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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 401 Like What You See Darling
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Chapter 401 Like What You See Darling

The couple continued to explore the underground wonderland as a mysterious figure suddenly materialized in front of him.

Red Cap, the Myconid leader, appeared before him and bowed before a voice sounded in their heads.

''Master Dragon. Thank you for such a wonderful home, it is soaked in rich mana and will help us grow many things for your wives.'' Red Cap spoke in a soothing voice.

Llyniel's eyes widened when she heard the voice while Archer nodded and answered. ''I'm glad you're happy here Red. How is the weather treating the Myconids?''

Red Cap gazed at Archer, then nodded before posing a question. "Can you bring warmth to this place?"

When he heard the Myconid request, he closed his eyes, summoned some Dragon-kin mages, and ordered them to set up the same dragon runes Llyniel's garden has.

They quickly agreed with a smile and got to work as the duo watched them. Red Cap got excited and thanked Archer. 

After an hour the mages were finished and Archer sent them back to the city. The Myconids were happy and heard cheering.

Red Cap turned to Archer and spoke in a happy voice. ''Thank you, Master Dragon. We will be able to grow many new plants.''

Archer nodded his head before saying bye to the Myconid before leaving. As they were walking out Llyniel turned to him and asked. ''Can you give me a tour of the domain one day?''

''Of course. Let's get to sleep and when we have some free time I will show you around.'' Archer answered as they made their way back to the treehouse.

When the duo was walking back the snow calmed down but soon the wind picked up causing them to rush back.

As they hurried up the pathway and swung open the front door, a wave of warm air greeted them, bringing smiles to their faces just before they closed the door behind them.

The entire treehouse lay in hushed stillness. Scanning the room, he noticed that all the girls were still fast asleep.

Archer's gaze fell upon the tiny Wood Elf, and he gently guided her toward the bedroom, careful not to disturb anyone.

Once inside the room, Archer began to undress and then slipped into bed, with the bashful elf in tow.

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She shyly crawled under the covers, but he reached out, gently pulled her closer, and enveloped her in an affectionate embrace.

Snuggled closely together to ward off the chill in the air as the fireplace battled the cold, Archer suddenly sensed the presence of some of the girls making their way to the room.

Ella, Nefertiti, Sera, Leria, and Hemera entered, and without hesitation, they all joined Archer in bed, forming a cozy, tightly-knit group of companions.

Nefertiti and Leira playfully vied for the spot on his other side, with the cat girl emerging as the victor, causing the succubus to slide down and settle between his legs.

She used one of his thighs as a makeshift pillow while Ella and Sera nestled against other parts of his body.

The group soon drifted off into slumber, even as the wind outside intensified, wreaking havoc in the domain.

Yet, the residents remained safe and snug in their homes, finding comfort and warmth in each other's company.

As the night wore on, the Frostwinter storm raged with increasing intensity. The wind howled like a vengeful spirit, and the snow fell relentlessly, blanketing the world in an icy shroud.

Inside Archer's cozy domain, the group remained nestled against him, oblivious to the chaos outside.

Outside, the storm showed no mercy. Trees groaned and cracked under the weight of the accumulating snow, their branches snapping like brittle bones.

Roofs creaked and shingles were torn away, leaving homes vulnerable to the elements.

In the distance, the occasional flash of lightning illuminated the landscape, casting eerie, fleeting shadows.

Archer was comfortable as the girls swarmed him and thanks to that he was really warm and felt boobs all over him causing him to wake up.

But he was worried about the other four ladies and scanned the treehouse Hecate, Teuila, and Talila were in a deep sleep as the Brownies kept the fires roaring.

He then used the bracelet to find Sia and noticed that she was back in the empire staying inside the Silverthrone mansion.

After checking all that he went back to sleep as the wind shook the treehouse roof. Archer dozed off while stroking Leira's tail that wrapped around his arm.

As the night gave way to the rising sun, Archer slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of twitching, purple cat ears.

He turned his gaze to the side and found Leira, and on the other, the slumbering Wood Elf Llyniel, who emitted soft snores.

Archer carefully shifted the girls off him, and with a subtle gesture, he cast Blink to reappear out of the bed.

He shook his head, stretched, and then walked to the window. When he looked outside, he saw a fierce rainstorm pounding the land.

The raindrops hammered the earth, turning the landscape into a glistening, silver-hued tapestry.

Heavy clouds overhead wept without mercy, their tears mingling with the wind to create a symphony of nature's fury.

The trees swayed in the tempest's embrace, their branches heavy with the weight of rain.

Puddles formed on the ground and the streets were quickly transformed into glistening streams.

Archer watched as nature's raw power danced before him, feeling both in awe and humbled by the force of the storm.

With a piece of bread in hand, Archer teleported into his lair, finding himself in a vast chamber where a mountain of gold coins gleamed.

He began to empty his Item Box, adding the coins to the pile, which quickly doubled in size.

Next, he moved to the room where he stored his gems and repeated the process. When he had finished, he stood back to admire his impressive hoard.

After doing that he returned to the tree house and found the three Hydra sisters wandering around the living room.

When they saw him the three rushed over and clambered up him. Azura climbed on top of his head and leaned over before licking his nose.

The other two did the same causing him to laugh and stroke each sister. Archer looked at them and spoke. ''Do you want me to create a nice place for you three to live?''

They all nodded at him with their multiple heads gaining another smile out of him. Soon after he left the treehouse and teleported to the top of the Monster Army wall.

Archer looked over the other part of his domain and saw a large empty grassland and teleported there.

Once he arrived he let the sisters down who stood near him while they looked all around. Archer closed his eyes and started creating a swamp for the girls.

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The ground beneath his feet began to shift and transform. Moss-covered trees grew tall and twisted.

Their branches formed an intricate canopy that would shield the area from prying eyes. Vines snaked through the underbrush, creating a dense, tangled web of vegetation.

Archer channeled his magic to conjure a small, meandering river that would flow through the swamp, providing a source of water for the sisters.

The water was crystal clear, reflecting the lush greenery surrounding it.

Content with the result, Archer turned to face the three Hydra sisters, who had been watching with curiosity. "This is your new home," he told them.

"Here, you can unwind and take it easy. Make this place your own, and know that you can reach out to me whenever you're within this domain," Archer reassured the Hydra sisters

The Hydra sisters grew to the size of elephants and showered Archer with affection before eagerly bounding into the swamp.

Archer watched them go, not bothering to warn the Monster Army that roamed the area, knowing some of them might unwittingly become the sisters' next meals.

Satisfied with the sister's newfound freedom and growth, Archer teleported back to the treehouse before heading to the bath chambers.

Entering the room, Archer removed his clothing before slipping into the inviting water.

The warmth enveloped him, and he let out a contented sigh as the hot water washed over his body.

Archer pulled out some chocolate and started eating as he relaxed. That's when he sensed someone entering the baths.

Looking up, Archer saw Teuila as she gracefully removed her clothes and joined him in the water, her smile lighting up the room.

She spoke softly, "The other girls are still sleeping in your room. I wish you had woken me up; I would have loved to join."

Archer returned her smile, appreciating her company. "Next time, I'll be sure to wake you. It's nice to have you here now."

Teuila stood up, and Archer couldn't help but admire her toned physique. Her large boobs swayed gracefully as she moved, her familiar ponytail accentuating her appearance.

Archer's gaze lingered for a moment, appreciating the beauty of the girl in front of him. Teuila spoke with a cheeky grin as she looked at him.

''Like what you see Darling?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]