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Vampire's Slice Of Life-Novel

Chapter 340 Rank 7
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Chapter 340 Rank 7

A year passed.

Lith was now 16 years old and he did the same thing as before. Assassinate, meditate, and cultivate. There was nothing else he did apart from that in the past one year.

He worked hard to raise his cultivation and now it was time for ascension again.

Lith was sitting cross-legged on the pedestal and was focusing on the things he had learnt from his assassination missions and from his mother during his breaks.

Lilith, as usual, was sitting on the chair and was going through her phone. She was currently on video call with Lucy and was talking to her. She had a transparent barrier around her and it isolated her voice, ensuring that Lith doesn't get disturbed.

Lith was comprehending the Light laws currently and was busy in it. From what he felt, he would ascend in just a few days.

Even though a year had passed, nothing changed in the outside world. Everything was the same and no major or sensational news was there. The era Lith was in was very peaceful and it was no wonder that things would be like this.

A few days passed.

Lith's aura became chaotic once again as he was ascending. But, it wasn't as violent as it was during his ascension to Rank 6. It was calm this time. His aura caused ripples in the elemental energies outside. It was the same as someone dropping a stone in the middle of a calm lake.

Lilith could notice this change as well and comparing it with Lucy's ascension to Rank 7, she felt that Lith was much more stable than her at this time. And judging from the time, Lith was ascending faster than Lucy. He was a year early.

She was happy for Lith and continued to look at him with interest.

A few days passed.

Lith opened his eyes and said softly to himself, "I broke through."

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There was nothing flashy or exaggerated that happened when he ascended. His core had changed color already and his core area had also increased and had changes. He was really a Rank 7 now but because there was no strong stimulus during ascension, it felt a bit unbelievable to him.

Lilith smiled and said, "You did, baby. Congratulations."

Lith looked at her and said, "I ascended just like that?"

Lilith nodded. "There are times when everything is perfect, your preparation, your foundation, etc., and this would cause a smooth ascension to another rank. You didn't feel it for this reason."

Lith couldn't understand fully whatever his mother said but he roughly had an idea about it.

He took a deep breath and sighed in relief. Just two more ranks then.

After he became a Rank 9, he could continue roaming the world again and adventuring.

Lith got up and stretched. He felt like having food out of habit but then realized he wasn't hungry and he could just nourish himself with elemental energies.

He hadn't tried nourishing himself yet as he had no time. He was busy with his cultivation. For that reason, his body simply took the elemental energies inside automatically in low quantities and nourished him.

Lith tried to feel the elemental energies around him and soon thought of making it enter his body.

It was if the energies could hear him, a bit of energy around Lith entered inside his body through his skin pores and nourished his skin, muscles, bones, etc, directly.

'Oh wow. Food used to get transported everywhere in the body via a series of complex steps but now the energies can directly enter every cell in my body and nourish me. Amazing.' Lith looked at the energies entering him and thought.

After he was done analyzing a few things, he slept with his mother again. He drank her blood and slept. He was tired and wanted to rest. There was nothing else he could do anyway right now.

He had taken a pledge to not abstain from having sex until he was a Rank 9. It was torturing but with enough efforts, he could do it, he felt.

For this, he controlled himself and didn't do anything lewd with his mother and slept after quenching his thirst.


A few weeks passed.

Though nothing major happened in the world, it was a different case in the Abalax World Academy.

Ralph and Dennis, these two prodigies, had successfully become Rank 6s in just their third year in the academy. It was a shocking thing and the discussion on this was going on everywhere in the academy.

Their graduation became a hot topic on the sky island and teachers and students alike were amazed by this. Everyone in the academy was proud of their achievements as this was a really very amazing feat.

Ralph and Dennis were the first guys in their generation to ascend to this rank. Among all the kids who awakened their Magic Core 3 years back, these two were the first.

The sky island had a cheerful atmosphere and the students from Ralph and Dennis's batch were the ones the most fired up of all. They all were extra enthusiastic to cultivate as they saw someone from their own batch achieve such an astonishing feat.

Amidst the cheerful atmosphere, there were two guys who had a neutral look on their faces and were sitting on a bench and staring at the ducks in the small pond in front of them.

One was a black-haired teen and another was a pink-haired teen. These two were none other than Dennis and Ralph respectively.

"First of our generation to become Rank 6, was it?" Dennis said with a sarcastic look on his face and threw bread to the ducks in front.

Ralph flashed a rare smile and said, "It's just been two years but people had already forgotten about that monster it seems."

Dennis turned his head to look at Ralph and squinted his eyes. "Don't call His Highness a monster."


Ralph smacked Dennis's head and said, "It's a metaphor, stupid. I wonder how you managed to ascend right when I did with that stupid brain of yours."

Ralph and Dennis were best friends now. Ralph opened up in front of him and it was only when he was with him that he would show his true side. Otherwise he was a cold and emotionless guy most of the time.

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Though these two were best friends, they considered Lith as one as well. For Dennis though, Lith was first the prince and then his best friend. Whatever the case, these two considered him as their bestfriend as well.

Dennis rubbed his head and said, "I definitely am smarter than you."

"Moo, moo." The cow, Mu Mu, sitting beside Dennis and Ralph on the ground, mooed while shaking its head.

"See, even Mu Mu agrees." Ralph pointed at Mu Mu and said.

"That cow is dumb. Why would you even bother taking its opinion into consideration."

"Moo!" The cow harrumphed. How dare he call a genius as dumb?

"Anyway, we sure are in the limelight while he is gone." Ralph stopped bickering and said while staring at the ducks.

"Yeah. But no worries, I am sure that in future, His Highness's name will be on everyone's tongue all throughout the world."

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, tomorrow we will be graduating and leaving the academy." Ralph said.

Dennis nodded. "I'll finally be free from the torturous study sessions and can do as I please."????n????????????а????. ????????????

Ralph smiled hearing that but didn't say anything to Dennis. He knew that it was easy up until this point and things were just getting started.

Dennis thinking that he'll get to be free and laze around all day, he couldn't be more wrong. Ralph knew that Dennis would be made to work even harder than before and life won't be as easy as it was in the academy.

Him and Dennis were both in the same shoes. Both were the heirs of their respective family and clan and had great responsibility on them. Dennis couldn't run away from it and neither could Ralph.

Though for Ralph, things were much easier since his mother never pressured him into doing anything and he was free to do as he wanted. As for Dennis, both his parents were Emperor Ranks and there was Cecilia as well. These three people constantly forced him to cultivate and work hard to better himself and Dennis had no way out of this.

In any case, both had to work hard and would get very busy from here on.

The two chatted for a while and left the place. Tomorrow is their graduation and they will finally leave the academy.


A/N: Hi all, I'll upload bonuses within 24 hours, stay tuned.