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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 782
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"Really? You're from the Sky Sect?" Austin was a little shocked when he heard the nSky Sect.

"Yes! Now you know who we are.

So, just get out of my way!" a man probably in his early thirties spoke. He wore a cyan colored gown and looked quite arrogant.

Apparently he was the leader of this team. He looked out of the ordinary. No doubt that his cultivation base wasn't lower than the premium stage of Imperial Realm.

Sky Sect was one of the five biggest sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. The sect was powerful and influential in the kingdom.

"Well, now that | know you're from the Sky Sect, | don't think | have to be polite and respectful to you!" Austin said. He hadn't forgotten about the feud between him and the Sky Sect.

He felt like now it was a good chance to teach them a lesson.

Already Austin knew a lot of members of the Meng Family of the Stone City.

Their cultivation base wasn't very high, but most of them were kind and honest men.

And now they had becthe prisoners of the Sky Sect.

Obviously that was because of the Sky Sect's bullies.

Sadly now the people of the Meng Family made their living by mining crystals for the Sky Sect.

Maybe something bad had happened to their mine and they couldn't deliver enough vital energy crystal. Thus, they were punished by the Sky Sect.

Austin was tired of talking to that man dressed in cyan. He activated the Thunderbolt Movement Skill and suddenly appeared in front of the man. He raised his fist and punched that man in the face.

The impact when his fist hit the man's face was more than three hundred tons in weight. It surprised as well as suppressed that man and he couldn't move an inch from the head to the bottom, not even a finger.

"How could you...?" He uttered those words as he watched Austin's fist coming towards him and hit him in the face. It was so quick that he couldn't finish his last sentence.

A second later, his body blew up. He was torn into pieces, and scattered everywhere around.

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Seeing what happened before their eyes, all the team members were scared.

"How can he kill our fellow brother? We have to kill this man to avenge for him!" "Bastard! How dare you kill anyone of the Sky Sect? You'll pay for that." Making such preposterous threats, they all cforward and surrounded Austin. They activated their vital energy and launched all kinds of skills at him.

Besides, sof them activated their spiritual weapons and sacred weapons to fight against Austin.

Vital energy force echoed around with the shouts of the men.

The man in the cyan gown, who had been killed by Austin moments ago, was the strongest one in the team.

The rest of them were much weaker. Two of them were at the medium stage while four were at the preliminary stage of Imperial Realm. The remaining twenty members were at the Sky Realm.

It was as easy as a pie for Austin to handle them all.

He raised his fist again. Just like their brother who was killed by Austin, each one of them was torn into pieces.

The other people of the Sky Sect who were standing by the side were injured badly. They had been touched lightly by the wind created by Austin's fist.

At last, a few of them, who were extremely scared as they saw their brothers getting killed one by one, began to cry.

One of them collapsed, screamed and tried to run away with wet pants.

But how would they escape if Austin wouldn't allow them to leave. With the help of the Thunderbolt Movement Skill, Austin killed all of them in a few seconds.

Austin was much stronger than any of them. Therefore, it couldn't be called an even fight but a slaughter indeed.

It was another fact that Austin didn't do it with all his strength. All the people from the Sky Sect were killed only by using ten times his breath.

After that, Austin cto help Marco. He activated his vital energy, which coagulated to form a sword.

He waved the sword and cut the iron chains off Marco's body.

Austin put together Marco's broken arms quickly.

He took out several elixirs and put them in Marco's mouth.

Marco immediately felt a warmth all over his body. All his wounds were being comforted by the warmth. A soothing sensation ran across him.

"Marco, are you feeling better now? Do you recognize me?" Austin asked worriedly.

"You're...You're...You're Austin! Am | right? Yes, you're Austin! The hero Austin!" As Marco steadied himself and recognized Austin, he felt a new joy and energy within.

Marco had noticed Austin when he saw him first.

He felt there was something familiar about this boy. He made him recall a person but Marco hadn't been able to place it earlier.

He hadn't got any chances to ask him. That was until now. At present he could as Austin had saved him.

"Right! I am Austin, in flesh and blood!" Austin confirmed Marco's words.

Hearing that, all the people who were standing around, including Marco and sother people captured by the Sky Sect, were shocked. They stared at Austin with a complicated look on their faces.

"You're...Austin?" "Are you...really....Austin?" The voices buzzed in the crowd. Austin found it strange that the people of the Meng Family were still so scared.

They should have been jubilant after the people of the Sky Sect had been killed by Austin.

They should have been smiled happily for they were safe now.

Contrarily, these people looked more worried when they heard the nAustin.

The buzz that began had died down and they stared at Austin without saying anything.

Sof them looked angry while sseemed peaceful. Shad expressions of gratefulness while slooked resentful.

Austin wasn't able to understand why they were behaving in that queer manner.

A majority of them seemed to be angry at him. But he had no idea why! "Marco, what's the matter with these people? Tellin detail please?" Austin asked Marco to help him understand as he was unable to figure it out.

Marco glanced at him before he spoke.

"All right, I'll tell you all about that.

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"You're our hero as well as the reason of our disaster, Austin. Do you know that?" Marco asked in a very calm tone.

"Your hero as well as the reason of your disaster? Why do you say that?" Austin was curious to know.

"Lettell you that the reason that the Meng Family beclike this is all because of you." Marco looked sad as he spoke.

"Me?" Austin was taken aback on hearing that.

Now, Marco began to tell him what had happened before Austin arrived at the scene that day.

Ten days ago, things took a disastrous turn.

Bastow, the level four refiner from the Stone City who had been defeated by Austin, cto the Meng Family with a picture. That picture carried the image of Austin.

Bastow also told them that the nof the man in the picture was Austin and that he had killed many people of the Sky Sect. The man in the picture was the one wanted by the Sky Sect.

He also told Marwell that he knew Austin was once living in the Meng Family. It was apparent that Austin knew someone from the Meng Family who had given him a place to live.

After informing about Austin, Bastow told Marwell that he wanted to marry Michelle. Marwell refused to this alliance, so he threatened that he would go and tell the Sky Sect that the Meng Family knew Austin. If Marwell didn't agree to the marriage then he would have to face the consequences for helping Austin.

Bastow gave them one day to think over his proposal. He said he would directly go to the Sky Sect if he didn't get what he wanted.

Marwell asked someone go out to inquire about the news.

They learned that the Sky Sect had indeed posted an order for your arrest all over the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. It was true that Austin was a wanted fugitive.

Marwell had been working for the Sky Sect for a long time, so he knew what they could do. The people of the Sky Sect are very cunning and cruel.

So he couldn't allow Bastow to tell the Sky Sect that they had accommodated Austin. The Meng Family would be ruined by the Sky Sect if he did that.

They had no choice, but how could they agree to Bastow's proposal! A day later, Michelle told her father that she was concerned about her family and wanted to save all of the Meng Family, so she was willing to marry Bastow.

Bastow was ecstatic on hearing the news. But he wasn't satisfied yet. He put forward another demand. He said that besides Michelle, he wanted Joyce to be his concubine.

How could Marwell and Michelle allow that? Joyce was only a twelve-year-old girl, after all.

Marwell had no choice but to leave the Stone City with all the people of the Meng Family.