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When She Stops Playing Nice

Chapter 464
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Chapter 464

Gina added, “it's very likely

like he's infertile,”


Ander widened his eyes in disbelief. At the stime, he was exasperated that Gina had revealed such a secret. “Shut up, shut

up. No, how did you know?”

It was because Ander had arranged for someone to spend a lot of money to find Dr. Genevieve’s whereabouts to treat his son’s

male problem...

It was hard for Gina not to know.

Gina would not have used that information to pressure Ander if he had not provoked her. However, Gina didn't think about what

she could do to a scoundrel like Ander. By any means necessary.

“You...you...” Ander was so angry that he could not speak

He did not want the matter to be exposed. He wasn’t just worried about his son’s marriage, but he was more concerned about

his family’s reputation. If the words got out about the matter, the entire Stuart family would probably beca laughingstock in

everyone's eyes. Therefore, he could only compromise. Ander gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, | agree. You and the princess are

not allowed to spread this matter!”

“I'm not that nosy,” said Lisa, fighting back a laugh and trying to be serious.

Ander, just

like last time, | will send someone to supervise you in completing this punishment. You must stag piano le 24 tersandart

“Oh, right. Out of consideration for your physical condition, | will arrange for a doctor to be by your side,” Lisa said with a fake


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“Also, I'm warning you for the last time. Gina is my friend. If you dare to harm my friend again in the future, you and your family

will pay the price!” Lisa said word by word. Every word was sincere.

Ander looked terrible. It was partly because he was about to spend a day and night in that damned prison and partly because

Lisa was threatening him, and he couldn't fight back. Ander turned around and left with a cold expression.

Lisa was delighted to see Ander in such a sorry state. “Gina, I'm not only happy because | helped you punish Mr. Ander but also

happy for myself.”

“What do you mean?” Gina asked calmly.

“Mr. Ander is my brother's loyal follower. Daniel's passionate pursuit ofwas Mr. Ander’s idea. At that time, Mr. Ander mainly

wanted Daniel to marryand bind the Stuart family’s relationship with the heir of the royal family. Therefore, I'm in a good

mood now that | see him suffer, Lisa said honestly.

Gina smiled and did not say anything. She had becfriends with Lisa because of benefits, but not so utilitarian. Hopefully,

their friendship would last forever.

The servant suddenly rushed into Lisa’s room and hesitated, “Princess...

Lisa put down the coffee cup. “What's wrong? You're in a hurry. What's the matter?”

The servant looked at Gina.

Gina thought it was because she was there, so the servant could not say anything. She immediately stood up and said, “I'm

going out.”

The servant shook her head. “No, Miss Miller. You don't have to leave.”

Because what the servant was going to say was about Gina.

Lisa was a little unhappy. “If you have something to say, just say it. Don't hesitate

The servant looked troubled because it was inappropriate for her to narrate the matter



Chapter 464

“Princess, Miss Miller, you didn’t check your phones just now, did you? Please, you... you take a look...”

Lisa was confused and exchanged glances with Gina. She took out her phone when she saw Gina pick up her phone.

Gina saw the news on the

pop-up window

“The leader of the Lighthouse, the terrorist organization, appears on the Intefor the first time. The live broadcast is too


However, the leader's live broadcast had ended. Gina looked at the recording on the Internet. The content of the live broadcast

was the leader of the Lighthouse had shouted at the royal family of Mosnioca and asked them to release Gina, his partner. He

had even posted a video of Gina and tim meeting and working together. However, the video was short, less than 15 seconds.

However, from the video, it could be seen Gina and the leader of the Lighthouse were chatting happily!

The leader said he would carry out a terrorist attack if they did not release Gina!

The live broadcast caused an uproar. Many citizens were agitated and demanded Gina should never be let off the hook. Gina

was still calm after watching the video. However, Lisa was a little confused after watching it.

“Gina, have... have you ever met the leader of the Lighthouse, the damn villain?”

Gina looked up with a clear and firm gaze. “Never. This video is produced by Al”

She could tell at a glance, but it was clear that the other party was not using a crude Al. There must have been a hacker who had

helped make this short video. Therefore, it looked real, but in front of her, the number one hacker, it naturally could not escape

her eyes.


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isa took a deep breath, feeling uneasy.

Gina could understand her panic. After all, they had only known each other for a short time. Even if Lisa had hoped Gina could

help her in the first place, Lisa was still a loyal friend.

Therefore, Gina was willing to explain a little more to Lisa. “Lisa, please trust me. I'm not lying to you. You're my friend. | won't lie

to you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t trust me. Givestime. I'll prove my innocence and find the person who madetake

the blame.”

Making her scapegoat was akin to kicking an iron plate.

Lisa took a deep breath and said, “Gina, my friend. | trust you



n was on a secret call. “| watched the live broadcast. Buddy, your acting skills are amazing”


The person he was talking to was the leader of the Lighthouse.

“It's a shfor the batch of arms you wanted to give me,” the leader said unhappily.

“it can’t be helped. I've been targeted. Don’t worry, I'll send it to you when the limelight passes. Isn't that enough? We're all

friends.” Colin smiled.

He was in a good mood now. Gina had fallen this time. His plan could be said to be perfect. Previously, he had sent a batch of

arms to the Lighthouse, and the royal family had been holding on to it. Upon seeing they were about to find him, Colin learned of

Gina Miller's whereabouts and cooperated with someone, throwing the blon Gina.

“Alright. Let's have a pleasant cooperation. The leader laughed evilly. He did not expect Colin to ask him to help deal with a

woman. Was the woman that difficult to deal with? The leader felt disdain inwardly. He even found it was demeaning to say Gina

was his friend in the live broadcast

“Nice working with you,” Colin said with a smile. Then, he hung up.