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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 292 You Have No Idea
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Chapter 292 You Have No Idea

He returned to his humanoid form and shocked all the people who were watching him. Archer looked around and saw loads of nuns and priests roaming around.

One old woman marched over to him and started moaning at him. ''Boy, what do you think you doing?''

Archer looked at her as his rage subsided and was amused before replying. ''Well, I'm here to claim the church's gold. Why do you want to know?''

The old nun's eyes widened as she spoke. ''Why? I understand the church isn't exactly good but we use the wealth to feed the children and people who work here.''

As her words hung in the air, Archer's gaze sharpened.

He looked at her with narrowed eyes, his tone probing yet serious. "Do you agree with the church's persecution of dragons and the dragon-kin?"

The old nun's immediate response was marked by a quick shake of her head, her voice carrying a tinge of sadness and conviction.

"No, no, I don't. What they're doing is wrong, terribly wrong. I joined this place to care for the children and to offer them a chance at a better life. I never wanted to be part of their darker dealings."

Her words showed that some within the church disagreed with its actions, revealing the challenges faced by those connected to its hierarchy.

The nun's words offered a glimpse into the complicated world and the different views held by people within it.

Archer got an idea and spoke. ''What if I can offer a place where the children will always be fed and will be educated?''

The old woman's eyes widened as she thought for a second before replying. ''If you can live up to your words I'll happily support you in anything as long as the children are safe.''

He nodded and opened a portal before stepping through but before he left he told the old woman to gather up anyone who didn't like the church.

When he stepped through he was standing in an empty clearing within the domain. Archer looked around as he closed his eyes.

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After doing that he started imagining a large mansion-styled house with loads of rooms and a playground at the back for the children.

He added a well and a large area for gardening, Archer continued to add stuff to the area to make their lives easier.

Once he was done he erected the same barrier around the area but left part of the forest in so the kids could explore it.

Not long after he finished and looked around the area admiring it, as he looked around he summoned a stone man and wrote a message.

He sent it to Jethro to inform him of the new additions and keep an eye on them. After that, he left the domain and reappeared in the courtyard.

Archer waited for a little while as the old woman, some other nuns, and priests were gathering dozens of children.

After an hour they were all ready and were waiting in front of him, he looked at them and spoke. ''Before we leave you lot must swear a mana oath to never betray me or my girls in any way.''

The old woman nodded along with the other adults and started to swear an oath to him. Happy with the results he opened a portal to the domain.

He motioned for the group to follow him as he passed through it, the nun and other women followed behind but were hesitant.

Once they stepped through the whole group gasped in shock at the sight.

Archer led the group through the portal, and as they emerged on the other side, gasps of amazement filled the air.

Before they stretched a scene of wonder, a place that seemed like a dream made real.

The mansion-style house stood tall and welcoming, its walls bathed in sunlight that brought out the warmth of its golden-brown hue.

Windows sparkled like gemstones, reflecting the clear sky above. To the side, a sprawling playground beckoned with its colorful swings, slides, and climbing structures.

Laughter echoed in the air as children's faces lit up with excitement, realizing the endless possibilities for fun and play.

The old nun turned to him with a smile as she spoke. ''Young man. You're nothing like the church says you are, My name is Silvia and this is Helen.''

She pointed at a woman who looked to be in her thirties and was also a nun. Archer nodded as he replied. ''Nice to meet you. I'm Archer.''

The two women smiled before he motioned for the two of them to follow him as the rest of the adults and children went to explore.

They followed him for a little until they came to the back of the mansion. Archer led the two women through the enchanting landscape of the domain.

As they walked, the scent of flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

He smiled warmly at the women, sensing a mixture of curiosity and anticipation in their expressions.

"I have something else to show you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

They followed him through a winding path, shaded by overarching trees.

The path eventually opened up to a breathtaking sight, a vast expanse of land transformed into a sprawling garden.

Vibrant colors painted the scene, with rows of vegetables, fruits, and herbs stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Helen gasped, her eyes widening with amazement. "Is this… for us?" she asked in disbelief.

Archer nodded, pleased with their reaction. "Yes, it's for all of you. You can grow your own food here, nourishing yourselves and the children without relying on the church's resources."

The old nun's gaze softened as she looked at the garden, her hands clasped in front of her. "This is a blessing, truly," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.

He nodded his head and spoke. ''Well, I've got the space and resources to help you. Plus I know it wasn't your fault my girls got hurt it was the church knights.''

A sad smile appeared on her face as he spoke, Silvia replied. ''Yes, they aren't as holy as they like to portray themselves as. I've witnessed some of their vile actions but couldn't escape as you would be seen as a heretic.''

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Archer agreed with her as he sensed no lies from her but it was Helen who spoke up with a skeptical voice. ''Why are you helping us? You gain nothing from it.''

He laughed when he heard the woman before telling her the truth. ''Well, that's where you're wrong Helen. I gain their loyalty and help, they will never forget what I've given them and will continue to give. The same goes for the dragon-kin and tribe that lives in the forest.''

The two women nodded their heads and thanked him once again as they went to join the children.

Before they left he told them that people would bring some food for now, Archer turned around and went to leave as he saw a large group of dragon-kin appeared in the distance.

He opened a portal to the treehouse and walked through it, as he exited he saw Ella lying on the sofa asleep.

Sera and Teuila were also sleeping. That's when he saw Hemera tending to them and approached her as he spoke. ''How are they?''

The sun elf jumped but smiled when she saw him. ''They are fine, the injuries have healed but they are really tired.''

Archer smiled as he asked about the other girls. ''Where are the others?''

Hemera got a worried look on her face as she spoke. ''Nefi is out cold, she used a lot of her mana during the fight and has to recover. Talila was badly injured but your spell helped her.''

She stopped checking on Sera before continuing. ''And Hecate went to the lab to recover, but the worst by far is Ella as she's still suffering.''

Archer became worried and asked. ''Why what's happened to her?''

''Your healing spell stopped the damage and healed everything, but the arrow hurt her as it was pushed out of her body,'' Hemera explained as she wiped the sweat off the half-elf's forehead.

He looked at Ella as he approached her and cast Cure Wounds and Aura Healing on her. When the light enveloped her body she let out a groan but soon calmed down.

Hemera watched this and was shocked once again but shook her head with a smile as she commented. ''You're truly special Arch. It's like the gods have blessed you.''

Archer laughed as he stood back up and answered. ''You have no idea Hemi.''

The two of them started to laugh before he approached her and gave her a kiss, after that he leaned into her ear. ''I will ravage you tonight. Meet me on the balcony once the sun goes down.''

She nodded as her cheeks went red, but she quickly kissed his cheek and went back to helping the girls.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]