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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 860
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Austin was stunned when he looked down and saw hundreds of thousands of sea beasts jump out of the sea.

It was a well-known fact that sea beasts were highly reproductive.

Since there were all kinds of species in the sea, the astronomical number of sea beasts was astonishing.

Austin acknowledged that even though he was a strong cultivator, he couldn't handle a myriad of sea beasts at the stime.

"Fine. They win.

These sea animals are ruthless and really work as a collective group!" Austin murmured with a sigh.

He knew that it wasn't a good idea to continue hunting there.

Hence, he gathered his vital energy and activated the Thunderbolt Movement Skill. In the blink of an eye, he moved left, and

disappeared leaving behind a vague shadow.

A few moments later, he had disappeared from the area.

Austin had planned to go to another place to continue cultivating the Beast Energy-extracting Skill.

Meanwhile, at the stunknown to Austin, Laird and his team members were flying above the sea where Austin had just left.

They combed through the area inch by inch with great care.

Under Laird's leadership, the group had slain eight primary-level beast masters and a batch of level-eight and level-nine sea beasts

within the past ten days.

They had also collected many valuable beast cores.

As for the beast cores, as long as they turned in sto the royal family, they could keep the rest for themselves.

Therefore, all the team members were excited.

'l got so many beast cores and svaluable parts of top-level sea beasts.

If I bring them back and sell them, | can make a lot of money, ' they thought.

The members were in high spirits at the thought of more beasts cores and were, therefore, looking to kill more sea beasts.

However, as the saying went, 'Don't count your chicks before they hatch." Just then, a great number of sea beasts jumped out of

the sea.

Hundreds of thousands of them exuding a ferocious, cold vibe leaped into the air to attack the cultivators.

Most of them were level-eight, level-nine or level-ten sea beasts. Swere even beast masters.

There were, of course, sthat were below level eight.

Caught off guard, one team member at the medium stage of Imperial Realm got injured. His foot was pierced by a bone that a

magical sawshark had released and blood kept oozing from the wound.

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Screaming in agony, the injured cultivator soared into the sky with a deathly pale face.

"Let's get out of here!" Laird shouted at his members.

The sight of countless sea beasts scared the hell out of him.

'If we don't run away, we will not survive long enough to see another day, ' he thought.

Laird led his team members out of the area in a panic.

On the other hand, Austin had reached another area after flying for half a day.

He landed in an open field and as he glanced around, there was no sign of beasts or human beings to have recently inhabited the

place. He heaved a sigh of relief.

‘Perhaps | slaughtered too many top-level sea beasts, which infuriated their companions. So they worked together and attacked me

for revenge, ' he mused.

Austin settled down and carried on practicing the Beast Energy-extracting Skill.

The more physical strength he gained, the easier it was for Austin to hunt sea beasts.

Five days later...

Austin's physical strength had increased up to a million pounds.

He was now ready and if challenged to battle a level-ten sea beast, he could beat it to death with a punch.

He was that sure of his newly gained strength.

After punching it, he could then refine its blood essence. Austin happily contemplated the level of his strength.

At that moment, even if his target was a primary-level beast master, he could slay it easily.

It was safe to say that Austin had no difficulty eliminating a cultivator at the preliminary stage of Master Realm with his current

physical power.

Two days later, it beceasier for Austin to kill sea beasts.

The number of sea beasts he had taken out daily increased as telapsed.

He even destroyed more than a dozen mid-level beast masters.

Of course, it took him more tand energy to eliminate mid-level beast masters.

Moreover, he got hurt while dealing with several mid-level beast masters with a powerful battle force.

Three days later, his physical power had reached 1.3 million pounds.

Eighteen days had passed since Austin had taken a Magical Beast Elixir.

That meant that Austin had increased the strength of his body by about 600, 000 pounds within eighteen days.

His physical strength had doubled in a short span of time.

‘Now | don't have to fear the Master Realm cultivators.

Whether one is at the preliminary, medium or premium stage, | can now fight them without running away.

| still have twelve days left before the Magical Beast Elixir loses its effect.

| should cherish every minute and focus on practicing, '

Austin muttered to himself ...

Soon after, he sensed with his spiritual sense that a dozen people who were not too far away were flying towards him.

With a golden spear hoisted his back, one of them exuded aggressive spear intent.

It was Laird and his team members.

"lI wasn't expecting them to arrive this fast.

What are they doing here?

This is going to be interesting!"

Austin muttered, with a dangerous smirk on his face.

‘Perhaps they were forced to leave that area because the sea beasts had gathered together to fiercely confront their enemies.

So they must have chere to search for sea beasts.

Laird hates my guts and wantsdead.

If I let him go this time, he might pose a threat toin the future.


As the thoughts raced through his mind, Austin paused in his tracks. He stood on the surface of the sea, facing the direction of

Laird and his team members who were approaching him.

"Look! The traitor is over there!

Con, guys! Don't let him run away," Laird said to the rest.

He had reached the preliminary stage of Master Realm, and his spiritual sense was strong.

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So he was the first one to detect Austin.

He sped up and flew in Austin's direction.

The rest team members accelerated to keep up with him.

Moments later, Laird and a dozen cultivators cinto Austin's view.

They stood in front of Austin in a flash.

"You coward. You deserted your team members. Now there is no way for you to escape and hide," Laird hollered as he frantically

waved his hand.

Upon seeing this, over ten cultivators besieged Austin.

"Who told you | would run away? Can't you see | was waiting for you?"

Austin crossed his arms over his chest, looking composed.

'What's going on with him?"

Laird and his team members were thrown off by his demeanor and didn't understand why Austin was acting in such a calm


"Humph! You're too perky.

Brat, don't think you're invincible just because you have learned ssword skills.

Do you think we can't hurt you?"

Laird said coldly.

Austin's attitude pissed him off.

"Laird, there is no need to waste ttalking to him.

Take him out and then we can continue with our task," one team member proposed.

The team member instigated other members to express themselves.

"lI have met many young men like him. They are slightly strong and then think they are the best cultivators in the world. Just put

him down. Don't waste ton him," said another team member.


Looks like these people all wantdead.

That's great.

I will kill them all, *

Austin thought, as anger gradually built up in his heart with the condescending attitude of Laird and his team.