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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154 A Difficult Decision

When Jenny came out of the kitchen, she spotted Zack and Alec engaged in a conversation, and she

could barely believe her eyes. She recalled how loudly Zack had cursed Alec when she divorced him.

How did they become friends so quickly?

“Zack,” Jenny called. “What are you talking about?”

As if he had been caught doing something wrong, Zack quickly sat up straight and said seriously,”

Nothing. Just small talk.”

Feeling guilty, he didn’t dare to look Jenny in the eyes. It was all Alec’s fault for making such a generous

offer. On top of that, Alec didn’t ask anything from him, so the opportunity was like a treasure falling from

the sky.

Jenny found his behavior suspicious, and she clearly did not believe him.

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Just as she was about to question him, Alec approached her. “Is the food ready? Do you need my help?”

“No, you’re our guest, so just sit there and wait for dinner to be served,” Jenny replied.

Alec didn’t argue with her. Truth be told, he didn’t feel like helping Gilbert. “Are you tired? Take a rest.”

“There’s no need for that.” After stealing another glance at him, she turned around and returned to the


Alec felt rather helpless. Although Jenny was treating him a little better because of his injury, she was still

very cold to him.

As he sighed internally, Zack said, “Didn’t I tell you? Even if I didn’t object, Jenny would not be with you.”

He understood his little sister well.

Alec didn’t answer. He stared at the kitchen, his expression unreadable.

Soon, dinner was served. Although Alec didn’t like Gilbert, he had to admit he was the superior cook.

“Mr. Faust, allow me to make a toast to you.” Gilbert suddenly raised his glass. “Although you didn’t treat

Jenny very well during the two years of your marriage, you weren’t bad to her, either. I’m very grateful

that you didn’t hurt her.”

Alec was dumbfounded that Gilbert just had to bring up that topic.

“Mr. Hawthorn, you’re being polite. I was a fool for not recognizing Jenny’s many strengths, which is why

I lost her,” he said, turning to Jenny. “But I’m a changed man.”

Gilbert’s gaze shifted as he forced himself to smile. “As Jenny’s brother, I hope that she’ll be happy.

However, I don’t think you’re someone who will bring her happiness, Mr. Faust. I hope you’ll keep a

distance from her after this meal so that you won’t cause trouble for her.”

Alec’s expression darkened as he didn’t expect Gilbert to be so direct.

“Why do you think I can’t make Jenny happy?” he asked, his tone frosty. “What trouble do I bring her by

being by her side?”

“Oh, are you saying you don’t know that Yvonne is behind this incident?” Gilbert sneered at him. “And do

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you really need me to tell you why Yvonne would do this to Jenny?”

Alec was taken aback as he couldn’t refute that.

After a moment, he unwillingly admitted, “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I-”


“It doesn’t matter what your intention was. It doesn’t change what happened,” Gilbert cut him off, not

allowing him to explain himself.

The tension in the room was only growing thicker. Zack had already placed his utensils on the table. If

things were allowed to continue, he was confident a fight would start soon.

Should he stand by the sidelines and watch the show if that happened? Should he help his brother? But

he just reached a deal with Alec. If he beat him up, wouldn’t their agreement come to naught?

What a difficult decision!