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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1488
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The Martial Arts Tournament was finally over, despite everything that happened.

Austin felt relieved that he had pulled through until the end. Still giddy, he jumped out of the battle ring to join Caroline and Belle at the rest area.

Most of the audience, on the other hand, could barely move from the shock of watching the tournament and witnessing how Austin managed to win. Everyone had an opinion to share.

Not a single soul believed that a competitor who was just at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm could defeat all his opponents who were more powerful and experienced than him.

Moments later, their attention returned to the center as the old eunuch, whose only job was to facilitate the competition, floated above the stage.

He shot a baffling glance at Austin before making his announcement with a highly projected voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce that we've cto the end of the Martial Arts Tournament. What a show, right? We all know the results, as well as the names of the top 30, top 15, top 3, and top 1 competitors.

Their achievements would not go unrewarded.

Based on the rules, the top 30 competitors are free to join any of the six major sects in the Solamnia Kingdom. Meanwhile, the top 15 competitors have the chance of becoming disciples of first-class sects in the East Mainland. As for the top 3 competitors, they're in luck when they get chosen by representatives from the three holy lands. Representatives of different sects, take a good, hard look at these top competitors now.

You can begin picking new disciples from this roster after the awarding.

So, moving on...," the old eunuch coughed a bit before proceeding. "Our champion is the luckiest today, of course. The royal family of the Solamnia Kingdom, by tradition, will reward him with plenty of resources for cultivation and refinement, including, but not limited to, crystals, pills, and even ssecret scriptures.

Without further ado, please welcome... His Majesty the King! To award our champion, Austin." The emperor, wearing a robe with an intricate dragon design as well as a golden crown, descended to the stage and then floated above it. He was followed by his entourage composed of dozens of princes, dukes, and ministers.

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Among them was a man staring at Austin with viciousness and resentment. He was Rodolfo, grand marshal of the Solamnia Kingdom.

On the other hand, an old man with grizzled hair and chest-length beard was also staring at Austin with a wide grin on his face. He was Waldron, Belle's grandfather.

"Our champion, please step forward and receive your rewards from His Majesty," the old eunuch, who stood beside the emperor, told Austin.

Austin didn't waste a single second and jumped in the air to float before the emperor.

The latter extended his congratulatory greetings and encouraging words to Austin, then handed him a Space Ring.

Everyone in the emperor's entourage was smiling as they witnessed this special awarding ceremony, but not Rodolfo. He had been glaring at Austin the entire time, a look of pure hatred evident on his face.

Rodolfo was discreetly panting, as he remembered the murder of his two grandsons in Austin's hands. He wanted so badly to strangle Austin to death.

However, doing so at an event graced by the royals would cause too much ruckus. Rodolfo knew this wasn't the right tto exact his revenge.

Though Austin had been sensing Rodolfo's vengeful glances, he acted as normal as he could around him. He even smiled at him despite suspecting trouble.

If he got recruited by one of the three holy lands, he could leave the Solamnia Kingdom sooner. Then, he and Rodolfo wouldn't have to cross paths ever again.

Plus, would Rodolfo dare to make trouble with the three holy lands? No. Nobody would. The three holy lands enjoyed paramount positions in the East Mainland.

"Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The Martial Arts Tournament has ended.

It's tfor the recruitment.

Top 30 competitors, you can now meet the representatives of all the sects present. Good luck!" the old eunuch's sharp voice echoed in the air.

Right there and then, the top 30 competitors rushed to form an orderly line in mid-air.

Top 15 competitors paced back and forth in their line, restless in their excitement.

This was a dream ctrue for them, to be able to join first-class and influential sects in the East Mainland.

Although the Solamnia Kingdom boasted a large land area, it was still considered small-sized compared to the whole East Mainland where too many kingdoms cand went.

Thus, if young Solamnia Kingdom-born warriors could join influential sects in the East Mainland, a bigger and brighter future would await them; something they could be proud of.

Most of them wouldn't get a better chance than this. It was the only opportunity that could change their fates forever.

Standing in front of the queue were Austin, the teenager wearing black clothes, and the robust young man with thick hair hanging down his shoulders.

"They were the most excited among he bunch, since moments from ow, they could becthe newest nembers of the three holy lands. nstantly, they becthe subject o envy of every East Mainlando eenager. wThe long-haired young man suddenly turned to Austin and offered a handshake. "By the way, I'm Raye.

I can use sfriends later," he said.

Though taken aback by the unanticipated friendliness of the long-haired young man, Austin gave him a slight smile and received his handshake.

"I'm Austin. Yeah, maybe we can be friends later," he replied.

Raye nodded.

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However, the young man in black merely stood in his place, cold as ice. He didn't seem to want to make friends. Austin wondered if he ever had some.

He couldn't wonder for long, as bitter glances kept getting thrown his way.

When he turned around to follow the glances, he saw the handsteenager who had to leave the field after his spiritual soul was damaged by Austin's Spiritual Pot.

Having been defeated by a lower-level warrior must have crushed his pride.

After all, he was a gifted teenager already at the premium stage of Holy Realm and could've easily becpart of the top three. Unexpectedly and sadly for him, however, Austin knocked him out during the last round.

Now, he had lost his precious chance of joining the three holy lands.

"I will have my revenge! You just got lucky today, you bastard," the handsteenager swore, with his eyes, full of grudge, fixed at his defeater.

Austin cast a friendly glance at him before looking away.

At the luxuriously decorated grandstand also floating above the east side of the stage, meanwhile, were two men, one from the Rudimentary Holy Land and the other from the Vasteras Holy Land.

"It's really strange. Who would've known that Austin would take hthe championship?" a representative from the Rudimentary Holy Land lamented.

"He isn't my guy, though. I'll tell you why. The only thing seems right about Austin was that he has got insights to the level six sword domains. Perhaps, he has got stalent with sword-wielding.

But he absolutely sucks at the refinement of vital energy.

His fighting skills also heavily met depend on a powerful set of sword techniques. He owns a demon race's avatar and has mastered a set of really weird spiritual sense skills. That's all he got. All fancy skills; no real vital energy strength.

I think he doesn't have the right attitude about this. He won't work hard to refine his vital energy.

Therefore, he's no match for other warriors who are more diligent and determined. What would he do, rely on his physical strength and fighting skills? An opportunist at its finest, that's what he is," the representative from the Rudimentary Holy Land said with a frown throughout his statement.

"Fine, let's just go down and pick scompetent young warriors instead of wasting there, talking nonsense," the representative from Vasteras Holy Land said, getting down ahead of his companion from the Rudimental Holy Land.