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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 376 Enraged
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The very air seemed to chill as these new horrors materialized, their eerie shrieks and guttural growls echoing through the ranks of both friend and foe.

The enemy soldiers were already overwhelmed by the earlier onslaught, now faced an even more terrifying wave of nightmarish adversaries.

With a chaotic, discordant roar, the fresh horrors charged forward, driven by an insatiable thirst for violence.

They collided with the fleeing soldiers, rending and tearing through armor and flesh with savage ease.

Their attacks were merciless and indiscriminate, and the enemy army numbered just over a million dissolved into a chaotic frenzy of death and despair.

The battlefield became a nightmarish carnival of terror as the new horrors joined the fray.

Archer, standing near the portal, watched with a sinister smile as his army of monsters continued to pour out.

The enemy soldiers were now engulfed in a surreal and unending nightmare, their hope extinguished as the horrors from the portal showed no signs of relenting.

He hovered in the sky while watching the carnage below as he commanded his Monster Army. ''Collect all the hearts you can my monsters! Eat as much as you like!''

Archer heard a chorus of howls, roars, and hisses as they washed over the five-army alliance.

He transformed into his dragon form and began attacking them as well.

His claws turned dozens of soldiers into blood mist as he swiped at groups of them while his Dragons Breath rushed over another group turning them into ash.

The Avalonians who were watching this from the wall were scared, excited, relieved but more importantly horrified because the boy now has an army he can call on.

Everyone watched as a horde of monsters appeared out of nowhere and were charging with reckless abandon, tearing through the enemy.

Tentacles lashed out, rending armor and flesh. Spectral wraiths passed through enemy lines, sowing terror and death.

Nightmarish creatures with jagged claws and serrated teeth left a trail of mangled bodies in their wake.

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The battlefield turned into a nightmarish carnival of carnage as Archer, the three Hydras, and his Monster Army worked in eerie harmony.

Warriors who had once been proud and defiant now found themselves paralyzed by fear and despair.

Banners fell, and the once-unified alliance crumbled into chaos. Archer himself was on the battlefield, his claws, tail, and teeth turning soldiers into meatpaste.

He cast his Soul Sunder that struck terror into the hearts of the enemy. His violet eyes glowed with malevolent delight as he watched the enemy alliance fall apart before him.

The earth trembled beneath the weight of this cataclysmic confrontation as the combined might of Archer and his monstrous forces bore down upon the enemy alliance.

In the end, the five-army alliance lay broken and defeated, their once-mighty forces reduced to a shattered remnant.

The Monster Army ran wild and slaughtered hundreds of soldiers as they went, he soon noticed the Nightmare Ants, Chull Warriors, and Cave Spiders were dragging bodies into a portal he opened for them.

That's when he saw his Tarrasques and the Dinosaur-like creatures running wild and attacking the high-ranking soldiers and crushing many others.

Nightmare Ants swarmed over pockets of defenders who still stood. But as they were killing he ordered.

''Take any commanders alive to the Cave Spiders and have them trap them until I'm ready!''

Archer and his nightmarish army had emerged victorious, leaving a desolate battlefield in their wake, a testament to their dreadful power and the horrors they had unleashed.

Amidst the carnage, he positioned himself at its center, surrounded by his monstrous minions who dutifully retrieved hearts and presented them to him.

Alongside ten prisoners looked at Archer in fear and were dragged off by the Cave Spider Warriors.

Once all the hearts had been collected and stored away in his Item Box. He reverted to his humanoid form, ready to address the city's inhabitants.

[The girl's POV]

Ella and Leira were looking down at the now quiet battlefield as Archer stood in the center of a horde of beasts straight from a nightmare.

The two eyes landed on him as he stared at them with a smile before he spoke in a loud voice thanks to mana. ''People of Starfall City the enemy are dead and the city is safe.''

In a solemn hush, the assembled onlookers awaited his words.

"Father-in-law," he began with an air of expectation. "I expect rewards for the actions I have taken and what I am about to undertake from the empire and every friendly kingdom. Relay a message to every Avalonian commander and soldier: seek refuge within the walls if you value your lives, for dire consequences await those who do not."

The two girls looked over and saw Osoric sitting there with a relieved look all over his face as he started smiling.I think you should take a look at

Now that he's back they wanted to rush down to him but before they could do anything they vanished from the spot.

[Back to Archer]

He was standing outside the city looking up at two who were staring at him. Archer clicked his fingers and they appeared in front of him.

Ella and Leira looked at him with wide eyes and the half-elf spoke first. ''You've gotten taller and even better looking Arch.''

The cat girl commented to her as her green eyes shone. ''You look wilder and even more handsome now. What happened to you?''

Archer smiled as he replied. ''We will talk when everyone is together.''

Leira started sniffing the air and looked at him with narrowed eyes. ''I smell a female on you. She smells like nature.''

Ella got a big smile on her face before speaking. ''You and Llyniel got together while you were gone?''

Archer flashed her a grin and assured her they could delve into the matter later, but for now, he needed to assist the other girls first.

She nodded in agreement, and as he snapped his fingers, Sera materialized in his arms. The little redhead lay unconscious but he sensed the mana inside her.

With purpose, he channeled his magic into her, casting Aurora Healing and infusing her with his own mana.

As they waited, tension hung heavy in the air. Then, abruptly, Sera's peaceful slumber gave way to agonizing screams.

Her body convulsed, and he could see the transformation taking place. Red scales spread across her form, her claws elongated and sharpened.

Finally, as the pain subsided, Sera rose to her feet. Archer observed her closely and saw newly formed blood-red scales.

Her brown skin glistened as her ruby-red eyes emitted a captivating glow. She lunged at him and clung to his body as he started kissing her.

They separated and Sera spoke with a smile. ''It's good to see you again Sweetheart.''

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He kissed her forehead and put her down as he told them he had to get back to business as he called out to the Monster Army.

Just as he was about to talk he heard Leira speak. ''Darling. Father has said everyone has been warned.''

Archer smiled as he spoke to the Netherbeasts waiting for his order. ''Hunt every soldier that is roaming outside a town, city, or castle. I will summon you back to the domain, so make sure to complete your jobs.''

He looked up at the flying Netherbeasts and spoke. ''You lot up there will locate the enemy and tell the others. Now go!''

When he was done with that the Monster Army rushed off to hunt the remaining invaders.

After that, the three Hydra sisters appeared to look bigger than they were before. They all nudged their heads against him causing him to laugh.

The girls were confused and scared of these three. But Archer turned around and introduced them.

''El, Leira these three beauties are called Azura, Raven, and Sable. I helped hatch them while we were in the Netherrealm and see me as some sort of parents.''

He looked at the sisters and asked them to shrink down which they did. The three Hydras were now the size of kittens.

They stood there looking at him as he introduced the three. ''Ladies these three lovely young ladies are my wives, they will also look after you.''

Azura, Raven, and Sable looked at Ella, Sera, and Leria. They walked over to them and let out really cute chirps as they rubbed their heads on their legs.

Sera bent down and picked up Sable and looked at her wiggling heads as she spoke. ''You're so adorable. Do you want to play with me? We can go to the domain.''

Archer rushed the girls there so he could go help the others. All three girls kissed him before taking the Hydras to the domain.

He let out more Netherbeasts and gave them the same orders before he cast Gate to the Zenia empire.

But before he left he felt snowflakes hitting his face as it suddenly started. Archer loved the feeling but got back on track.

Archer cast Gate to the Zenia Empire and stepped out. When he was there he felt the same heat as before but not as hot.

He took off and flew north to help Nefertiti who was injured. After flying for an hour he saw Sobek Castle in the distance.

It was surrounded by the Pharothonian and Osiria Kingdoms. With a smile, he sped up as he whispered. ''Draco.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]