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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 370
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Chapter 370 The Understanding Son

Amelia argued with her mother. For three days afterward, she did not visit her neighbor. Though

Eleanor still dropped by every single day to visit the other Amelia and her grandchild, she always

seemed distracted. Her fragmented presence was not lost on Amelia whenever her guest dropped by.

“Mrs. Hutton, have you been arguing with Amelia?” she asked.

Eleanor jerked out of her reverie with a start. “She has been spoiled by me,” she admitted with a

helpless smile. “It’s just a child’s tantrum. It’ll pass. She’ll be back to her old self very soon.”

“Quarrels between mother and daughter shouldn’t last this long, Mrs. Hutton,” voiced Amelia worriedly.

“It has been three days since Amelia last visited. She wouldn’t be upset with me, would she? I’m afraid

she might be jealous that you’re spending more time with me instead of with her.”

“Nonsense,” cried Eleanor. “You’re her sister. Why would she be jealous of you?”

“But I’m not her biological sister, am I?”

“You are! I mean, no, you’re not,” stammered Eleanor, flustered. “Don’t overthink it, all right? She’s just

not used to not being at the center of attention and is merely acting out.”

Amelia averted her eyes to hide the sudden burst of emotion welling up within her.

“Mrs. Hutton, why don’t you go home to Amelia? I have kept you long enough.”

Eleanor edged closer to Amelia and took her hand. “Lia, are you angry with me? Don’t mind Amelia. I

genuinely think of you as my daughter.”

Smiling warmly, Amelia replied, “Mrs. Hutton, I appreciate your love and kindness, but we are not

related by blood. To be honest, your enthusiasm feels a little overbearing.”

At that, sadness flashed across Eleanor’s eyes. “Lia, are you sick of me?”

“That’s not what I meant, Mrs. Hutton. There is no need for you to treat me like a child. I have my own

life to lead and a son to raise. My blindness does not cloud my judgment; the kindness with which you

have given me feels like something more than neighborly affection. Tiff has said that we look alike. If it

weren’t for the fact that I know who my parents are, I would have believed that I am the daughter you

have lost all those years ago.”

“No, Lia,” Eleanor said desperately as she clutched the younger woman’s hand. “You are actually my…

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my…” The final word seemed to be stuck in her throat.

Amelia’s ears pricked hopefully, ready to hear the answer she secretly yearned for. However, Eleanor

appeared to decide against completing the sentence, which disappointed Amelia.

As a result of Eleanor’s hesitation, any hope Amelia had in reconnecting with her mother vanished.

I am an adult now. I no longer need motherly love as I did when I was a child, lost and alone in the

streets. Where were you then, Mom?

Amelia squeezed Eleanor’s hand reassuringly. “Mrs. Hutton, please calm yourself. I know that you have

grown attached to me because my looks remind me of your younger self. Don’t get me wrong, I am

honored to look like you. I can’t wait to regain my sight to see just how alike we look. Now if you’ll

excuse me, I must check to see if Tony is awake.”

Eleanor got up to help Amelia along, but the latter declined the assistance provided.

“I know the way, Mrs. Hutton. Please, don’t trouble yourself.”

Eleanor’s outstretched arm fell limply to her lap.

As Amelia was feeling her way to the bedroom, Eleanor’s phone rang.

Upon discovering that it was her husband calling, she answered the phone with a grimace.


“You’ve met her, haven’t you?” Benjamin’s deep rumble sounded from the other end.

Eleanor’s heart thumped wildly. Drawing a deep breath, she asked with forced calmness, “What do you

mean, Benjamin? Who did I meet?”

“Amelia told me everything, Eleanor. That’s what you’re doing in Beshya, isn’t it? You’ve found her, and

now you’re learning to lie to me.” Benjamin’s voice shook with barely suppressed rage.

“I will not allow you to harm her.” Eleanor clutched the phone tightly. “Isn’t cruelly giving up on her over

twenty years ago not enough? If you’re intending on hurting her again, you might as well do it over my

dead body.”

“You’re not in a right state of mind for a reasonable conversation, Eleanor. I won’t waste my breath on

you anymore. I just called to let you know that I have arrived in Beshya. If you return to Saspiuburg with

me at once, I can perhaps forgive you for searching for the girl without my permission.” After the

menacing threat, Benjamin hung up.

Eleanor’s hand, which held the phone against her ear, began to tremble violently as she fought for


At that very moment, Tiffany emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of freshly cut fruit. At the sight of

Eleanor, who was looking slightly green, Tiffany hurried over and was about to touch her shoulder when

Eleanor screamed, “Don’t touch me! Don’t even think about hurting my daughter!”

Tiffany jumped in fright. “Are you all right, Mrs. Hutton?”

Regaining her composure, Eleanor smiled apologetically at the sight of Tiffany’s alarm. “Did I frighten

you, Tiffany?”

Tiffany shook her head. “I’m fine, Mrs. Hutton. You don’t look too good, though. Why don’t you have a

seat on the couch until you feel better?”

“No, thank you. I should get going as there is an urgent matter I have to attend to. Please tell Lia that I

would come by again when I have the time.” Without waiting for a response, she departed in a hurry.

Tiffany ran after her, but Eleanor had already disappeared next door, prompting the former to turn back

in disappointment.

In the meantime, Tony led his mother out into the living room by the hand. “Tiff, is that you?” Amelia

asked, her ears pricking up at the sound of Tiffany’s footsteps.

Her friend walked over and picked Tony up in one arm before leading Amelia to the couch with the


“What was going on with Mrs. Hutton earlier?” Amelia asked concernedly. “I heard her scream.”

“I’m not sure. When I came out of the kitchen, I noticed she didn’t look too good. I was about to pat her

on the shoulder when she looked at me like she was about to eat me whole! Kurt did mention she is

emotionally distraught. Could this be one of her episodes?”

Amelia’s hand twitched at the news. As she had grown fond of Eleanor, it hurt her to hear that the old

lady was in such pain.

Squeezing her friend’s hand, Tiffany uttered, “If you’re still worried, we could go over and pay her a

visit. She doesn’t seem too well.”

After a moment’s thought, Amelia nodded.

With that, Tiffany carried Tony and led Amelia by the hand out of their apartment over to the entrance of

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the one next door.

Despite at least three rings on the doorbell, the Huttons’ door remained shut.

Wrapping his arms around Tiffany’s neck, Tony asked, “Tiffy, are Mrs. Hutton and Ms. Hutton upset with


Tiffany chuckled and stroked his nose. “Why would you ask that, Tony?”

“You’re dumb, Tiffy. I can feel it, of course.”

“What a clever boy you are, Tony. You’re growing up too quickly for my liking.”

“You’re right, I am.” Tony nodded and put his chin up in the air haughtily.

His antics made Tiffany laugh. In no time at all, the solemn and tense atmosphere dissipated.

“Mrs. Hutton, Amelia,” Tiffany called loudly as she rapped on the door with her knuckles. “Are you

home? Could you open up, please?”

The door remained shut.

“Babe.” Tiffany turned exasperatedly to Amelia. “Would you like me to get Kurt here?”

Amelia turned her unseeing eyes to the front and pursed her lips, deep in thought. “Let’s go home,” she

announced after several moments of consideration.

“Aren’t we going in?” Tiffany questioned.

“It’s obvious that they want some privacy since they didn’t answer the door. We’re outsiders to their

family after all, are we not?”

Hearing that, Tiffany sighed softly. “You’re right. Let’s get back, then.”

Back at their own apartment, Tony jumped down from Tiffany’s arms and ran over to hug his mother’s

thigh. “Mommy, it doesn’t matter if they don’t like you. I do! Isn’t that enough? Forget all about the mean

people, all right? Cheer up!”

Amelia and Tiffany were dumbstruck, as they did not expect Tony to display intelligence and tact

beyond his years. His diminutive but mature presence was comforting to be around during times like


Amelia found the knot in her stomach eased by Tony’s proclamation. With a son as thoughtful as him

by her side, she did not think that she could be defeated by anything.

“Good boy, Tony,” she whispered as she held him in her arms.

Tony patted her on the back like he had seen adults do. “Good girl, Mommy,” he replied teasingly. “I’m

here to protect you. I’ll chase them all away from you.”

Hearing that, Amelia laughed again. What a clever little fellow. I’m so blessed to have a son like that.

With so much positivity, there isn’t any reason to remain upset for long.