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Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 266: Immaterial Plane, Mysticism
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Even without the system notifying Kieran of the Secret Realm entrance, Kieran knew what stood before him. This torii gate's energy signature matched a Secret Realm's unique presence.

Though this wasn't Kieran's first run-in with a Secret Realm or Secret Trial, he was pretty shocked since he had many prepared for the future. Moreover, this was one of the first Secret Realm he came in contact with that didn't require a Realm Key to open.

Even the Arcane Dominion, which admittedly had to be a high-level Secret Realm given the Arcane One's status, required Kieran to collect the Realm Key Fragments.

But once Kieran considered the grading of this trial, he felt it was understandable. A 1.5-star Secret Trial wasn't the most difficult, but it was problematic for his current State of Being.

'If I'm not mistaken, 1.5-star Secret Trials should only be attempted by Advanced Beings. But... would Hekaina introduce me to a Secret Trial I'm incapable of clearing? There must be something quite special about it,' Kieran mused, glancing back at Hekaina.

At the same time, a few notifications appeared before his eyes.

〈System: You have consumed the «Mystical Permutation Tea» infused with «Enigmun Acquiescent Essence».〉

〈System: The following effects will apply for the next seven days: «Rooted Mystic Tether», «Acquiescent Mind», «Spiritual Unbinding».〉

'The first two are required to partake in the trial, but the last one is quite unknown. But, since it has been delivered before the trial, I can only presume it'll be necessary. Lastly, the duration... seven days? That's quite long for a trial,' Kieran thought.

Generally, Secret Trials lasted up to 24 hours despite the varying types that existed. Some were designed to enhance or test professions, others were designed to refine a user's current Attributes, and some even began to liberate the user's State of Being.

However, due to the note, Kieran understood this was a special type of Secret Trial, the rarest of all kinds--a legacy-bestowal trial. As the rarest, they were also the most arduous, with stringent clearance requirements.

"Before you enter, there is some background information that you must know, which more or less elucidates some of the concerns you may have. As you can guess, the Wykins operate upon a modified form of energy that is neither Mana nor Arcane Energy," Hekaina revealed, stepping before Kieran.

"However, it is on the same pedestal as Mana and Arcane Energy within the Energy Echelons. It remains nameless as it is energy derived from our origins. Before we were people, we were a language. In other words, the Wykins are the materialization of pure archaic energy," Hekaina answered.

Kieran's lip quivered as he absorbed the information. This information was shocking because it weaved into Xenith's lore and distant history. If an entire race could be born from words, didn't that mean he could come across essentially anything?

"Grand beings beyond our understanding can breathe life into such a thing. As we come from energy, we never truly die, simply becoming one with the Mysteries once more. As you step across the Arcadia Gate, I ask that you view the world differently--beyond the physical. Otherwise, you will fail before beginning."

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"View the world beyond the physical," Kieran muttered in a dazed voice. He blinked slowly while absorbing the knowledge Hekaina imparted to him.

Understanding some of the Wykin's origins gave him insight into why they were so skilled with the mystical art. They were one with these arts. If that was the case, Kieran began to question if this so-called discarded humanity was simply assimilating this same breath of life.

"Enter on your accord once you feel your mind is ready. The time in that place flows differently, but you will know whether you have passed or failed in the end. I need not go into details about the inevitable," Hekaina said, softly embracing her arms.

The look in her eyes grew complex and hard to grasp as she looked at the torii gate. 'Many Wykins have attempted this trial after I felt they were ready, but Agatha has been the only one to complete the task to a sufficient degree. Though it hasn't reached my level of understanding, her comprehension is excellent, and she is young.'

Hekaina's current emotions weren't just limited to Agatha's strength or Kieran's supposed talent, she felt a foreboding sensation that made her feel like weeping, but she didn't speak upon it.

Even after peeking into the answers, Hekaina remained clueless about why she felt this way. She had peered into several mysteries, yet she could not unveil the secret of her feelings.

'Maybe it is not my place to know, or perhaps it is due to my exhausted link with the Hecate. All I can do is do my best to prepare a resistance.'

"A resistance..." Hekaina muttered absentmindedly.

After listening to Hekaina's orders, Kieran exhaled deeply and stepped forward twice until the front of his body almost entered.

"I appreciate you for being impartial, Enchantress Hekaina," Kieran suddenly said.

"It is my duty as one who seeks the truth. To understand the nature of sentient beings is to excel and expand one's boundaries. Though, I can't ignore my selfishness."

"It's our right as individuals to be selfish. Who will look out for our well-being and realize our aspirations if not us?" Kieran replied, earning Hekaina's silence.

After a brief period of silence, Hekaina nodded. "That wisdom is a sign that I've made the correct decision."

A moment later, Kieran pressed his hand against the Veiled Arcadia Gate and vanished completely. Once he disappeared, Agatha turned toward Hekaina with a meaningful expression.

"Master, you spoke of a resistance. Why is that?" Agatha questioned.

"Because I feel we will need one in the future. I'm not sure of this feeling, nor am I aware of all the details, but... a time will come when the Divergent Realms are turned upside down. When that happens... only a Harbinger can stand amidst the chaos and maintain the order or... establish a better one."

"I see," Agatha muttered, her gaze becoming cryptic. Her thoughts were unknown, but her sangria-colored eyes became distant while gazing at the Veiled Arcadia Gate.


After stepping through the Veiled Arcadia Gate, Kieran was greeted by a setting not too far off from the environment inside Hekaina's Mystum Abode.

A dense collection of mystical fog stretched as far as he could see, and once he glanced upward, Kieran noticed a few stars that gave off a sensation similar to the tea he drank.

Those star-like things in the sky weren't natural. They were the Uprooted Mystic Tethers of past trial challengers that failed to make it out of the Ancient Rune Oasis before the time limit elapsed.

Kieran didn't focus on those star presences for too long before shifting his attention to his body. After waving his hand, he noticed each movement was followed by a seemingly magical trail, creating an ephemeral sight.

The next moment, Kieran tried to access his Attribute Panel, followed by his Inventory, and both failed.

Before Kieran could question why that was so, notifications appeared, alerting Kieran to his current situation.

〈System: You have entered an «Immaterial Plane» where your physical body is nonexistent. All matters related to the outside world have been disabled.〉

〈System: While inside this «Immaterial Plane», your actions will be limited to behaviors permitted by the natural laws of such a plane.〉

"An Immaterial Plane," Kieran muttered.

He remembered vague bits of information regarding this topic. An Immaterial Plane was an incomplete realm where the physical succumbed to the metaphysical, achieving a sort of unfinished limbo-like state.

Describing it as limbo wasn't precisely correct because a strange set of life existed here, and Kieran could feel it.

Since he could no longer access his equipment and skills or benefit from his advantages, Kieran could only move forward cautiously, sweeping his gaze through his environment.

After crossing a boundary, Kieran felt a sudden change all around. The oasis-like setting disappeared, replaced by a gloomy-looking cemetery with motes of unnerving energy scattered throughout the premises.

The mystic energy swirled eerily as Kieran felt a ghostly wind whisper in his ear. Once this strange phenomenon occurred, Kieran received the awaited information that described his objectives in more detail.

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«Mysticism: Discernment, Unveiling, Fabrication»

Information: The Ancient Rune Oasis is a training ground designed to test the skills of a Mystic and elevate them to new levels. As such, one can only rely upon mystic properties to continue existing within this world.

Discernment: Incomplete

Unveiling: Incomplete

Fabrication: Incomplete

Trial Completion: 0% (At least a 70% Completion Rate is required to complete the trial)

Objectives: The user must understand and apply the practices required to begin understanding the secrets hidden from the unsuspecting. To discern is to learn, to unveil is to understand, and to fabricate is to become.

- Comb the «Rune Necropolis» and discern the nature of the «Lamented Mystic Embodiments».

- Enter the «Masked Runic Garth» and unveil the «Fragmented Mystic Spores».

- Wield the knowledge understood within the «Ancient Rune Oasis» to fabricate a resistance.

- Reach the displaced «Veiled Arcadia Gateway» before your «Rooted Mystic Tether» decays.


〈System: You have entered the «Rune Necropolis».〉

"A realm where only mysticism can occur. This... won't be hard at all," Kieran muttered with a bitter smile.

The surrounding Rune Necropolis stretched so far that he didn't know where to begin looking for these Lamented Mystic Embodiments.

However, Kieran didn't want to experience the effects of a decayed Rooted Mystic Tether, so he swallowed the grievances he felt and stepped forward.


A/N: Please read the Creator's Thoughts for a link to the discord if you're interested!