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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 235  We Are Family Now
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Chapter 235  We Are Family Now

''When they vanished into the Shadowvale Forest we don't know what happened to them or our grandchild,'' Cassandra said with a sad smile on her face.

Archer felt sorry for the family but there wasn't anything he could do or say to help out as he wasn't born when it happened.

He simply replied, "I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that one day you will find the answers you seek about what happened to them."

Hemera and her family nodded their heads before Christos the second prince spoke. ''So brother-in-law, is it true you come from the Land of Plenty?''

Archer looked at the young man, he couldn't guess their ages as they all look so young but he replied. ''Yes I do, but that's where I was born.''

Christos nodded his head as h the third prince Nikos spoke. ''Where have you been so far?''

He smiled and told the brothers of his adventures so far as the girls started speaking with Hemeras's Mothers and sisters.

[Agamemnon's POV]

Agamemnon was stewing in anger at his son's reckless actions and he was regretting the way he spoke to Leonidas all those years ago.

Ever since the day the boy left he has been wallowing in regret but bettered himself for his other children.

He looked at his animated son-in-law chatting to his two sons who were enjoying every second of the boy's stories.

After watching them he turned his attention to his daughter Hemera who had a massive smile on her face as she chatted with the other girls.

As he looked at Archer, he felt content that the boy had come to his side. However, he couldn't help but believe that he had nothing to do with it.

In his mind, his daughter would have married Archer with or without his permission.

Archer's casual attitude and lack of manners made him smile as he knew the boy didn't care if he was an Emperor or a commoner.

He quickly noticed the way Hemera looked at Archer, Agamemnon hated that his little girl was growing up but he had a feeling that the boy would look after and indulge every whim she has.

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That's when his General appeared and approached him. ''Your Majesty, congratulations on tying the dragon to your family. He will surely help out if the princess was to ask.''

Agamemnon looked at the man and spoke. ''Michalis. His my son-in-law not some pawn in a game of empires. If we ever need his help we shall ask and offer compensation. He would turn on us if we got him involved in court politics.''

The General nodded and got rid of such thoughts, that's when he remembered some news. ''I forgot to mention but Lunarian diplomats wish for an audience with you. What shall I tell them?''

Agamemnon looked at the man. ''I have an announcement to make to the Empire then I shall see the Lunarians.''

Michalis nodded his head and got back to work.

[Back to Archer]

'Ah, he's going to announce the engagement,' Archer thought to himself after overhearing the two men's conversation.

He was glad that Agamemnon understood not to use him as a pawn in court politics.

Ella playfully poked his side, catching him not paying attention. He looked at the little half-elf, who had a bright smile on her face.

"Your smile is really cute, El," Archer commented.

As the sound of his compliment reached Ella's ears, her smile widened as she looked at him, and he couldn't help but find her reaction utterly adorable.

He leaned in and planted a gentle peck on Ella's cheek, causing her to shiver at the unexpected affection.

Archer did the same to each girl after standing up. The girls loved it when he showed them affection.

Even Hemera, the newest addition to their group, was growing to enjoy his kisses and the unexpected kisses.

Hemera's family noticed this, and several thoughts went through their heads as they had smiles plastered on their faces.

'He's so adorable.'

'He treats them all the same, even with affection.'

'Is he a playboy?'

'Why does he have so many girls? Is he greedy?'

But before anyone could say anything, Agamemnon spoke up from behind them. "Can you all come to the Mana Crystal room? I have an announcement to make."

Everyone stood up, and Hemera leaned into Archer, whispering, "He's going to announce our engagement and have you there so the people can see you."

Archer nodded, unfazed by the Emperor's actions. He understood that the man had an empire to run.

The group followed behind Agamemnon until they reached a room, he opened the door and made his way over to another.

He opened that door and walked onto a balcony followed by everyone else, Archer saw thousands of citizens crammed into the palace square as he stepped out.

Amidst a sea of Solarian citizens gathered, Archer and the girls stood at the back, flanked by Hemera's family.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Agamemnon, the Emperor, stepped forward to address his people through the magical mirror on the wall.

With a commanding presence, he spoke.

"Citizens of Solaria! Today, we stand united in the face of a great threat that has plagued our lands. Thanks to the valiant efforts of our brave defenders and the aid of our ally, the white dragon, we have triumphed over the dangerous creatures that once threatened our safety!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, expressing their gratitude and relief. Archer couldn't help but feel a swell of pride, knowing that he had played a part in this victory.

Agamemnon continued, raising his hand for silence. "As a token of our appreciation, and to solidify the bond between our kingdom and the white dragon, I have an important announcement to make. Our beloved fifth princess, Hemera Helios, shall be wed to the white dragon!"

He looked at Archer and motioned for him and Hemera to join him, they stepped forward and stood next to the Emperor.

A murmur of surprise and excitement rippled through the crowd. Hemera blushed, feeling a mix of astonishment and happiness, as Archer placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

The girls around her exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of annoyance and jealousy.

Agamemnon smiled warmly, addressing Hemera directly. "My dear Hemera, I know this may come as a surprise, but it is an honor and a testament to your courage and kind heart. The union between our princess and the white dragon symbolizes unity, prosperity, and a bright future for the Solari Empire!"

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He didn't stop as he continued. ''We can finally take back Mediterra from the humans in the West and the Lunarians will never dare to declare war on because of him.''

The crowd erupted in celebration as spells were shot into the air and the city started celebrating the good news.

When the Lunarian diplomats heard the news they made a swift exit and made their way home.

They were shocked that the Solarian received help from the rare star dragon and needed to tell Emperor Menelaus about this.

The older man turned to Archer with a big smile. ''Welcome to the family Arch. I hope you and Hemera will build a beautiful future together.''

When Hemera heard her Father she smiled as she remembered Artemis and couldn't wait for the day she would be born.

Agamemnon saw his daughter's reaction, he wondered what she was thinking about but shrugged it off and shooed everyone off the balcony.

He saw them all walking back into the palace and sighed as he remembered his son Leonidas and wished he was there.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Solarian palace, Archer and the girls found themselves in the company of Hemera's family.

They gathered in a cozy sitting room adorned with elegant tapestries and plush furniture, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

The room was filled with the soft chatter of conversation and the clinking of glasses as they sipped on exquisite Solarian wine.

Archer sat comfortably on a plush couch, surrounded by Hemera, Ella, and the other girls. They were all eager to learn more about Hemera's family and the land she hailed from.

Hemera's parents, Agamemnon and Cassandra, sat across from Archer, with a genuine interest in the young man who had captured their daughter's heart.

"So, Archer," Cassandra began with a warm smile, "tell us more about yourself and your family. Hemera has spoken so highly of you, but we'd love to hear it from your perspective."

When he heard their question he went silent as he didn't want to kill the mood, Eudora noticed his silence and spoke. ''What's wrong brother? Why don't you speak.''

He cleared his voice and answered honestly. ''It's not a happy story, I don't want to kill the mood.''

Agamemnon shook his head. ''You won't ruin the mood, we are now family so it's only right that we know about your family.''

Archer nodded his head and sighed but understood what the man meant. He took a sip of wine that was in front of him and began.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]