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The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 144 I Saw Your Worth
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"What's up with that guy? Why is he even here? Didn't you say that he was some kind of dark horse for the Raizel family during this test? His attitude pisses me off." A boy who looked about sixteen expressed his discontent, looking at Adam who appeared to be some kind of King observing his subjects while sitting on top of a black throne-like chair that was floating in the air.

His name was Alexander and appeared to be a well-raised kid as he was still wearing his uniform. He was certainly the dream groom of many young girls with his handsome face and neatly combed brown hair.

Adam's arrival was indeed impressive and people had a certain image of him burned inside of their memory but on the hand, no one knew who he was.

Therefore, some saw his attitude as extremely irritating, and most thought this was the amateurs who couldn't see what Adam's actions implied.

Moreover, when Adam exchanged words with Uriella, not everyone what they were saying, so a lot of the participants began to create various theories about what happened.

"He sure looks down on us. Still, you can't deny that he's got some guys, and I can't say I dislike guy's like that," A muscular boy, who looked too huge do his age replied to the first boy. His name was Benjamin and he had know Alexander since they were little.

Along with them were three other teenagers that looked as capable as Alexander and Benjamin.

One of them was a fairly tall girl who had her blond hair tied in a ponytail while letting her bangs cover her forehead. Even though she wasn't very much developed like Blanca in certain areas, her figure could be considered delicate and nicely proportioned.

Her name was Felicia and she agreed with neither Alexander nor Benjamin's opinions. "At least, he is elegant and acts like a proper noble," she commented.

"What? Didn't you see how he acted earlier?" Alexander rebuked.

"Well, thinking about it rationally, as Lord's children, we should get the same treatment as he did, but none of us dared to say a word in front of Lady Uriella." This time it was a girl with short black hair that talked. Her name was Yoru and Compared to Felicia who looked like a cheerful and bright girl, she appeared to be a lot more gloomy and reserved.

Thus, for her to express her opinion like that, she must be quite close to the other four.

"Well, can we begin our training now? Whoever he is doesn't concern us," a boy who looked older for his age, with his unnaturally serious-looking face, interrupted the conversation. His name was Banred and he adjusted his particular-looking glasses as he said these words.

Barned had somehow become the leader of their little group and no one else complained about it. After all, they knew that he was not the kind of person who would take such a responsibility half-heartedly.

He was the one who gathered the group to the training ground, explaining that there were certainly being observed. He theorized that they were already going through some kind of selection.

In a way, his theory made sense as it was logical for the Lord of the Raizel family to put more support onto more promising participants.

Thus, they thought that Adam was someone with great talent and that was why he was treated differently.

Still, this theory didn't please Alexander and not only him but a lot of other people too.

"We will certainly end up in different groups though. This sucks," Benjamin commented.

"You are not scared, are you?" Alexander asked.

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"You too, don't let your guard down just because we are more talented than the others. You never know who would go up against you during the first test," Barned remarked, glancing at Adam.

"Are you saying that I will lose against him in a fight? From what I can see, he is only good at performing tricks. He is more like an acrobat than anything else," Alexander said puffing his chest.

"That was cheap even from you, Alexander," Yoru remarked.

"What's the problem with you all? Are you that scared of him? We are aiming for the special class right?"

While Alexander said these words as he was making a motivational speech, the other four looked at him with odd eyes.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Hey, where are you going?"

"Sometimes, I am wondering if he it's his superiority complex or if he is just stupid," Yoru whispered to Felicia. Still, she was whispering but everyone else heard it.

"That's why he doesn't over friends apart from us. He should be really thankful, the poor thing," Felicia replied, and she had a gracious smile on her face but her words were like knifes stabbing Alexander straight to the heart.

"Heyyy! I heard that!"

Ignoring Alexander, everyone headed to the area where the dummy monsters were placed.

However, when they arrived there, the training ground was already filled with the other participants.

Still, it was not like all of the equipment was used, and the hundreds of participants didn't even cover half of the area.

"Let's begin. We will do some light warm-ups using these dummy monsters first, then we will do serious sparring. Well, it might be serious but we shouldn't expose our weakness, so in a way, it's just for us to not get rusty before the test begins," Barned instructed.




"Hmph! I've been waiting for this. They will see that it's not only that guy who is competent here."

Everyone else nodded at Barned's words but like usual, Timothy had to comment.

"Hmm? What's going on there?" Yoru noticed that other participants were chattering and looking at someone.

"Oh! They are twins," Benjamin stated.

"Yeah, we can see that. I am just wondering what's up with them," Yoru added.

The twins were two girls that had short hair that had two different colors. Half of their hair was white and a half was black, and their eyes were also of a different color same as their hair.

Their look was indeed unusual but what they were doing was odder.

"Look, the swords are floating around them. Cool!" Benjamin commented.

"The power of the attack is weak but their gift is indeed interesting. They will be probably eliminated in the first test." Barned commented.

People were at first curious about the twin's looks but after seeing their ability, they began to look at them with pity.

Everyone had their reason for wanting to attend the Holy Academy, and the twins were certainly part of the new generation of gift holders but their ability was just lacking.

Moreover, even though everyone else had joined or formed groups, the twins were left by themselves.

"Well, let's not get distracted. You can use these three dummy monsters. Alexander will be sparring with me," Barned said and throw a training sword at Alexander.

"Eh? Why?"

"You want to show your skills, right? This is your chance." Barned adjusted his glass as he said these words. "Of course, this is just a warm-up so we don't use our gift. Now, show me your sword skill."

"Hmph! Don't blame me if you lose badly even if this is just a warm-up."

Hence, the group began their training or more precisely, their little demonstration.

Barned and Alexander displayed refined sword skills and even though the other three were fighting dummy monsters, they also didn't have their gifts.

Thud! Thud!

The people who were watching the twins earlier were now focused on Barned and his groups.

"It seems like you have improved," Barned commented after parrying Alexander's attack by holding his sword vertically.

"I can say the same about you," Alexander replied.

There were of course other capable individuals among the other participants but Barned and his friends were all talented.

However, something happened and everyone's attention was directed at the twins.

"This guy, what is he trying to do?" Alexander said.

Adam's throne stayed in mid-air but a flat black square appeared beneath his feet every time he took a step down toward the twins who looked up at him with anxious faces.

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These sisters had certainly regretted going out to the training field after seeing how people looked at them, but they tried to be brave and trained seriously using their gift.

People were already used to seeing them when they were at home, and the maids or other people wouldn't dare to make comments about their appearance but here, everyone else was a Lord's child.

Adam finally stepped on the ground and stood in front of the twins.

"What do you wish?" He asked, and everyone was puzzled by his words.

"What's this guy saying? Who does he think he is?" Alexander said with a frown.

"Be quiet for a bit," Yoru said, glaring at him. The rest of the groups had also stopped their training and looked at what was happening.

The twins looked like they didn't in the least appreciate being put at the center of the attention.

Though, the older sister was more composed than the little sister. Adam's presence grow stronger when he was close and the twins felt it.

"W-what do you mean?" The older sister asked. Among the two, she could be distinguished by looking at the black part of her hair which was on the left, and her white left pupils, in contrast to her younger sister who had black hair on the left part of her head.

"Come," Adam said after looking at the twins with his crimson red eyes as if he knew what the sisters were thinking.

He turned and began to walk up to his throne but this time, flat black squares also appeared in front of the twins.

"Hey, man, what's your deal? Are you trying to be famous or what? No offense, I am just wondering. The funny chair and the little demonstration with the little tricks," This time, it was not Alexander who said these words but another handsome boy would be certainly popular if he worked inside of those night clubs.

His tone was full of sarcasm and the people who were certainly acquainted began to laugh.

Hearing them, Adam didn't even look back and just continued to walk dignifiedly.

"He is trying to play it cool. Did you need to go that far to impress their ladies?" The pretentious boy added, seeing Adam ignoring him.

This time, Adam stopped and looked over his shoulder but he saw that the sisters didn't follow him.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, I-"

Before the boy finished his sentence, something wrapped around his testicles.

"Waa! Aaaa!"

The pain that he felt after that was so intense that he fell to the ground and put his hands between his legs while crying in pain.

Adam didn't even look at the boy who was screaming in pain and said some words to the twins again.

"Come. I saw your worth, and I will show it to you," Adam said, then he continued to walk again.

The sisters, even though still doubting Adam's intentions, stood on top of the flat black square which rose in the air and followed Adam.