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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 380 Destruction
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Chapter 380 Destruction

Archer watched as the Netherbeasts ate the other Everfallen survivors and some went around collecting the hearts for him.

He cast Gate to outside Starfall City and called for the Monster Army that he left in the Avalon Empire.

An uncountable number of beasts appeared before him and after they were all through he closed it.

Archer started giving them orders to run wild all over the Summerfield duchy. But he forbade them from killing innocent people which they happily agreed to as they rushed off.

He flapped his wings and took off to go find the Duskmire and Silverpeak Kingdoms, after flying for a couple of hours he crossed the border.

Archer saw an army traveling toward the duchy He smiled as he swooped down letting out his Dragon's Breath on top of them.

The flames washed over them causing them to turn to ash. Once that was done he descended to the ground.

When he landed he summoned more of his Monster Army and told them to destroy the soldiers in the Duskmire Kingdom.

But gave them the same orders, only kill soldiers or people who attack them. They bowed their heads and rushed off while howling.

Archer watched this and shook his head as he soared into the sky again. He soon came across a fort which he quickly attacked.

By the time he was finished, the fort was covered in blood and broken bodies. Archer was standing there in front of twenty scared soldiers.

He looked at them and spoke with anger in his voice. ''You stupid humans keep messing with me and now you've forced my hand. So here I am.''

One of the men quickly spoke with fear. ''Why are you killing us? We've never seen you.''

Archer looked at him with narrowed eyes before asking. ''Do you know who General Sia Silverthrone is?''

The soldier looked at him and gave him a small nod causing Archer to smile before continuing. ''Well she is my wife and your kingdom kidnapped her. So do you now understand?''

When the man's eyes widened but before he could say anything Archer slashed his throat using his razor-sharp claws.

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He quickly finished all of them off before he made his way to the palace where he found the king, queen, and a few princes who were looking at him like he was the demon king.

They were standing in the throne room surrounded by their royal guards who numbered over one hundred that were preparing to attack him.

Archer stopped in front of them before opening a portal to the domain and called the Hydra sisters.

Raven walked out first followed by Sable then lastly Azura. They were the size of large lions which shocked the Duskmire Royal Family.

He looked at them and smiled as their heads rubbed up against him. But suddenly Raven reacted and her head snapped to the side.

Archer looked at the soldiers who were trying to sneak up on them and had missing heads as their armored bodies dropped to the floor with a clang. 

The royal family looked on his terror as two of their guards were killed by the large beasts. He smiled before he spoke to the Hydras. ''Kill everyone, I'll go find the treasure vault.''

After walking for a while Archer found the Duskmire vault and started smiling when he saw how much treasure was there.

So like the loot gremlin he was, Archer stored it all in his Item Box before making his way back to the throne room.

When he arrived the sisters were eating and no one was alive. Blood and bones littered the floor but he ignored it and told them to follow him.

Archer stepped into the palace's courtyard and cast Stone Warden. He summoned hundreds of them and told them to loot the city and bring it back to him.

After he issued the command, the three hydras swiftly exited the palace, shrank in size, and pounced on him.

They started licking his face and all their heads were rubbing against him causing him to start laughing.

He started pampering them by kissing all their heads and stroking them which caused the three to let out extremely adorable chirps and other noises.

They found some grass and laid down, the sisters curled up next to him as the four nodded off.

Hours passed while they were sleeping in the courtyard guarded by hundreds of Netherbeasts.

Soon enough he woke up to one of the girls licking him. He looked at who it was and saw Azura looking at him in his eyes.

For some reason, he could feel her love for him and it was overwhelming but he treasured it. He kissed the innocent girl on her head before standing up.

He stretched out his body and felt his back click which made him let out a sigh before he looked at the pile of treasures.

Archer quickly stored them all away before dismissing the Stone Men and ordering the Netherbeasts to return to the domain.

Once he was done with that he looked at the Hydras and spoke. ''Shrink down as much as you three can so I can bring you with me.''

All their heads nodded before they shrunk down to the size of a kitten and rushed over to him again.

They clambered up him and got comfortable, Azura was curled up on his head as her little tail wrapped around his horn.

While the Sable and Raven were on his shoulders, after checking up on them he took off and flew toward the Silverpeak Kingdom.

As he was flying he saw his Monster Army rushing all over the place and was shocked by the amount of Netherbeasts he had.

He ignored them for now and would pick them up after he finished with the Shadowfen Kingdom.

After flying for a couple of hours he saw mountains in the distance and knew the last two southern kingdoms were near the Nagendra Kingdom.

Archer couldn't find anyone or anything but soon came across a Shadowfen castle in the distance and smiled.

He woke up the sisters and asked them to get ready as he passed over the castle wall and the Hydra's jumped off him.

As the three fell they started to glow and got big all of a sudden before crashing into the castle courtyard shocking all the soldiers.

But they soon started firing different element beams all over the place causing pure chaos. While the sisters did their thing Archer was laughing.

He watched as they rampaged through the castle until they slammed into the keep bringing it crumbling down.

The soldiers attempted to flee, but Archer summoned half a dozen Tarrasques to obstruct their path.

As they emerged from the castle, they unwittingly ran straight into the colossal creatures.

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Archer observed the Tarrasques' eyes gleaming with an eerie light and relished the spectacle as they devoured the soldiers, all the while laughing at the foolish humans who dared to challenge him.

After casting the Gate to Starfall City, he let out a resounding roar, causing the remaining Monster Army to hastily flee towards it.

Archer patiently waited as a wave of Netherbeasts poured through the Gate, observing them as they gathered.

He couldn't help but notice that many of them appeared larger than before, prompting him to wonder about the cause.

But he soon spoke to them. ''I will give you the same orders as the rest. No killing innocents and only soldiers. If I hear of any of you doing it I'll kill you myself. Understand?''

The Monster Army nodded like chickens as they knew he would kill them. That's when Archer noticed a group of Ettins approaching him with large bags.

As they got closer their leader stepped forward and handed him them while bowing to him. 

Archer looked inside and saw hundreds of hearts in just one bag. He quickly stored them all before ordering them to attack every southern kingdom that invaded Avalon.

Days passed as the kingdoms south of the empire lay in ruins. Cities were burning and castles were crumbling.

After finishing off the Duskmire, Everfallen, Shadowfen, and Silverpeak kingdoms which he left in ruin before he made his way south to the Southlands.

Archer was flying over the Sunfire Mountains and saw the Zenia Empire so he started looking for any enemy armies.

Soon he saw one that was marching somewhere but that caused him to smile and descend to the ground in front of the army as he returned to his humanoid form.

When the soldiers saw this they panicked and started to surround him, a tall brown-skinned man appeared in front of Archer as he looked at him with his green eyes.

The older man remarked in a threatening tone. ''What are you doing in the Nethania Kingdom demi-human?''

Archer looked at him and started cackling before commenting with a grin. ''I'm going to eat your soul human and find out all your dirty secrets.''

He quickly cast Blink and appeared in front of the commander which spooked him but Archer cast Soul Eater.

Archer pulled out his soul and ate it gaining all the knowledge he needed. All the soldiers around him saw the man drop to the ground lifeless.

That's when he cast Thunder Wave to throw the Nethanian soldiers back before he tore into them using his claws.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]