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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1671
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On his journey, Austin witnessed many cultivators fight the sand men. They punched and pummeled them and ran off to find more.

They fought with ease because most of the cultivators had a strong spiritual sense. They had moved up in their cultivation so that

these attacks were simple to them.

Austin watched as these cultivators destroyed their enemies. He then realized people cinto this tower were all strong


There were so many cultivators that sof them even fought each other.

The cultivators would single out those who were weaker than them. Then they murdered them and stole their treasures.

Austin remained indifferent when seeing such scenes. He didn't have any interest in fighting with the cultivators; he wanted to

fight the sand men.

In their world, strength meant power. The strong ones among them didn't think twice about murdering the weak. They ignored the

begging and pleading and mercilessly killed everyone below them.

Austin had reached the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm, and he didn't hide his real strength. It was not about showing off, but a

means of self-protection.

The other cultivators would see him and keep running. They didn't have enough strength to risk robbing him. Only Divine Bridge

Realm masters would challenge him but he hadn't seen any yet.

Since entering the tower, Austin had defeated a few hundred sand men that were of the Emperor Realm.

It took him several minutes to get to the center of the desert. Here, he was in the open and exposed to more strong sand men. He

looked around and to his surprise, a sand man was already approaching him.

With a snarl, a tall, sand man that was at the preliminary stage of Bitter Sea Realm ran towards Austin.

Its hands were outstretched and there was a hunger for death on its face.

‘There we go. | can finally fight a sand man that is at the Bitter Sea Realm. | wonder how much | could get this time, '

Austin thought.

With a smile, he activated his bodily movement skill and vanished. A second later, he appeared behind the sand man and ran up to


He retracted his fist and sunk it into the sand man's head. The sand man cried out and spun to face him.

Before it could even touch Austin, the sand man exploded and the grains of sand fell to the ground.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

One hundred thousand enlightening crystals appeared out of nowhere and scattered in a circle around Austin.

'l get it. If | annihilate a sand man that is at the preliminary stage of Bitter Sea Realm, I'll be rewarded with one hundred thousand

enlightening crystals, ' he thought as he put them in his Space Ring.

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He looked ahead but there were no sand men in sight. Making a decision, he started walking forwards. Eventually, he cacross

two sand men—one was at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm, while the other was at the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm.

They roared when they saw him and charged towards him. Austin easily destroyed the sand man that was at the medium stage of

Bitter Sea Realm, and he saw one hundred and ten thousand enlightening crystals spread across the sand.

A satisfied smile spread on his lips. He spun on his heel and hit the sand man that was at the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm. It

faltered and exploded, joining the rest of the desert. Austin's eyes widened with greed as one hundred and twelve thousand

enlightening crystals appeared before his eyes.

He felt invincible as he looked around. There were no more enemies in sight and he was a lot richer in enlightening crystals.

"Please don't do this to me. Please... | beg of you..."

A woman's voice reached Austin's ears. He turned his head towards the sound.

Someone laughed wildly.

"Girl, you should be honored to win our affection. As long as you please us, we will help you get lots of valuable items."

Austin furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing the conversation. Who were these people? And what were they going to do to get this

girl to please them?

‘Killing is allowed in the Spiritual Tower.

There are so many cultivators here and sof them are bound to be evil, cruel people. It's common to see murderers, thieves,

and rapist in here, ' he thought.

"Please letgo. Here, you can have all my treasures and valuables. Just leavealone!" the woman begged helplessly before

bursting into tears.

Her sobs echoed through the area.

"Ha-ha. We have no interest in your treasures. Look at you! You're so delicious. You're all we want.

Your hand feels supple and smooth...

Don't struggle, girl, and | will not hurt you. This is going to be a lot of fun for all of us..."

As hot tears spilled down her cheeks, the girl hoped that the men would feel compassion for her. However, they only laughed

harder and began to advance towards her.

"Oh, no!" the girl yelled. The scream that followed pierced even Austin's ears.

The sound of her clothes being torn off her body entered the air. The men laughed again and Austin took a step forward.

He wouldn't just stand by and watch an innocent girl get raped.

He activated his bodily movement skill and headed towards the sound of her cries and the men's wild laughter.

In a flash, he reached there. Five fierce-looking men were approaching a tall girl. She was naked and her hour-glass figure was

trembling. Their eyes widened with greed as they looked at each other and then back at her.

The girl flinched and covered her chest with her hands. She backed further.

The five men approached her with a lewd grin on their faces.

The girl fell onto her behind on the ground. Tears clouded her eyes as she looked around, hoping someone would rescue her.

Suddenly, she caught sight of Austin. "Help! Please helpsir. Please!" she shouted, holding her hand out to him.

It was like Austin had been out sailing and cacross her drowning and grasping onto a floating, wooden board. She was

completely helpless.

The five men turned around at the stand glared at Austin. None of them spoke or charged at him so he walked a bit


"What's this? Five men of the Bitter Sea Realm are ganging up on a weak girl of the Emperor Realm?

You're just pure evil, worse than barbaric beasts. Shon you all," Austin spat, crossing his arms over his chest.

He stared at the five men and they stared back. It was as if they were shocked he had the courage to stand up to them.

Austin used his spiritual sense to read the strengths of all the people around him. The girl that was naked was at the premium

stage of Emperor Realm.

As for the five bullies, two of them had reached the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm while the rest were at the medium stage of

Bitter Sea Realm.

"That's none of your business, brat. Do you hear me? You better get out of here


the man who had reached the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm threatened.

It was clear that he knew that Austin had reached the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm so he didn't make a move against Austin.

He had made a foolish mistake thinking that Austin would be scared off from threats alone.

"I'm not afraid of you. Besides, if | spare your lives this time, you will put more people in danger,"

Austin said.

"Fuck! I've already given you a choice, but you turned down my kindness. You may not be afraid of us but we aren't afraid of you


Let's kill this stupid boy first then we can have the girl," complained the other cultivator who had reached the premium stage of

Bitter Sea Realm.

Without another word, he rushed towards Austin with a vicious look in his eyes. Austin stood his ground, knowing he could take

down this man in a few seconds.

The other four men also began approaching Austin. They planned to attack their enemy together, whether it was fair or not.

"Two of us are at the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm, and the rest of us are at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm. This brat

is only at the premium stage of Bitter Sea Realm. It's five against one. This will be like taking candy from a baby, ' the five men

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"Ha-ha. We asked you to leave but you refused. You were trying to be a hero to impress her. | bet you regret that now, don't you?"

the man who was at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm asked, tilting his head to the side.

'All right. These bastards are asking for it. This is a good chance forto try out the Three Blazing Suns on them, '

Austin thought.

He had spent three years training in the former headquarters of the FlHoly Land and he had learned so much since then. One

power he had yet to use that he had been wanting to was the Three Blazing Suns; an abnormal vision that calong with the

successful cultivation of the Golden Sun Scripture. He could see no better opportunity than this one.

He closed his eyes and focused.

In a split second, three small, golden balls cout of his body.

They soared into the air, slowly growing, before stopping to float behind Austin. Like the sun, they gave off a bright, golden light

and extrheat.

The men looked at the suns with wide eyes. They stopped running towards Austin and looked at him uncertainly.

The three golden balls hovered in the air, making the temperature rise so high that it was unbearable for humans.

Austin smiled.

The men looked upwards as golden flames shot out of the golden balls and fly towards them.

The five cultivators were sweating and that sweat dripped into their eyes and blurred their sight. The sand next to Austin was

smoking like it was about to catch on fire.

Austin was surrounded by a sea of golden fire but it didn't burn him. The three golden balls rose and fell behind, producing more

fire every second.

"Oh, no! We have to run!" screamed the three cultivators who were at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm.

They turned to run but before they could take a step, the flames enveloped them and they couldn't move.

"It's so hot! Help me! Help!"

Quickly, they tried using their best powers to extinguish the flames but nothing was working. As a last ditch effort, they activated

their bodily movement skills, hoping to outrun the fire.

Austin pointed at the three of them and one of the huge golden balls flew after them. Their bodies turned white as the ball caught

up to them, blinding their eyes.

They were running as fast as they could but it was no match for Austin's ball of fire. It kissed their heels and they fell to the ground.

As soon as the golden ball had consumed them, they were nothing but piles of dust.

"Abnormal vision! This is an abnormal vision! Which holy land or prominent clan are you from?" the remaining two Bitter Sea Realm

masters who were at the premium stage exclaimed with fear.

Austin laughed and turned to look at them with a huge smirk on his face.