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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 3031
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"You've recovered!" The pleasure and surprise were visible in the face of Austin's mother as she exclaimed.

"This is unbelievable! And your body seems to be stronger than it was in the past!"

"Yes, that's true. I'm feeling extremely well." Austin's father was examining his body carefully, taking each detail with an

astonished delight.

He waved his fist and pounded his chest, then raised a foot to give the ground a mighty heavy kick.

He was indeed full of energy now, and was at a far greater level than his younger self.

"Dad," Austin stepped up, his voice laced with a mixture of complicated emotions.

"Austin? My son, is that really you?" He hadn't really noticed Austin up until then.

He stared at his son with shock, and perhaps a little hint of suspicion.

He rubbed his eyes a few times to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating. Austin waved a hand, and launched a stream of life

energy from the spiritual tree into his father's head. His father's soul power tically increased in an instant.

Austin motioned for him to settle in a corner, and proceeded to explain things to his father, down to the very last detail.

It took a lot of words, and much time, before his father was finally convinced that his son had really returned to life.

"What an amazing gift! The heavenly god has granted us double blessings!"

Austin's mother could not contain her joy at their immense good fortune.

"You managed to recover wonderfully, and Austin cback alive.

I'm so happy.

I'll go get sfood from the market.

Chad will be hsoon.

We must have a dinner feast to celebrate the reunion of the family!"

She was grinning from ear to ear as she took a bank card from one of the cabinets sitting at the corner of the room.

She placed it into her pocket with great care, and patted it gently.

She obviously valued it like a precious treasure.

Then she scrambled about, picking up other things that she needed before hurriedly leaving for the market.

It was already eight in the evening at the time.

In the years when Austin was not around, his parents would usually wait for their oldest son to chfrom work and have

dinner together.

"It seems like life hasn't been easy on you while | was away," Austin said slowly.

He had noticed how his mother treated the bank card earlier.

It tugged at his heart.

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"Are the days always so hard for you, dad? You've becso poor."

Secretly though, the gears in Austin were already turning.

'I must earn a large sum of money so my family can live a better life.

They wouldn't have to worry about the finances anymore.’

The truth was that he had yet to cup with a concrete plan with respect to his and his family's future.

He was mostly occupied with the goal of seeing his family again, so he hadn't thought that far ahead.

Well, two choices lay before him.

He could let his family live the rest of their lives here on Earth.

He had intended to expand their life spans anyway, for as long as he could get away with it.

Probably a few hundred years at least.

He wanted to still be able to meet them when he visited Earth every now and then, in the centuries to come.

But then he would need to find means to support them and alleviate their life from poverty.

His other option was to bring his parents and older brother back with him to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

He could help them start cultivating martial arts.

They could beca family of cultivators!

Once that happened, they could each choose their own paths, cultivate whichever teachings they wanted, and forge their own


Be that as it may, Austin found himself unable to make a choice for the tbeing.

Besides, being back on Earth after so long, he planned to stay for a considerable length of time.

The Earth, after all, belonged to the Yellow Cosmos, which was one of the core advanced cosmoses among all universes from the

ancient times.

The Earth was also one of the birthplaces of many divine gods.

It was said that powerful divine gods existed on Earth when it was first formed.

That being said, Earth was considered quite an enigma for cultivators from the outside world.

In the Yellow Cosmos alone, it was known as one of the top ten mysterious places of the universe.

As a cultivator himself, Austin was, of course, curious about the secrets of Earth as well.

He held a strong desire to delve into its core and probe into its every crevice.

Naturally, he would intend to stay as long as he wanted and explore this ancient plas much as he could.

As he finished mulling these things over, his older brother Chad chjust as their mother said.

He was frozen in shock as well, upon seeing Austin, sharing the sstunned reaction with his parents.

Austin used his spiritual sense to examine his brother and found that Chad's internal organs were in pretty bad shape, and his body

was very weak. He coughed often, as his fragile body struggled to breathe in air.

He appeared to have suffered greatly at the hands of the rich young master's subordinates, seeing as how even his internal organs

were badly damaged.

Austin passed on a strong stream of life essence from the spiritual tree to his older brother.

He also forced Chad to consa superior spiritual pill, which should help him absorb the life essence.

After a while, not only did Chad's internal organs heal, but his energy and physical strength also increased significantly.

He gave a little punch in the air, and the force he emitted was at least one thousand pounds. It was an impressive improvement,

although it did not reach the two thousand pound mark Austin was expecting. Still, it was already an astonishing amount for

ordinary humans to possess.

That night, their mother prepared a wonderful meal, full of the brothers' favorite dishes.

Austin had returned, alive and safe, and the rest of the men in the family had fantastic recoveries.

The room was full of joy and gratitude for these blessings. It was safe to say that the Lin family had never been that happy in the

past ten years.

Their mother would pile up food on the men's plates throughout the meal, forcing them to eat up and eat smore. Austin, for

one, had so much food in his mouth the entire time, he eventually found himself having difficulty chewing. Still, his mother kept

refilling his bowl. He was feeling rather embarrassed, but his heart was filled with warmth. In the month following his return, Austin

stayed hand enjoyed the company of his family. He managed to learn how to use the latest mobile phone. He also learned

how to use the Inteto maximize his knowledge. He began to study the society that developed in the ten years that he was

gone. He familiarized himself with the new social norms, until he no longer felt like a stranger to this new age on Earth.

A few days later, Austin's father decided to go out and look for a job. He had initially wanted to pick up his old job as a porter, since

with his renewed strength, it would have been easy for him to carry heavy commodities around the place.

Austin protested, and tried to persuade his father and brother to stop working altogether. He had plans, after all, to find a way to

earn huge amounts of money so his family could live a carefree and comfortable life. They weren't willing to listen to him, however.

They insisted on working in order to support the family. Austin could not convince them, so he had to let them do what they

wanted for the tbeing. Another half a month passed, Austin went up to his mother and said, "Mom, I'll be out for stime.

I'm going to visit sof my old friends."

"That's good," his mother smiled. "It must have been boring for you to spend tat hall these days. It's better for you to see

your friends and have sfun with them. But don't be away for too long, son, or I'll worry."

Seeing as how she had lost a son for a decade, and had only had him back recently, it was understandable that his mother was a

little reluctant to part with him for a lengthy period of time. She did love her sons so much. After bidding the rest of his family

farewell, Austin left.

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Instead of taking smodern means of transportation, though, he went to a quiet, isolated corner, and used the Omnipotent


He turned into a flash of light that disappeared in the blink of an eye. The light traveled across the surface with its natural speed,

flashing from here to there in an instant.

Austin was, in fact, heading for the provincial capital, where he intended to stay a couple of days.

'l need to give slessons to the bastard who bullied my father and Chad." A little cruel smile was playing on his lips. 'How dare

he bully my family! No one is allowed to lay their hands on any of my family members."

After having lived the life of a cultivator these many years, it had beca habit for Austin to kick the ass of anyone who made

the mistake of offending him.

For his part, he would, of course, not provoke others on purpose. But once insult was thrown at him, he had no qualms about

paying it back at twice the price.

He soared above the ground at lightning speed, even faster than the rate that most bullet trains went.

After all, the trains were still visible to the naked eye no matter how fast they zoomed by. Austin, on the other hand, was invisible

at his full speed, save perhaps for a faint trace of the stream of light that would go past.

It wasn't really so remarkable, though, since his cultivation had actually taken a sharp fall after the Regression he had suffered.

At the moment he was only at the Earth Realm in terms of cultivation base.

But then again, his body possessed an endless vital energy, which never was, and never would be, exhausted.

The vital energy stone in his elixir field alone held magnanimous amounts of strength, having constantly absorbed energy through

all the years.

"What was that?"

"Did something bright flash by just now? It had an almost human like shape."

"Is something wrong with my eyes?" "Oh my goodness, did | just see a ghost flash by?"

Many people actually noticed the light trail that Austin left as he zoomed past.

It was very faint, however, and the encounter very brief, that when they squinted or rubbed their eyes to take a closer look, they

saw nothing there.





