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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 430 Pay Me
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Chapter 430 Pay Me

[Osoric Avalon POV]

The Emperor sat in his study, engulfed by the relentless paperwork that was about the upcoming festival.

His quill danced across the parchment, while his brow remained etched with a furrow of concentration.

The grand event demanded his meticulous attention, but the weight of another matter rested heavily on his mind.

Earlier, his daughter Leira had alerted him to a situation that forced him to act when he heard all the details.

It had necessitated the dispatch of the Imperial Guard to investigate her claims, a measure that weighed heavily on his heart.

The study was shrouded in the warm, flickering embrace of candlelight, casting elongated shadows across the room.

In the late evening's solitude, the Emperor wrestled with both his duties to the festival and the looming concerns of his empire.

He was engrossed in the planning of the Frostwinter Festival and the reward that he needed to sort out for his Son-in-law during it.

That was when he was interrupted by a knock that echoed through the room, drawing his attention away from the documents.

His advisor, Gerrin, quickly entered the room, his face noticeably pale. He offered a bow before delivering the news. "Your Majesty, you have to come and see this."

The emperor acknowledged the man with a nod and rose from his seat, ready to see what had troubled the man.

Gerrin led him out of the palace and to the Northern side of the island. They ascended the stone staircase, reaching the lofty battlements that overlooked the city below.

As Osoric gazed out over the city walls, he was struck to his very core. A field of large stone pillars was just outside the northern gate.

He saw the poles forming a message and focused on reading it. His face twisted in anger as he read, "Pay me!"

That's when he wanted to get a closer one so the two of them headed to the elevator leading to the city below.

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When they got to the ground below Osoric was surrounded by his Imperial Guards as they made their way to the northern entrance.

After walking for twenty minutes they arrived at their destination, and that's when they saw a haunting sight.

Dozens of the nobles of the capital were suspended from the poles. Their anguished screams echoed through the air.

Osoric couldn't help but notice their broken limbs and bloodied faces. His gaze shifted to each noble and saw each one was in a bad condition.

He knew was responsible for this gruesome scene and wondered why he did it. That's when everyone apart from the soldiers who followed them.

"Why would the boy butcher so many nobles? What did they do?" Gerrin inquired, his voice laced with disbelief.

Just then, the commander of the city guard appeared, falling to one knee before he explained the situation.

"Your Majesty," he began, "the White Prince claimed that these nobles were corrupt. He used his magic to reveal the evidence, and it was damning."

Osoric, with a heavy sigh, nodded in understanding and knew Archer wouldn't randomly do this, so that meant he had a reason.

He turned to Gerrin, a sense of resolve in his eyes as he addressed him, "I will summon the boy once he's finished with his classes tomorrow. Assemble a team to investigate these nobles thoroughly, and report back to me with the results."

After a thorough examination of the brutal scene, the Emperor returned to the palace, his mind burdened by the gravity of the situation.

Once back within the palace walls, he composed a message, directing it to his daughter, Leira.

He requested that Archer come to see him after his classes had concluded, a meeting that held the promise of important discussions and decisions to be made on the morrow.


[Back to Archer]

Archer stepped through the portal and his eyes lit up when he saw Ella and Leira cozily wrapped in blankets, and couldn't help but smile at the sight.

The two girls saw him and two bright smiles appeared on their pretty faces as Ella greeted him first. ''Hello Husband. How was the city?''

He made his way over to a sofa and he settled down to get comfortable, Leira asked with curiosity in her voice. "What did you do in the city, Darling?" 

Archer chuckled for a moment before a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "Well, I set up something for the Emperor," he finally replied.

Leira's expression grew more serious as she relayed the emperor's message. "Father said he wants to see you tomorrow after your classes.''

He nodded in agreement, and then he scanned the treehouse in search of Stella. He found her inside Hecate's lab, engrossed in a book with the Moon Elf.

With a smile on his face, Archer sent a message to the elf, inquiring about Stella's well-being. Almost instantly, a reply came through.

Hecate said, "Stella is doing well. She's learning a lot about making potions, and she's very smart and curious, especially when it comes to potions, herbs, and other things."

Archer smiled when he heard her and said he would come see them after eating which Hecate was too happy to hear.

After his conversation with Hecate, he shifted his attention to Ella and Leira. "Where are the other girls?" 

Ella responded, her tone filled with warmth and information. "Nefertiti is engrossed in her studies with Hemera. Teuila and Talila are currently training outdoors. Llyniel is tending to her garden, and Sera has ventured to Beasthaven to visit the Hydra sisters."

With a nod and a warm smile, Archer rose from his seat and made his way to the kitchen. In one of the cupboards, he retrieved a sizable bowl.

He took the noodles he had purchased and carefully filled the bowl before he began savoring his meal.

As he dug into the dish, Ella and Leira exchanged confused glances, wondering what had prompted his sudden appetite.

Curiosity got the best of them, and they approached him. Leira was the first to speak, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Can we have some, please?"

Archer paused his meal and quickly retrieved two more bowls and forks before filling them up with mouthwatering noodles.

With a loving smile, he handed the food to the girls, and they responded with appreciative smiles of their own.

The trio continued to enjoy their meal together, savoring the companionship and the delicious noodles.

As they were finishing their meal, the sound of thunder resonated, and a sudden rainstorm began.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Archer stowed away the remaining noodles, and with the meal now over, he walked to the window.

He observed the wind and rain relentlessly assaulting the treehouse, making the very tree that held it sway with the force of nature.

Feeling the need for stability, he closed his eyes and imagined extra branches sprouted from the tree and dug deep into the ground, providing support to the treehouse.

As the newly grown branches took hold, the swaying ceased. After that, he decided to take a bath and told the ladies who were to busy gossiping at the table.

Archer turned around and walked toward the bath chamber. He entered and got undressed before stepping into the hot water.

He settled into the soothing warmth of the steaming water, and his muscles gradually relaxed.

The tension that had built up during his recent escapades seemed to melt away, leaving him in a state of blissful tranquility.

Bathwater enveloped him like a comforting embrace, and the gentle, rhythmic sound of the water provided a calming lullaby.

The fragrant oils in the water filled the air with a soothing aroma, and Archer eye's felt heavy but he wasn't tired.

He reclined against the rim of the bath, a profound sense of relaxation enveloping him. It was as if the cares of the world had melted away, leaving him in a state of serene repose.

Suddenly, the world around him turned pitch black, and in the next instant, he found himself in a luxurious bath situated in an exotic garden.

Archer's surroundings were bathed in an otherworldly beauty, with vibrant foliage and fragrant blossoms surrounding him.

However, before he could fathom where he was, a seductive voice, as alluring as a siren's song, spoke to him.

"My white dragon," the voice purred, its tone both sultry and alluring. "You've arrived."

Archer turned around, his curiosity piqued, and his eyes met the sight of Tiamat, the embodiment of otherworldly beauty, walking gracefully toward the bath.

A towel was draped sensuously around her curvaceous form, and her presence radiated an irresistible allure.

As Tiamat advanced, a sly grin played upon her lips, and Archer couldn't help but notice the subtle, enchanting details.

Her elf-like ears twitched in amusement, and a white tail, elegantly swaying behind her, added to her mesmerizing allure.

Archer's keen eye didn't miss the striking resemblance between them. Tiamat, like him, possessed four distinctive horns, and her scales shared the same pristine white scales.

The uncanny similarity left him intrigued, a question dancing on the tip of his tongue, as he wondered about the connection between their appearances.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]