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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 482
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Chapter 482 I Have The Photos

Charlie and Elizabeth were displeased to learn that Cassie had gone looking for Oscar again.

June deliberately mentioned to Elizabeth, “Mrs. Yard, I saw that Amelia has returned. I wanted to say

something when she and Oscar humiliated Cassie, but Cassie didn’t want me to interfere. I’m Cassie’s

boyfriend, yet she assumes that I’m scheming against your family. Since she doesn’t want me

interfering, I hope you can help keep an eye on Amelia.”

Elizabeth’s face fell when she heard that.

“Didn’t she leave already? Why has she returned?” Elizabeth asked through clenched teeth.

“Don’t get too worried. I’ll look into it. Cassie hasn’t gone to find Oscar these past two years, but she

did so as soon as Amelia returned. I’m just afraid that woman said something to Cassie. She’s a

vicious woman.” June’s eyes glittered dangerously for a moment, but he quickly put on a gentle look.

“You have to investigate thoroughly. Don’t let Cassie venture down a path of no return. That Amelia is a

harbinger of misfortune. Cassie is already suffering so much because of her, yet she still wants to drag

Cassie down with her. I knew she was bad news from the very beginning,” Elizabeth spat out, her voice

dripping with hatred.

It was as if she was blaming everything on Amelia. From her perspective, it if had not been for Amelia,

Cassie would not have ended up living such a miserable life.

“Rest assured that I won’t spare anyone who wants to harm Cassie. I’ll have someone investigate

Amelia’s background first,” said June.

“Thank you so much. We’re sorry to have to trouble you.”

“If it’s for Cassie, I’m willing to do it.”

“You’re such a good person. We’ve spoiled Cassie too much. Instead of understanding what we’re

doing is for her own good, she insists on hanging around that person who embarrasses her. Her brain

is so befuddled she can’t think straight.”

At that, Charlie piped up, “That’s enough. You shouldn’t keep harping on that. Cassie hasn’t had it easy

these past two years either.”

Elizabeth turned to glare at Charlie and snapped, “Cassie wouldn’t have ended up like this if you hadn’t

been so tolerant of the Clintons. You think the world of your old flame, but has Olivia ever paused to

think about the relationship between you two?”

“You’re absolutely preposterous,” Charlie retorted as he got up from the sofa, flustered. Then he went

upstairs as well.

Elizabeth was seething with rage.

“Fine! Leave! If you’re going to leave just like that, I should too. Who cares if this family crumbles? All of

you can’t seem to forget about the Clintons. I’m like an outsider here.” Brimming with resentment,

Elizabeth got up and left too. June was the only person left in the big living room.

June’s lips curled into a mocking sneer.

To me, both of them are a couple of dumb animals. I’m beginning to wonder how Mr. Yard ever

managed a company. As for Mrs. Yard, there’s clearly not much going on upstairs. I wouldn’t get myself

involved in this mess if not for Cassie.

Nonetheless, he was starting to get a little curious about Amelia.

I wonder what it is about her that caught the attention of Oscar, someone who doesn’t easily fall for a

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woman’s charms. Oscar spent two whole years searching for her, then used a lot of effort and

resources to find her a pair of suitable corneas… I’m curious to know what kind of woman she is. I

highly doubt her face could launch a thousand ships. At best, she’s probably slightly more attractive

than the average woman. How could a woman who only has her looks going for her capture the

fascination of a virtuous man?

June truly wanted to know.

Hence, when Amelia and Rory were on their way out for lunch, Amelia was slightly surprised to see

June leaning against his car.

June walked up to Amelia and asked in a gentlemanly tone, “Pretty lady, care to join me for a meal?”

Amelia racked her brains for any memory of June but came up with nothing. She was sure that she had

never met him before.

“Who are you?” she asked indifferently.

“Pretty lady, you’ll find out who I am if you agree to have a meal with me,” June responded with a

friendly smile.

He’s handsome, elegant, and patient with a lady. He’s like a true twentieth-century gentleman.

“I don’t usually eat with strangers because although one may appear to be a gentleman, that person

could be a veritable wolf in sheep’s clothing. Allow me to ask, who would agree to dine with a wolf?”

Amelia kept her tone light, but she radiated an indubitable aura.

“Let’s go, Rory,” said Amelia.

June stepped in front of them, blocking their path. “Ms. Winters, I’m Cassie’s fiancé. I’d like to talk to

you. Would you be so kind as to spare me some of your time?”

Stunned, Amelia finally turned to Rory and said, “Go ahead and have lunch first. I’ll have a little chat

with this gentleman.”

Rory nodded, knowing not to press for details.

June motioned toward the car. “Please get in, Ms. Winters. I’ve discovered a good restaurant. I think

their food would be to your liking.”

Amelia got into his car.

June drove them to a retro-inspired restaurant. There, the waiter led them to a tiny private room.

Passing Amelia the menu, June said smilingly, “Ladies first. A gentleman would never embarrass a

pretty lady.”

Amelia merely shot him a polite smile without saying anything.

After placing their order, June extended a hand toward Amelia. “I’m June. I’ve also come up with a new

name for myself—John Wick. That’s because I love those movies. You can call me by either name.”

Amelia nearly spat out the sip of water she just took.

However, she quickly covered her mouth and avoided making a faux pas.

“Mr. Wick, you truly are a witty and interesting person,” Amelia replied, spontaneously deciding to go

with his made-up name.

Taking it as a compliment, June responded by praising her, “Now that I look at you up close, you’re

much prettier and more elegant in person than in photos.”

“Thank you,” Amelia replied nonchalantly.

While waiting for their food, Amelia decided to cut straight to the chase. “We’ve never met before, yet

you’ve come to look for me out of the blue. May I ask what you wish to talk to me about?”

“It’s nothing much, really. I was merely curious to know what the wife of the man my fiancée is

obsessed with is like. You’ve been gone for two years, yet Mr. Clinton welcomes you back with open

arms,” June answered with a chuckle as he fiddled with his fingers.

Amelia smiled politely. “Well, you must be disappointed after seeing me. I’m no great beauty. If you’re

wondering why Oscar fell for me, I suppose one can only say it was fate.”

“Not at all. Before I met you, I was quite disappointed when looking at your photos. But now, I know the

reason,” June replied vaguely, deliberately keeping her in suspense.

Amelia arched an eyebrow.

“You have an air about you that makes others feel comfortable around you. I believe you’d leave a

good impression on most men after they had the chance to converse with you. They’d even start taking

an interest in you. After meeting you for the second time, they’d begin to like you. And after the third

meeting, it’d be impossible for them to resist falling for you. Therein lies your charm. You may not be a

great beauty, but you’re the kind of woman who entrances men,” June explained, heaping praises on


Amelia found his observation ridiculous. “Mr. Wick, don’t tell me you purposely waited for me in front of

my office to shower me with praises. I don’t think we know each other well enough for that.”

Maintaining his poise, June flashed her a bright smile. “We’ll get to know each other better after a few

more meetings. Ms. Winters, I adore your refined speech and manners. You possess an air about you

that Cassie doesn’t. If you don’t mind, why don’t we become friends?”

Amelia studied June carefully, sizing him up. She was a firm believer that no one would try to get close

to another and show their genuine interest for no good reason.

If someone intentionally tries to get close to you, that person either likes you or harbors some hidden

agenda. Amelia was not so vain to think that a handsome foreigner would fall for her after meeting her

for the first time. She was usually calm and composed when dealing with people she did not know well,

thus allowing her to see the big picture.

“Mr. Wick, I don’t want to be your friend. I don’t care what Ms. Yard told you or if you’re here to seek

justice on her behalf. I have no interest in playing games with you. My advice is since the two of you

are engaged, please make sure to keep an eye on your fiancée. Don’t let her interfere in someone

else’s marriage and relationship,” Amelia said solemnly.

June gazed at her in amusement.

A waitress came in with their food at that moment, interrupting their conversation.

For some reason, June smiled at the waitress as she placed the dishes on the table. The waitress was

momentarily distracted, and she nearly dropped the plate she was holding. Fortunately, the waitress

reacted quickly and managed to regain a firm grip, but some of the sauce still splattered onto the table

from the sudden motion.

The waitress immediately began apologizing profusely, “Oh, I’m sorry! I’m terribly sorry!”

Still smiling, June rose to his feet. Before anyone knew what was happening, he suddenly raised his

hand and slapped her hard across her face.

The waitress was stunned, and the expression on Amelia’s face shifted. However, the latter remained


After that, June sat down again as if nothing had happened and took out a clean handkerchief. Then he

began wiping his hands with slow and elegant movements. “Hurry up and serve the food. I heard that

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this restaurant is very strict about maintaining top-notch service. How can someone who lacks

professionalism be a waitress here? If you continue making such mistakes, it won’t just be a slap next


Alarmed, the other waiters and waitresses quickly served their food and left.

After they closed the door behind them, June placed a bowl of soup in front of Amelia. “Go ahead and

give it a taste, Ms. Winters. The soup here is excellent. I’m sure you’ll like it.”

Amelia crossed her arms and said calmly, “Mr. Wick, what you just did was not something a gentleman

would’ve done.”

June raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Not everyone deserves gentlemanly behavior. If it’s someone as

beautiful as yourself, you can be sure I’ll have infinite patience. As for that waitress, she’s merely

someone from a lower class. She lost her composure and spilled sauce on the table. Shouldn’t I have

punished her for that? I’m already being merciful by not demanding for the restaurant’s manager to fire

her, aren’t I?”

His response rendered her speechless.

“Please eat, Ms. Winters. Try this and see how it tastes.”

Not wanting to be rude, Amelia began eating but stopped when she had eaten half of it. “I’m full, and I

need to get back to work. I’ll settle the bill on the way out. Consider it my treat.”

“Oh, no, no. A gentleman could never let a pretty lady pay. The restaurant will charge the meal to me,

so you don’t have to argue with me about who settles the bill.” June smiled. Then, as if by magic, he

produced a single rose and held it out to her. “A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady. It’s a little gift to

commemorate our first meeting. I hope you like it.”

Amelia stared at the rose. If I were seventeen or eighteen years old, I would probably swoon over such

a gesture. But I’m a thirty-year-old woman who has come across many men and has encountered my

fair share of disgusting and ugly incidents. I can maintain my composure in different situations, and not

many things will cause me to show disgust. However, this man is definitely one of them.

June’s attitude truly sickened Amelia, and she could not help wondering what made him think she

would fall for his act.

“Thank you for your gift, but I’m allergic to fresh flowers,” Amelia said.

June did not press her further and took back the flower with a smile. “My apologies. Let’s go. I’ll drop

you off at your office.”

Amelia simply could not figure June out. She had no intention of maintaining ties with a man like him,

and her instincts told her he was a dangerous person. No matter how gentlemanly he behaved, it could

not disguise the insidious glint in his eyes.

He’s a very scary and cunning man.

She followed him out of the restaurant quietly. Suddenly, he leaned in toward her ear. Just as she was

about to back away, he said, “There was something on your head. I’ve gotten it off for you.”

Amelia took two steps back, putting some distance between them.

“Mr. Wick, please show some self-respect.” With that, she turned and hurried off.

June watched as she quickened her pace, intrigued. The corners of his lips curved upward ever so

slightly. He thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of a cat-and-mouse game. Since Cassie loathes her, I’ll destroy

her reputation. And since she has the Clinton family backing her, I’ll wipe out that supposedly invincible

pillar of support.

Taking out his phone, June made a call. The person on the other end answered and said, “I have the

photos of the two of you together just now.”

“Excellent. Send the photos to me. I’ll have someone transfer your reward into your account.” June

hung up, an amused smile tugging at his lips.