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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 309 There’s Always Something Stronger
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Chapter 309 There's Always Something Stronger

The Azur Comet, a manifestation of his unbelievable power, raced toward the core of the incoming giants.

As it crashed into them, the ground shook, setting off a massive blast of mana and debris.

Violet flames consumed the giants and warlocks, their enraged roars muffled by the elemental fury.

When the dust died down he saw the remaining creatures sprinting toward him.

The dragon-kin tried to call him back. But Archer ignored them as he cast Cosmic Sword and his dragonslayer sword appeared in his hands.

Just as he was preparing to charge, the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. To his surprise, a girl suddenly appeared by his side, causing a jolt of shock within Archer.

His gaze fell upon her. Her untamed, lengthy blonde hair was accompanied by a set of lion ears adorning her head.

Amusingly, what sparked an internal chuckle was the fact that she sported a warrior's physique revealed by her blue maxi dress.

While he observed her, the unfamiliar girl began to speak. ''So you're the white dragon I've heard so much about?''

A smile curved his lips as he responded, "Indeed, I am Archer Wyldheart. May I know your name and why are you out here?"

The girl introduced herself, her tail swaying with a hint of excitement. "I'm Nala Lionheart. As for my reasons, I was originally at the ball with my siblings. But when all of this unfolded, I couldn't resist joining the fray for some excitement."

When he heard her he started laughing, Archer then calmed down and nodded. ''Well, it will be fun to fight alongside you Nala.''

The lion girl grinned and took out a sword from the storage ring. Archer got ready to charge but a lot of spells flew over them and hit the incoming swarm.

With the sun now gone the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate battleground.

The Blightborns continued to charge forward making creepy-sounding noises and got ready to slice the two apart.

Archer stood tall, his grip firm on the hilt of his massive dragonslayer sword. The blade shimmered in the moonlight, its edge gleaming as if hungry for battle.

His eyes blazed as they locked onto the advancing Blightborns. With a deep breath, he exhaled slowly.

Beside him, Nala's stance was no less resolute. Her own weapon, a sleek and elegant blade with intricate runes etched along its surface, seemed to hum with energy.

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Her blue eyes glowed with a fierce resolve matching Archer's.? As the Blightborns drew nearer, their malevolent presence seemed to choke the very air.

His muscles tensed, and with a primal roar, he charged forward, his dragonslayer sword held high.

The ground trembled beneath his feet, echoing his determination. Nala followed suit, her lithe form a blur of motion as she darted alongside him.

The clash was thunderous as Archer's blade met the first Blightborn's body. Sparks erupted upon impact, illuminating the grim faces of the enemies.

His strength was unmatched, and each swing of his sword cleaved through the tainted armor as if it were paper.

Nala danced around her foes, her blade a blur of calculated strikes, finding gaps in their defenses and exploiting them with deadly precision.

Archer's strikes were powerful but calculated, his experience evident in every movement.

His sword whistled through the air, meeting the Blightborns with an unstoppable force and cleaving right through their twisted bodies.

Nala's agility was her greatest asset; she weaved between enemies, her blade leaving arcs of silver light in its wake.

Her strikes were cleaving through creature after creature, but that's when Archer's dragon senses warned him of an incoming attack but it was too late.

He pushed the lion girl out the way as a mutated fist collided with his chest sending him flying back like a bullet as he crashed into the ground.

Archer's head felt muddled as he shook it. He saw the creature and his eyes widened as he gazed at it.

Before him stood a creepy-looking humanoid creature, its skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, devoid of any hair.

Its body showcased immense power, the things muscles visible under its skin, radiating strength. Every detail of its form highlighted its might.

Yet, it was the creature's eyes that drew the most attention. Deep pools of crimson, like smoldering embers, gazed fixedly at Archer.

The intensity within those red eyes seemed to pierce through the air. He felt the things malice leaking from it.

That's when he used Analyzed it.

[Blightbeast (Mutated Orc)]

[Rank S]

After scanning the creature Archer came to the conclusion that thing must be the swarms commander.

That's when he felt a wave of evil magic flow over the battlefield and wouldn't let him transform, he spotted Sera close by revert back to her humanoid form.

He quickly summoned her to him thanks to the tattoo. Once she was with him he spoke. ''Go to the other girls. Stronger people will arrive soon.''

Sera hesitated briefly but followed his advice. She began to run toward the bridge, and Nala joined him at his side.

The lion girl was covered in blood but still had a big smile on her face. Archer saw her and grinned as he spoke. ''Retreat to the bridge Nala. This creature is beyond both of us.''

She raised her eyebrow. ''Why? What will you be doing?''

Archer laughed as he replied. ''I will hold the creature back to wait for someone who can kill it.''

Nala looked at him but nodded and made her way back across the bridge. Now the girls were gone he looked at the Blightbeast.

It seemed like it was waiting for him, Once it saw the girls run off the creature charged forward.

Archer whispered to himself. ''Draconis.''

His wings, claws, and teeth appeared as he braced for the attack. Once it got closer it jumped to the side and slashed at him.

He raised a wing to block the attack. The clash between the two erupted with raw intensity.

Archer, now in his draconic form, lunged at the thing, his white scales shimmering in the moonlight.

Yet, despite his imposing figure, the Blightbeast moved with an uncanny grace, dodging Archer's initial strikes effortlessly.

His claws swung, but the creature's twisted form slipped through the attack's course, responding with a swift counter-blow that sent Archer reeling.

Archer's body crashed into the rocky terrain, the impact jolting his bones. He shook off the disorientation and got back to his feet, hatred burning in his eyes.

The Blightbeast's red eyes gleamed with malevolent glee, its grotesque features twisted into an unsettling grin.

It advanced, its movements fluid yet unpredictable, as if it were a nightmarish dance. Archer met its charge, his claws slashing through the air, but the creature's reflexes were uncanny.

Its unnatural limbs deflected his attacks and retaliated with powerful strikes of its own.

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His draconic form should have been a match for most foes, but this thing's strength was staggering.

Blow after blow landed with brutal force, battering Archer's defenses and exploiting any opening.

Despite his resolve, Archer found himself struggling to keep up, his muscles protesting against the merciless attack.

Gritting his teeth as he took a deep breath and unleashed a torrent of fire, aiming to engulf the Blightbeast in searing heat.

Yet, even the flames seemed to bend away from the creature, leaving it unscathed. The things assault intensified.

Each strike felt like a hammer blow, pushing Archer back, his breath ragged. He roared a primal sound that echoed through the night.

He wouldn't yield, with a surge of draconic power, he lunged once more, claws extended, aiming to finally break through the Blightbeast's defenses.

But the creature's grin widened, and its strength seemed to swell further. It met Archer head-on, a storm of fury and darkness.

The fight between Archer and the beast escalated to its peak intensity. His breath came in labored gasps, his scaled form battered and bruised from the relentless assault.

The creature's vicious red eyes seemed to gleam with anticipation as it prepared for its final, devastating move.

With an eerie, almost fluid grace, the Blightbeast lunged at him but he cast Eldritch Blast at it but the spell bounced off it.

Its movements were a blur, and before Archer could react, the creature's claws raked across his flank, leaving deep gashes that seeped ichor.

He staggered, momentarily off balance, and that was all the opening it needed. In a blink, the Blightbeast was behind him, its grotesque form coiling like a serpent.

Its limbs seemed to elongate, and with blinding speed, a series of strikes pummeled Archer from all sides.

The force of the onslaught was overwhelming, a relentless barrage that left him unable to protect himself.

His defenses crumbled as the Blightbeast's combo attack continued, a merciless dance of brutality.

Blow after blow landed with bone-crushing force, each hit finding its mark. The pain was searing, his scales offering little protection against the creature's non-stop attacks.

Archer's vision swam, his strength withering. Desperation fueled his efforts as he summoned the last traces of energy, attempting to cast another spell.

But his attempt was stopped as the Blightbeast appeared in front of him and unleashed a flurry of punches that took him off his feet.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]