of experiences. His words were measured as he spoke. "Heroes are stupid, ensnared by lofty ideals. I, on the other hand, live for myself and my girls. My fight is solely for me and them, no one else. The mantle of a hero will never be for me.

He started to laugh as he remembered all the dead heroes from the s he read back on Earth before continuing to speak. ''They are fools, and when a hero fights for an ideal, all they ever rescue are illusions. Heroes unravel, dismantling themselves, and the ideals they clutch so tightly are nothing more than fleeting shadows, devoid of meaning."

Gianna raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his unapologetic stance. "So, you reject the hero's path entirely?"

His gaze held a steely determination. "Absolutely. I'd rather be the rogue who thrives and survives than the hero who falls for some grand cause. Ideals won't keep you warm at night or put food on the table. I fight for what's real, not the theoretical."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As Archer prepared to enter the classroom, he turned to the green-haired woman with a charming smile. "I am selfish, greedy, and hot-headed, Gianna, but at least I know reality. I'll never be considered 'good' by the world's standards, but I treat people with the respect they give me but I will never let them take advantage of me or my girls."

After speaking, he offered a smile to Gianna and entered the classroom, finding only about four people present.

Taking a moment to glance around the Swordsmanship classroom, he noticed the decorations.

The walls were adorned with intricate drawings and diagrams depicting various sword techniques, and the atmosphere was steeped in martial discipline.

Weapons of different shapes and sizes were neatly arranged along one side of the room, showcasing the diversity of styles covered in the class.

The fragrance of polished wood and metal permeated the air as his gaze lingered on the intricacies of the decorations.

Symbols and motifs spoke of the college's rich history and skills. Archer observed Gianna's entrance.

He loved her green hair that flowed down her back and her bright yellow eyes that held a well of knowledge and wisdom.

Archer couldn't help but notice how beautiful Gianna was. He noticed her frustrated expression.

Her brows furrowed as she checked her watch, a clear sign of impatience due to the tardiness of some students.

However, even more walked in after ten minutes, filling the classroom. They all started sitting down while the jaguar woman watched on with a smile as the room was full.

Taking a seat at the back of the room, Archer watched the slowing stream of students until it eventually ceased.

His attention was drawn to two familiar figures sitting at his desk. A friendly smile from the boy met Archer's gaze while the girl glanced at him before settling into her seat.

Content that everyone seemed settled, Gianna, with a smile, made her way to the front of the class.

Gianna addressed the class, her voice carrying authority and warmth. "Good morning, everyone. It seems we have some new faces today, so let's go over the basics. Swordsmanship is both an art and a discipline. It requires dedication, focus, and precision. Each of you will learn to wield a blade with skill and grace."

She continued to outline the fundamental principles, emphasizing the importance of respect for the weapon, one's training partners, and the art itself.

The students listened attentively as Gianna set the tone for the class, blending practical instruction with the philosophy behind the martial arts they were about to embark on.

Archer was listening to her introduction. However, his attention was briefly diverted when the boy beside him spoke up.

"Hey there! I'm Lucas, and this is my sister, Lily," he introduced with a friendly smile.

He nodded in acknowledgment before introducing himself, "Archer Wyldheart."

As he observed the siblings, both blonde with green eyes, he couldn't help but think that while Lily was good-looking, she didn't quite match the beauty of his girls.

Lucas spoke again. ''So, how are you finding college? When we heard about a dragon joining, we were shocked.''

''It's good. I'm enjoying it so far.'' He answered.

Archer turned his attention back to Gianna, who told the class about the skills you can learn through Swordsmanship.

After finishing her introduction, she addressed the class with a firm yet encouraging tone.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," she commanded the room's attention. "Our next class will involve one-on-one fights. This is an opportunity for me to assess your strengths and skills. So, make sure you're prepared both mentally and physically. I want to see what each of you is capable of."

With that, she dismissed the class, leaving the students buzzing with anticipation and a mix of nerves and excitement for the upcoming one-on-one battles.

Archer wasn't bothered; he just wanted to learn how to wield the greatsword better. After she spoke for a little bit longer, the bell started ringing.

He stood up and realized he had Magic Fundamentals, so he decided to skip it and head to the Western Wilds to explore more.

At first, he wanted to drag one of the girls along with him, but then he changed his mind and decided to see Sia.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He closed his eyes as he exited the classroom and scanned the bracelet to locate the Dragon-kin woman.

After a little while, he found her before casting Gate. The violet portal materialized out of thin air, startling the students who happened to be walking by.

Once he stepped through, Archer found himself in the eastern part of the Crownlands. His surroundings were unremarkable until he looked down and saw a column of soldiers below.

The realization struck him that he was standing on a mountain, overlooking the disciplined procession of troops.

A chuckle escaped him as he observed the scene from his elevated vantage point. With a mischievous smile played on his lips as he prepared to descend from the mountain.

He soared through the air with a jump, closing the distance between himself and the marching soldiers.

As he approached the front of the column, he saw Albert and Sia leading the way. With a swift use of Blink, Archer materialized in front of them.

The sudden appearance startled the old man, causing him to yell out in surprise as he nearly fell off his beast.

While Shiva jumped back at the unexpected arrival, Archer couldn't help but laugh at the reactions, enjoying the playful surprise he had orchestrated.

Spotting his sudden arrival, Sia's eyes lit up with excitement. She quickly dismounted Shiva and rushed over to him, enveloping him in a tight, joyous hug.

The warmth of her embrace radiated genuine happiness as she expressed her excitement at seeing him.

"Husband! You're here!" Sia exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident in her voice.

Shiva, too, seemed to share in the excitement, wagging its tail as it watched the reunion.

He couldn't help but return the embrace, appreciating the genuine happiness that Sia brought to the moment.

After the warm embrace, Archer gently pulled away from her, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

"What brings you out here, Sia?" he inquired, genuine interest in his voice.

lightsnοvεl Sia's expression shifted to a more serious tone as she shared the reason for her presence. "There have been reports of slavers in the area, and we've been ordered to clear them out.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]